

Win-Vector LLC 1/10/2018

Let's time rquery, dplyr, and data.table on a non-trivial example.

These timings are on a late 2014 Mac Mini with 8GB of RAM running OSX 10.12.6, R version 3.4.3 (2017-11-30) -- "Kite-Eating Tree", and the current (2018-01-07) CRAN versions of all packages (except rquery, which is not yet up on CRAN). We are getting database services from PostgreSQL version 9.6.1 in a docker container.

First let's load our packages, establish a database connection, and declare an rquery ad hoc execution service (the "winvector_temp_db_handle").

library("data.table")  # load first so we can overwrite := with rquery
## Loading required package: wrapr

## Attaching package: 'wrapr'

## The following object is masked from 'package:data.table':
##     :=

## Loading required package: cdata
## Attaching package: 'dplyr'

## The following objects are masked from 'package:data.table':
##     between, first, last

## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag

## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

db <- NULL
db <- DBI::dbConnect(RPostgres::Postgres(),
                     host = 'localhost',
                     port = 5432,
                     user = 'postgres',
                     password = 'pg')
if(!is.null(db)) {
  winvector_temp_db_handle <- list(db = db)
  DBI::dbGetQuery(db, "SELECT version()", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## <PqConnection> postgres@localhost:5432

##                                                                                    version
## 1 PostgreSQL 9.6.1 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 4.9.2-10) 4.9.2, 64-bit
## [1] '0.2.0'
## [1] '0.7.4'
## [1] '1.2.0'
## [1] '0.7'
## [1] ''
## [1] '1.0.4'
## $platform
## [1] "x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0"
## $arch
## [1] "x86_64"
## $os
## [1] "darwin15.6.0"
## $system
## [1] "x86_64, darwin15.6.0"
## $status
## [1] ""
## $major
## [1] "3"
## $minor
## [1] "4.3"
## $year
## [1] "2017"
## $month
## [1] "11"
## $day
## [1] "30"
## $`svn rev`
## [1] "73796"
## $language
## [1] "R"
## $version.string
## [1] "R version 3.4.3 (2017-11-30)"
## $nickname
## [1] "Kite-Eating Tree"

We now build and extended version of the example from Let’s Have Some Sympathy For The Part-time R User.

nrep <- 10

dLocal <- mkData(nrep)
##   subjectID      surveyCategory assessmentTotal
## 1        s1 withdrawal behavior               5
## 2        s1 positive re-framing               8
## 3       s10 withdrawal behavior               8
## 4       s10 positive re-framing               6
## 5        s2 withdrawal behavior               5
## 6        s2 positive re-framing               0
dR <- NULL
dTbl <- NULL

if(!is.null(db)) {
  dR <- rquery::dbi_copy_to(db, 'dR',
                            temporary = TRUE, 
                            overwrite = TRUE)
  dTbl <- dplyr::tbl(db, dR$table_name)

  cdata::qlook(db, dR$table_name)

## table "dR" PqConnection 
##  nrow: 20 
##  NOTE: "obs" below is count of sample, not number of rows of data.
## 'data.frame':    10 obs. of  3 variables:
##  $ subjectID      : chr  "s1" "s1" "s10" "s10" ...
##  $ surveyCategory : chr  "withdrawal behavior" "positive re-framing" "withdrawal behavior" "positive re-framing" ...
##  $ assessmentTotal: num  5 8 8 6 5 0 0 4 7 1
## Observations: NA
## Variables: 3
## $ subjectID       <chr> "s1", "s1", "s10", "s10", "s2", "s2", "s3", "s...
## $ surveyCategory  <chr> "withdrawal behavior", "positive re-framing", ...
## $ assessmentTotal <dbl> 5, 8, 8, 6, 5, 0, 0, 4, 7, 1, 1, 0, 8, 8, 4, 4...

