sim_data: Simulating time-to-event data with time-dependent covariates

View source: R/sim_data.R

sim_dataR Documentation

Simulating time-to-event data with time-dependent covariates


sim_data is used to simulate longitudinal time-to-event data. Users are allowed to specify the sample size, event rate and number of time-independent noise variables. Currently, only one time-dependent covariate can be incorporated. The inclusion of multiple time-dependent covariates will be permitted in the future versions. Users can also generate long dataset at user-specified time-points. The event time can be generated from two different distributions, either from a proportional hazard model or an accelerated failure time model.


sim_data(n, er, dist = "PH", noise = 0, time_points = NULL)



the sample size


the event rate (range 0-1)


a character variable that specify the distribution of event time. "PH" for proportional hazard model (Default), "AFT" for accelerated failure time model.


the number of time-independent noise variables.


an optional numeric vector containing the user-specified time points.


a list of three objects relating simulated time-to-event data with time-dependent covariates.

  • T_failure is a subject-level dataframe that contains the underlying non-censored event time and observation status (1: non-censored; 0: censored).

  • Z is the longitudinal dataset of time-dependent covariates at unique event time or user-specified time points (when the argument time_point is supplied). Data points are preserved even for subjects who are no longer at risk. The last four columns, in order, are time, event status (1:event; 0:non-event), unique identifier for subject and at-risk status (1:at risk; 0: not at risk). The rest leading columns are time-dependent covariates.

  • T_90 is the 90th percentile of event time.



dat <- sim_data(n=100, er=0.6)

dat <- sim_data(n=200, er=0.3, dist="AFT", noise=10)

dat <- sim_data(n=100, er=0.6, time_points = seq(from=0.1, to=1, by=0.1))

Wenyi-Xie/DSP documentation built on Sept. 14, 2022, 10:03 p.m.