This is running dplyr and dtplyr on the "rquery Modes Example".

First we define the functions and data we used in the rquery modes example example.


n_rows <- 1000000

d_large <- data.frame(
  x = rnorm(n = n_rows),
  y = rnorm(n = n_rows),
  g = sample(paste0('v_', seq_len(n_rows/10)), 
             size = n_rows, 
             replace = TRUE),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE
ops <- local_td(d_large) %.>%  # Describe table for later operations
  extend(.,       # add a new column
         ratio := y / x) %.>%
  extend(.,       # rank the rows by group and order
         simple_rank := row_number(),
         partitionby = 'g',
         orderby = 'ratio',
         reverse = 'ratio') %.>%
  extend(.,       # mark the rows we want
         choice := simple_rank == 1)

d_large %.>%
  ops %.>%
  order_rows(., 'g') %.>%
  select_rows(., choice) %.>% 
  head(.) %.>%
f_compiled <- function(dat) {
  dat %.>% ops  # use pre-compiled pipeline

f_immediate <- function(dat) {
  dat %.>%
    extend(.,       # add a new column
           ratio := y / x) %.>%
    extend(.,       # rank the rows by group and order
           simple_rank := row_number(),
           partitionby = 'g',
           orderby = 'ratio',
           reverse = 'ratio') %.>%
    extend(.,       # mark the rows we want
           choice := simple_rank == 1)

f_wrapped <- function(dat) {
  dat %.>%
    wrap %.>%       # wrap data in a description
    extend(.,       # add a new column
           ratio := y / x) %.>%
    extend(.,       # rank the rows by group and order
           simple_rank := row_number(),
           partitionby = 'g',
           orderby = 'ratio',
           reverse = 'ratio') %.>%
    extend(.,       # mark the rows we want
           choice := simple_rank == 1) %.>%
    ex              # signal construction done, and execute

The dplyr version of the pipeline is similar, except the window functions are not a single step- but a 4 stage block.

f_dplyr <- function(dat) {
  dat %>%
    mutate(        # add a new column
           ratio := y / x) %>%
    group_by(      # rank the rows by group and order
             g) %>%
    arrange( -ratio) %>%
           simple_rank := row_number()) %>%
    ungroup() %>%  # end of rank block
    mutate(        # mark the rows we want
           choice := simple_rank == 1)

We are using the most current CRAN versions of each (dtplyr is currently being re-engineered to try to also cut down the number conversions).

Above we see a key difference between rquery and dplyr: rquery grouped and window functions are single operators in rquery, but are driven by annotations between steps in dplyr.

dtplyr seems to error-out on this problem, meaning the automatic translations from dplyr to data.table are not sufficient to our task.


We can try to re-write the dtplyr pipeline as follows. It appears switching from := to = and replacing row_number() with .I helps.

f_dtplyr <- function(dat) {
  data.table(dat) %>%
    mutate(        # add a new column
           ratio = y / x) %>%
    group_by(      # rank the rows by group and order
             g) %>%
    arrange( -ratio) %>%
           simple_rank = 1:.N) %>%
    ungroup() %>%  # end of rank block
    mutate(        # mark the rows we want
           choice = simple_rank == 1)

res_dtplyr <- f_dtplyr(d_large)

res_dtplyr %.>%
  order_rows(., 'g') %.>%
  select_rows(., choice) %.>% 
  head(.) %.>%

And we can also time data.table itself (without the translation overhead, though we are adding in the time to convert the data.frame).

f_data_table = function(dat) {
  dat <- data.table(dat)
  dat[ , ratio := y / x
       ][order(-ratio) , simple_rank := 1:.N, by = list(g)
          ][ , choice := simple_rank == 1]

res_dt <- f_data_table(d_large)

res_dt %.>%
  order_rows(., 'g') %.>%
  select_rows(., choice) %.>% 
  head(.) %.>%
timings <- microbenchmark(
  rquery_compiled = f_compiled(d_large),
  rquery_immediate = f_immediate(d_large),
  rquery_wrapped = f_wrapped(d_large),
  dplyr = f_dplyr(d_large),
  dtplyr = f_dtplyr(d_large),
  data.table = f_data_table(d_large),
  times = 10L


For these short pipelines the extra copying in rquery immediate mode and dtplyr are not causing big problems compared to the overall translation overhead.

WinVector/rquery documentation built on Aug. 24, 2023, 11:12 a.m.