Now we declare our operation pipelines, both on local (in-memory data.frame) and remote (already in a database) data.

scale <- 0.237

base_R_row_calculation <- function() {

base_R_sequential_calculation <- function() {

base_R_cframe_calculation <- function() {

base_R_tabular_calculation <- function() {

rquery_local <- function() {
  dLocal %.>% 
    rquery_pipeline(.) %.>%
    as.data.frame(., stringsAsFactors = FALSE) # force execution

rquery_database_pull <- function() {
  dR %.>% 
    rquery_pipeline(.) %.>% 
    to_sql(., db) %.>% 
    DBI::dbGetQuery(db, ., stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %.>%
    as.data.frame(., stringsAsFactors = FALSE) # shouldn't be needed

rquery_database_land <- function() {
  tabName <- "rquery_tmpx"
  sqlc <- dR %.>% 
    rquery_pipeline(.) %.>% 
    to_sql(., db)
  DBI::dbExecute(db, paste("CREATE TABLE", tabName, "AS", sqlc))
  DBI::dbExecute(db, paste("DROP TABLE", tabName))

rquery_database_count <- function() {
  dR %.>% 
    rquery_pipeline(.) %.>% 
    sql_node(., "n" := "COUNT(1)") %.>% 
    to_sql(., db) %.>% 
    DBI::dbGetQuery(db, ., stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %.>%
    as.data.frame(., stringsAsFactors = FALSE) # shouldn't be needed

dplyr_local <- function() {
  dLocal %>% 

dplyr_local_no_grouped_filter <- function() {
  dLocal %>% 

dplyr_tbl <- function() {
  dLocal %>%
    as_tibble %>%

dplyr_round_trip <- function() {
  dTmp <- dplyr::copy_to(db, dLocal, "dplyr_tmp",
                         # overwrite = TRUE,
                         temporary = TRUE
  res <- dTmp %>% 
    dplyr_pipeline %>%
  dplyr::db_drop_table(db, "dplyr_tmp")

dplyr_database_pull <- function() {
  dTbl %>% 
    dplyr_pipeline %>%

dplyr_database_land <- function() {
  tabName = "dplyr_ctmpx"
  dTbl %>% 
    dplyr_pipeline %>%
    compute(name = tabName)
  dplyr::db_drop_table(db, table = tabName)

dplyr_database_count <- function() {
  dTbl %>% 
    dplyr_pipeline %>%
    tally() %>%

Let's inspect the functions.

check <- base_R_sequential_calculation()
##   subjectID           diagnosis probability
## 1        s1 positive re-framing   0.6706221
## 2       s10 withdrawal behavior   0.6163301
## 3        s2 withdrawal behavior   0.7658456
## 4        s3 positive re-framing   0.7207128
## 5        s4 withdrawal behavior   0.8056518
## 6        s5 withdrawal behavior   0.5589742
if(!equiv_res(check, base_R_cframe_calculation())) {

if(!equiv_res(check, base_R_row_calculation())) {

if(!equiv_res(check, base_R_tabular_calculation())) {

if(!equiv_res(check, dplyr_local())) {

if(!equiv_res(check, dplyr_tbl())) {

if(!equiv_res(check, dplyr_local_no_grouped_filter())) {

if(!equiv_res(check, data.table_local())) {

if(!is.null(db)) {







## # A tibble: 6 x 3
##   subjectID diagnosis           probability
##   <chr>     <chr>                     <dbl>
## 1 s1        positive re-framing       0.671
## 2 s10       withdrawal behavior       0.616
## 3 s2        withdrawal behavior       0.766
## 4 s3        positive re-framing       0.721
## 5 s4        withdrawal behavior       0.806
## 6 s5        withdrawal behavior       0.559

Now let's measure the speeds with microbenchmark.

timings <- NULL

expressions <- list(
    # "rquery in memory" = bquote({ nrow(rquery_local())}),
    # "rquery from db to memory" =  bquote({nrow(rquery_database_pull())}),
    # "rquery database count" =  bquote({rquery_database_count()}),
    # "rquery database land" =  bquote({rquery_database_land()}),
    # "dplyr in memory" =  bquote({nrow(dplyr_local())}),
    # "dplyr tbl in memory" =  bquote({nrow(dplyr_tbl())}),
    "dplyr in memory no grouped filter" =  bquote({nrow(dplyr_local_no_grouped_filter())}),
    # "dplyr from memory to db and back" =  bquote({nrow(dplyr_round_trip())}),
    # "dplyr from db to memory" =  bquote({nrow(dplyr_database_pull())}),
    # "dplyr database count" =  bquote({dplyr_database_count()}),
    # "dplyr database land" =  bquote({dplyr_database_land()}),
    "data.table in memory" =  bquote({nrow(data.table_local())}),
    # "base R row calculation" =  bquote({nrow(base_R_row_calculation())}),
    "base R tabular calculation" =  bquote({nrow(base_R_tabular_calculation())}),
    # "base R sequential calculation" =  bquote({nrow(base_R_sequential_calculation())}),
    "base R cframe calculation" =  bquote({nrow(base_R_cframe_calculation())})

