
Defines functions apply_offset

Documented in apply_offset

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# Author: Weiming Hu <weiming@psu.edu>
#         Geoinformatics and Earth Observation Laboratory (http://geolab.psu.edu)
#         Department of Geography and Institute for CyberScience
#         The Pennsylvania State University

#' EITrans::apply_offset
#' EITrans::apply_offset adds the offset values to a forecast ensemble. Offset values
#' are calculated from EITrans::member_offset. Or you could simply use EITrans::EITrans
#' which has built in a complete workflow for EITrans calibration.
#' @param ens A 4-dimensional array for ensemble forecasts. Dimensions should be
#' `[stations, times, lead times, members]`.
#' @param offset Member offset values used to calibrate ensembles.
#' @param pre_sorted Whether the ensemble members are pre-sorted from the lowest to
#' the highest. Using pre-sorted ensembles can save runtime.
#' @param verbose Whether to print messages.
#' @return A calibrated ensemble
#' @md
#' @export
apply_offset <- function(ens, offset, pre_sorted = F, verbose = F) {

  # Sanity check
  stopifnot(length(dim(ens)) == 4)
  stopifnot(dim(ens)[4] == length(offset))

  if (!pre_sorted) {
    if (verbose) cat('Sort ensemble forecast memebers ...\n')
    ens <- aperm(apply(ens, 1:3, sort, na.last = T), c(2, 3, 4, 1))

  if (verbose) cat('Calibrate ensembles ...\n')
  num_members <- dim(ens)[4]

  for (member_index in 1:num_members) {
    ens[, , , member_index] <-
      ens[, , , member_index, drop = F] +

Weiming-Hu/EITrans documentation built on March 26, 2021, 8:43 p.m.