This note is an update of our 2017 article.

Let's discuss the task of left joining many tables from a data warehouse using R and a system called "a join controller" (last discussed here).

One of the great advantages to specifying complicated sequences of operations in data (rather than in code) is: it is often easier to transform and extend data. Explicit rich data beats vague convention and complicated code.

For example suppose we have a DBI RSQLite database handle in the variable raw_connection and we are using the following names for our tables in this database.

execute_vignette <- requireNamespace("RSQLite", quietly = TRUE) &&
  requireNamespace("igraph", quietly = TRUE) &&
  requireNamespace("DiagrammeR", quietly = TRUE) 
raw_connection <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:")

We can now use rquery::describe_tables() to get descriptions of these tables including any declared primary key structure.


my_db <- rquery_db_info(
  connection = raw_connection,
  is_dbi = TRUE,
  connection_options = rq_connection_tests(raw_connection))

exDesc <- rquery:::example_employee_date(my_db$connection)
tableNames <- c('employeeanddate',

tDesc <- describe_tables(my_db, tableNames,
                         keyInspector = key_inspector_sqlite)

tDesc[, qc(tableName, columns, keys, colClass)] %.>%

This is more legible if we turn it into a column join plan.

columnJoinPlan <- build_join_plan(tDesc, check= FALSE)
columnJoinPlan[,  qc(tableName, sourceColumn, resultColumn, isKey)] %.>%

At this point we are almost ready to execute a left join plan on these four tables. What we need to do is:

First let's patch up the key structure. This could be done by exporting the columnJoinPlan as a spreadsheet and editing it, but for our example we will just alter it in place.

columnJoinPlan$resultColumn[columnJoinPlan$sourceColumn=='id'] <- 'eid'
columnJoinPlan[,  qc(tableName, sourceColumn, resultColumn, isKey)] %.>%

Now we can worry about left join order.

The most important choice in a left join plan is which table is left-most. If all the other tables are addressed by primary keys (i.e., there is not more than one row matching any row of the left-table) then the left-most table completely determines the set of rows in the left join result, no matter how many tables we are joining in. The order the rest of the tables are joined becomes irrelevant assuming it is an order we can execute.

What prevents a proposed left join order from being executable is trying to join in a table that has a key that we do not yet have values for. Let's show this as part of our example. Suppose we know that we want the table "employeeanddate" to be the left-most table in our left join sequence (and again, this is the one important choice). We can see our current left join plan (columnJoinPlan) is not executable in the order it is currently specifying:

print(paste("issues:", inspect_join_plan(tDesc, columnJoinPlan)))

This message is saying: when it comes time to join in the "revenue" table rows do not yet have values for the "dept" key column (so we can't do the join in that order).

The table to table conditions are well-defined if a few invariants and conventions are maintained in the tDesc table descriptions:

Since not all orders are valid left join plans the task is to find a re-ordering (if there is one) that is a valid left join plan. The requirement that each table's keys have known values before we join gives us order relations on the tables (we know which tables must be joined before others). Finding an ordering that obeys all the relations is called "topological sorting" We can compute the join path dependencies and re-order the join plan to be realizable as follows (assuming the igraph package is available do perform the topological sorting and plot the directed relations).

sorted <- topo_sort_tables(columnJoinPlan, 'employeeanddate')

In the above graph a table can only be joined after all of the tables pointing to it have been joined. See that this captures that the "revenue" table must be joined after the "orgtable" (as "orgtable" is our mapping from employees to departments). We could work on the legibility of the above graph using igraph controls, but I feel that it is just as well to move on to the detailed DiagrammeR based left join diagrams.

And (again assuming we have the igraph package), we have a new sorted$columnJoinPlan that passes checks:

paste("issues:", inspect_join_plan(tDesc, 

The new sorted$columnJoinPlan can be re-plotted (needs the suggested packages: DiagrammeR, htmlwidgets, webshot, and magick):

sorted$columnJoinPlan %.>%
  graph_join_plan(.) %.>%

And the new sorted$columnJoinPlan is ready to be executed:

optree <- actualize_join_plan(sorted$columnJoinPlan)


optree %.>%
  op_diagram(., merge_tables = TRUE) %.>%

execute(my_db, optree) %.>%

And this is how we use tools to do the heavy lifting in building a left join plan:


Related work:

WinVector/rquery documentation built on Aug. 24, 2023, 11:12 a.m.