#' Glasgow secondary school students.
#' The data belong to the older of the two student cohorts in the 'Teenage
#' Friends and Lifestyle Study', which were followed over their second, third
#' and fourth year at a secondary school in Glasgow. The study was funded by the
#' chief scientist office of the scottish home and health department under their
#' smoking initiative (grant k/opr/17/8), and was executed by lynn michell and
#' patrick west of the medical research council / medical sociology unit,
#' university of Glasgow. The data have been joined and simplified for
#' practicing purposes.
#' @format A data frame with twenty-four variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{student}{respondent ID, as a character string}
#' \item{age}{respondent age, in years with one decimal digit}
#' \item{sex}{respondent sex, boy or girl}
#' \item{smoking_at_home}{any smokers at home, yes or no}
#' \item{smoking_parents}{smoking by at least one parent, yes or no}
#' \item{smoking_siblings}{smoking by at least one sibling, yes or no}
#' \item{wave}{time of observation, starting in February 1995, when the pupils were aged 13, and ending in January 1997}
#' \item{alcohol}{respondent alcohol consumption: 1 (none), 2 (once or twice a year), 3 (once a month), 4 (once a week) and 5 (more than once a week)}
#' \item{cannabis}{respondent cannabis consumption: 1 (none), 2 (tried once), 3 (occasional) and 4 (regular)}
#' \item{tobacco}{respondent tobacco consumption: 1 (none), 2 (occasional) and 3 (regular, i.e. more than once per week)}
#' \item{money}{respondent's pocket money per month, in British pounds}
#' \item{romantic}{whether the student had a romantic relation, yes or no}
#' \item{friendships}{number of friendship nominations received by other respondents}
#' }
#' Glasgow secondary school students and their (best) friends.
#' The data derive from the same source as the Glasgow data.
#' The data have been joined and simplified for practicing purposes.
#' A rough classification of students according to their home
#' neighbourhood was derived from the distances among students.
#' This data file is very untidy!
#' @format A data frame with thirteen variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{student}{respondent ID, as a character string}
#' \item{neighbourhood}{student's home neighbourhood (fake)}
#' \item{schooldist}{average distance from the neighbourhood to the school (in miles)}
#' \item{hoodname}{(fake) name of the neighbourhood}
#' \item{age}{respondent age, in years with one decimal digit}
#' \item{sex}{respondent sex, boy or girl}
#' \item{smoking_at_home}{any smokers at home, yes or no}
#' \item{smoking_parents}{smoking by at least one parent, yes or no}
#' \item{smoking_siblings}{smoking by at least one sibling, yes or no}
#' \item{alcohol}{respondent alcohol consumption: 1 (none), 2 (once or twice a year), 3 (once a month), 4 (once a week) and 5 (more than once a week)}
#' \item{cannabis}{respondent cannabis consumption: 1 (none), 2 (tried once), 3 (occasional) and 4 (regular)}
#' \item{tobacco}{respondent tobacco consumption: 1 (none), 2 (occasional) and 3 (regular, i.e. more than once per week)}
#' \item{money}{respondent's pocket money per month, in British pounds}
#' \item{romantic}{whether the student had a romantic relation, yes or no}
#' \item{wave}{time of observation, starting in February 1995, when the pupils were aged 13, and ending in January 1997}
#' \item{friend_1}{code of a first student nominated as a friend by the respondent}
#' \item{friend_2}{code of a second student nominated as a friend by the respondent}
#' \item{friend_3}{code of a third student nominated as a friend by the respondent}
#' \item{friend_4}{code of a fourth student nominated as a friend by the respondent}
#' \item{friend_5}{code of a fifth student nominated as a friend by the respondent}
#' \item{friend_6}{code of a sixth student nominated as a friend by the respondent}
#' \item{bestfriend}{code of a student nominated as a/the best friend by the respondent}
#' \item{bfperiod}{phase in the period of best friendship}
#' \item{bfwave}{wave for the phase in the period of best friendship}
#' }
#' Articles on Brexit posted on the (former) Dutch news site nujij.nl.
#' @format A data frame with eight variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{id}{Original article ID}
#' \item{category}{Type of article (Dutch)}
#' \item{pubDate}{Post date and time}
#' \item{title}{Article heading}
#' \item{text}{Article (body) text}
#' \item{clicks}{Number of clicks received by the article}
#' \item{votes}{Number of votes received by the article}
#' \item{reactions}{Number of reactions posted on the article}
#' }
#' Subset of variables and observations from the first Friends & Families (MIT) weekly survey.