if(!is.null(db)) {
  expressions <- 
        "rquery from memory to db and back" = bquote({ nrow(rquery_local())}),
        # "rquery from db to memory" =  bquote({nrow(rquery_database_pull())}),
        "rquery database count" =  bquote({rquery_database_count()}),
        "rquery database land" =  bquote({rquery_database_land()}),
        # "dplyr in memory" =  bquote({nrow(dplyr_local())}),
        # "dplyr tbl in memory" =  bquote({nrow(dplyr_tbl())}),
        "dplyr from memory to db and back" =  bquote({nrow(dplyr_round_trip())}),
        # "dplyr from db to memory" =  bquote({nrow(dplyr_database_pull())}),
        "dplyr database count" =  bquote({dplyr_database_count()}),
        "dplyr database land" =  bquote({dplyr_database_land()})

prune <- FALSE

for(nrep in c(1,
              1000000)) {
  dLocal <- mkData(nrep)
  dR <- NULL
  dTbl <- NULL
  if(!is.null(db)) {
    dR <- rquery::dbi_copy_to(db, 'dR',
                              temporary = TRUE, 
                              overwrite = TRUE)
    dTbl <- dplyr::tbl(db, dR$table_name)
  tm <- microbenchmark(
    list = expressions,
    times = 5L
  tmi <- as.data.frame(tm, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  tmi$data_size <- nrow(dLocal)
  timings <- rbind(timings, tmi)
  if(prune) {
    baddies <- unique(tmi$expr[tmi$time > 10*1e+9])
    for(bi in baddies) {
      expressions[[bi]] <- NULL
    if(length(expressions)<=0) {
## [1] 1
## Unit: microseconds
##                               expr        min         lq       mean
##  dplyr in memory no grouped filter  18604.266  19110.376  20974.588
##               data.table in memory   2060.398   2077.499   3551.220
##         base R tabular calculation   2206.870   2493.420   3037.395
##          base R cframe calculation    804.223    826.674   1260.620
##  rquery from memory to db and back  34938.135  35259.591  37456.006
##              rquery database count  19879.596  20907.581  22204.841
##               rquery database land  27672.659  29803.167  31687.987
##   dplyr from memory to db and back 131293.165 133815.728 149384.897
##               dplyr database count 120688.426 122534.945 124312.252
##                dplyr database land 153760.277 164176.872 183496.367
##      median         uq        max neval
##   20851.466  21131.775  25175.056     5
##    2108.786   2489.462   9019.957     5
##    2744.533   3590.913   4151.238     5
##    1301.593   1454.119   1916.489     5
##   37492.824  38274.070  41315.408     5
##   21034.611  23796.268  25406.148     5
##   30045.298  32904.975  38013.834     5
##  138536.765 154642.791 188636.035     5
##  123099.852 123720.405 131517.634     5
##  174869.846 205426.187 219248.654     5

## [1] 10
## Unit: microseconds
##                               expr        min         lq       mean
##  dplyr in memory no grouped filter  18498.798  20298.166  24463.777
##               data.table in memory   2020.115   2092.674   2245.385
##         base R tabular calculation   2766.977   2773.072   2924.768
##          base R cframe calculation    809.380    905.822   1041.052
##  rquery from memory to db and back  38622.784  40659.025  48520.804
##              rquery database count  20552.020  24508.929  27516.412
##               rquery database land  27854.254  28669.708  35773.414
##   dplyr from memory to db and back 130097.716 134385.614 167191.396
##               dplyr database count 124005.371 149161.631 150896.841
##                dplyr database land 152755.392 170968.877 194796.395
##      median         uq        max neval
##   23773.248  27646.428  32102.246     5
##    2156.889   2334.537   2622.709     5
##    2776.116   2834.526   3473.150     5
##    1048.368   1206.161   1235.527     5
##   42539.683  55218.608  65563.922     5
##   24662.668  33545.354  34313.091     5
##   33761.465  37617.238  50964.406     5
##  175929.845 194867.476 200676.328     5
##  152190.104 154744.900 174382.199     5
##  193630.977 224626.106 232000.621     5

