Rmutate: Rmutate

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s)


Given a RANADU-convention data.frame or tibble, this function adds variables as specified by equations in the second argument. The remainder of the data.frame is preserved, with attributes. Note that the new variables do not have attributes, even the "Dimension" attribute, so the modified data.frame will not be accepted by some functions, notably makeNetCDF(), unless the required attributes are added.


Rmutate(.d, ...)



A data.frame or tibble that follows RANADU conventions. It normally should contain a POSIXCT-format variable named "Time" and any variables needed for the calculation of the new variable.


A set of definitions that will be used to construct new variables. For example, DPD=ATX-DPXC, WICby2=WIC/2


The function uses the routine dplyr::mutate but after calling that routine it transfers data.frame and variable attributes to the resulting data.frame. This is suitable for use in pipes like D


A new data.frame or tibble with the new variables included.


William Cooper

WilliamCooper/Ranadu documentation built on July 10, 2019, 12:40 a.m.