#' @format A data frame with ten variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{participantID}{Original participant ID}
#' \item{StartDate}{Date and time the participant started this survey}
#' \item{EndDate}{Date and time the participant submitted this survey}
#' \item{To the best of your recollection [...] March 8 - Sad or depressed}{Survey question on participant's mood}
#' \item{To the best of your recollection [...] March 9 - Sad or depressed}{Survey question on participant's mood}
#' \item{To the best of your recollection [...] March 10 - Sad or depressed}{Survey question on participant's mood}
#' \item{To the best of your recollection [...] March 11 - Sad or depressed}{Survey question on participant's mood}
#' \item{To the best of your recollection [...] March 12 - Sad or depressed}{Survey question on participant's mood}
#' \item{To the best of your recollection [...] March 13 - Sad or depressed}{Survey question on participant's mood}
#' \item{To the best of your recollection [...] March 14 - Sad or depressed}{Survey question on participant's mood}
#' }
#' Subset of observations from the flights tibble in package nycflights13.
#' Only flights originating from EWR and JFK have been selected.
#' Arrival delay of a flight without negative values has been added as variable arr_delay0.
#' @format A data frame with 20 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{year, month, day}{Date of departure.}
#' \item{dep_time, arr_time}{Actual departure and arrival times (format HHMM or HMM), local tz.}
#' \item{sched_dep_time, sched_arr_time}{Scheduled departure and arrival times (format HHMM or HMM), local tz.}
#' \item{dep_delay, arr_delay}{Departure and arrival delays, in minutes. Negative times represent early departures/arrivals.}
#' \item{carrier}{Two letter carrier abbreviation. See airlines to get name.}
#' \item{flight}{Flight number.}
#' \item{tailnum}{Plane tail number. See planes for additional metadata.}
#' \item{origin, dest}{Origin and destination. See airports for additional metadata.}
#' \item{air_time}{Amount of time spent in the air, in minutes.}
#' \item{distance}{Distance between airports, in miles.}
#' \item{hour, minute}{Time of scheduled departure broken into hour and minutes.}
#' \item{time_hour}{Scheduled date and hour of the flight as a POSIXct date. Along with origin, can be used to join flights data to weather data.}
#' \item{arr_delay0}{Arrival delays without negative values.}
#' }
#' Opinions on global warming
#' Data from a survey on attitudes towards global warming. The data set was collected by Erik Nisbet.
#' The data have been exported from the SPSS data set to CSV with value labels for categorical variables.
#' @format A data frame with 7 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{govact}{Support for government action against climate change.}
#' \item{posemot}{Positive emotions about climate change.}
#' \item{negemot}{Negative emotions about climate change.}
#' \item{ideology}{Respondent's political ideology (conservatism): Very Liberal, Liberal, Somewhat Liberal, Moderate; Middle of the Road, Somewhat Conservative, Conservative, Very Conservative.}
#' \item{age}{Respondent's age.}
#' \item{sex}{Respondent's sex.}
#' \item{partyid}{Respondent's political party self-identification: democrat, independent, republican}
#' }
#' @source \url{http://www.afhayes.com/public/hayes2018data.zip}
#' Opinions on global warming
#' Data from a survey on attitudes towards global warming. The data set was collected by Erik Nisbet.
#' The data have been imported directly from the SPSS data set with `haven::read_spss()`.
#' @format A data frame with 7 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{govact}{Support for government action against climate change.}
#' \item{posemot}{Positive emotions about climate change.}
#' \item{negemot}{Negative emotions about climate change.}
#' \item{ideology}{Respondent's political ideology (conservatism): 1 = Very Liberal, 2 = Liberal, 3 = Somewhat Liberal, 4 = Moderate; Middle of the Road, 5 = Somewhat Conservative, 6 = Conservative, 7 = Very Conservative.}
#' \item{age}{Respondent's age.}
#' \item{sex}{Respondent's sex: 0 = female, 1 = male.}
#' \item{partyid}{Respondent's political party self-identification: 1 = democrat, 2 = independent, 3 = republican}
#' }
#' @source \url{http://www.afhayes.com/public/hayes2018data.zip}
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