## [1] 100
## Unit: microseconds
##                               expr        min         lq       mean
##  dplyr in memory no grouped filter  21946.413  22405.506  24800.577
##               data.table in memory   2061.562   2278.797   2285.475
##         base R tabular calculation   3930.858   3953.243   4114.171
##          base R cframe calculation    926.499    962.150   1112.649
##  rquery from memory to db and back  37735.858  38395.138  41264.175
##              rquery database count  22600.274  23411.051  28650.843
##               rquery database land  29597.937  29933.004  31502.550
##   dplyr from memory to db and back 138918.852 139824.239 150320.280
##               dplyr database count 122739.930 124228.090 132979.918
##                dplyr database land 154191.195 162983.379 176809.352
##      median         uq        max neval
##   22606.867  24329.195  32714.902     5
##    2300.356   2372.106   2414.556     5
##    4016.240   4158.512   4512.004     5
##    1026.448   1208.693   1439.455     5
##   39530.097  42166.659  48493.124     5
##   29498.902  32858.658  34885.329     5
##   30426.525  30971.114  36584.170     5
##  143877.325 153472.194 175508.788     5
##  128299.269 129588.733 160043.566     5
##  176056.116 184940.542 205875.528     5

## [1] 1000
## Unit: milliseconds
##                               expr        min         lq       mean
##  dplyr in memory no grouped filter  52.473963  53.990990  63.028670
##               data.table in memory   4.455679   4.507801   5.483580
##         base R tabular calculation  17.599765  17.913393  19.124216
##          base R cframe calculation   1.154692   1.211258   1.258236
##  rquery from memory to db and back  46.544463  47.237076  51.689153
##              rquery database count  27.113162  28.647527  33.635749
##               rquery database land  34.889043  35.336711  37.266456
##   dplyr from memory to db and back 142.808719 144.400584 164.001254
##               dplyr database count 129.880032 131.432918 132.510677
##                dplyr database land 153.132841 153.498812 171.558014
##      median         uq        max neval
##   56.979042  70.296466  81.402891     5
##    5.018678   6.572011   6.863733     5
##   18.700409  19.640466  21.767046     5
##    1.256009   1.312208   1.357014     5
##   48.091848  51.998220  64.574159     5
##   33.869665  38.679622  39.868768     5
##   38.079601  38.609171  39.417754     5
##  171.087333 174.662941 187.046694     5
##  131.576545 133.086278 136.577613     5
##  154.349510 156.112850 240.696058     5

## [1] 10000
## Unit: milliseconds
##                               expr        min         lq       mean
##  dplyr in memory no grouped filter 445.479793 462.128216 461.558608
##               data.table in memory  32.679948  33.285725  37.555572
##         base R tabular calculation 203.182324 208.605384 274.796484
##          base R cframe calculation   6.214073   6.384175   7.663596
##  rquery from memory to db and back 158.081700 158.686633 167.098485
##              rquery database count  84.006778  84.235042  89.692751
##               rquery database land  94.663270 100.040548 130.978910
##   dplyr from memory to db and back 310.333586 325.436052 347.078224
##               dplyr database count 236.267981 237.502695 269.441125
##                dplyr database land 266.223856 293.120698 307.784142
##      median         uq       max neval
##  463.005306 464.042453 473.13727     5
##   36.148643  41.206449  44.45710     5
##  296.723821 330.933172 334.53772     5
##    6.443698   6.904465  12.37157     5
##  159.267349 177.548843 181.90790     5
##   84.656834  85.680394 109.88471     5
##  101.944803 145.969241 212.27669     5
##  343.316783 357.967376 398.33733     5
##  258.436019 266.648524 348.35040     5
##  302.511094 314.292650 362.77241     5

## [1] 1e+05
## Unit: milliseconds
##                               expr       min        lq      mean    median
##  dplyr in memory no grouped filter 5017.5726 5133.4360 5339.9600 5221.5242
##               data.table in memory  331.0423  341.3509  433.3445  385.4363
##         base R tabular calculation 3152.4825 3231.6479 3681.9147 3289.0593
##          base R cframe calculation  111.1425  117.2846  142.7184  117.5100
##  rquery from memory to db and back 2974.7296 3101.3483 3390.2958 3183.3395
##              rquery database count 2397.9234 2422.7249 3000.0021 3017.8357
##               rquery database land 2421.4490 2503.7378 2667.8342 2581.6713
##   dplyr from memory to db and back 3356.7295 3367.4212 3522.3745 3373.7240
##               dplyr database count 2657.5513 2831.2473 3277.9244 3203.9260
##                dplyr database land 2734.8701 2773.8153 2925.0462 2780.1310
##         uq       max neval
##  5248.7433 6078.5240     5
##   439.9731  668.9198     5
##  4312.3620 4424.0219     5
##   125.9056  241.7493     5
##  3629.2971 4062.7644     5
##  3326.9069 3834.6198     5
##  2588.7821 3243.5308     5
##  3440.3051 4073.6929     5
##  3717.2611 3979.6364     5
##  3086.2025 3250.2121     5

## [1] 1e+06
## Unit: seconds
##                               expr       min        lq      mean    median
##  dplyr in memory no grouped filter 61.138666 61.157309 62.968696 61.223800
##               data.table in memory  2.747111  3.106111  3.171730  3.273438
##         base R tabular calculation 34.492814 35.178702 35.153437 35.323243
##          base R cframe calculation  1.197866  1.516489  1.545648  1.549475
##  rquery from memory to db and back 33.293289 33.547535 35.079603 33.573165
##              rquery database count 27.397834 27.549569 28.880384 27.926856
##               rquery database land 27.785351 28.102473 28.487276 28.206404
##   dplyr from memory to db and back 39.158903 39.312264 39.422830 39.467064
##               dplyr database count 32.490253 32.592843 33.100726 32.781197
##                dplyr database land 32.860777 33.252879 33.746528 33.957826
##         uq       max neval
##  65.277189 66.046517     5
##   3.350313  3.381679     5
##  35.373962 35.398462     5
##   1.573302  1.891110     5
##  33.736385 41.247639     5
##  27.950838 33.576823     5
##  28.706067 29.636084     5
##  39.540772 39.635145     5
##  33.608900 34.030437     5
##  34.130398 34.530762     5

saveRDS(timings, "qtimings.RDS")
## R version 3.4.3 (2017-11-30)
## Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
## Running under: macOS Sierra 10.12.6
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.4/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
## LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.4/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
## locale:
## [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
## other attached packages:
## [1] bindrcpp_0.2         ggplot2_2.2.1        microbenchmark_1.4-3
## [4] dplyr_0.7.4          rquery_0.2.0         cdata_0.5.1         
## [7] wrapr_1.1.1          data.table_1.10.4-3 
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] Rcpp_0.12.14.2   dbplyr_1.2.0     pillar_1.0.1     compiler_3.4.3  
##  [5] plyr_1.8.4       bindr_0.1        tools_3.4.3      RPostgres_1.0-4 
##  [9] digest_0.6.13    bit_1.1-12       evaluate_0.10.1  tibble_1.4.1    
## [13] gtable_0.2.0     pkgconfig_2.0.1  rlang_0.1.6      cli_1.0.0       
## [17] DBI_0.7          yaml_2.1.16      withr_2.1.1      stringr_1.2.0   
## [21] knitr_1.18       hms_0.4.0        tidyselect_0.2.3 rprojroot_1.3-2 
## [25] bit64_0.9-7      grid_3.4.3       glue_1.2.0       R6_2.2.2        
## [29] rmarkdown_1.8    purrr_0.2.4      blob_1.1.0       magrittr_1.5    
## [33] backports_1.1.2  scales_0.5.0     htmltools_0.3.6  assertthat_0.2.0
## [37] colorspace_1.3-2 utf8_1.1.3       stringi_1.1.6    lazyeval_0.2.1  
## [41] munsell_0.4.3    crayon_1.3.4
winvector_temp_db_handle <- NULL
if(!is.null(db)) {
  db <- NULL

WinVector/rquery documentation built on Aug. 24, 2023, 11:12 a.m.