
Summary Example

John Mount, Win-Vector LLC 5/15/2018

## Loading required package: wrapr
run_example <- function(db) {
  d <- rq_copy_to(db, "d",
                   data.frame(v = NA_real_,
                              w = 1,
                              x = c(rev(1:10), NA, NA),
                              y = c(NA, NA, sin(1:10)),
                              z = rev(letters[1:12]),
                              stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
                   temporary = TRUE,
                   overwrite = TRUE)

  optree <- d %.>%

  execute(db, optree) %.>%

  optrees <- d %.>%
    rsummary_node(., quartiles = TRUE) 

  execute(db, optrees) %.>%

  rq_remove_table(db, "d")

db <- sparklyr::spark_connect(version='2.2.0', 
                                master = "local")
## [1] "***********"
## $master
## [1] "local[4]"
## $method
## [1] "shell"
## $app_name
## [1] "sparklyr"
## $config
## $config$spark.env.SPARK_LOCAL_IP.local
## [1] ""
## $config$sparklyr.csv.embedded
## [1] "^1.*"
## $config$sparklyr.cores.local
## [1] 4
## $config$spark.sql.shuffle.partitions.local
## [1] 4
## attr(,"config")
## [1] "default"
## attr(,"file")
## [1] "/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.4/Resources/library/sparklyr/conf/config-template.yml"
## $spark_home
## [1] "/Users/johnmount/spark/spark-2.2.0-bin-hadoop2.7"
## $backend
## A connection with                               
## description "->localhost:57304"
## class       "sockconn"         
## mode        "wb"               
## text        "binary"           
## opened      "opened"           
## can read    "yes"              
## can write   "yes"              
## $monitor
## A connection with                              
## description "->localhost:8880"
## class       "sockconn"        
## mode        "rb"              
## text        "binary"          
## opened      "opened"          
## can read    "yes"             
## can write   "yes"             
## $output_file
## [1] "/var/folders/7q/h_jp2vj131g5799gfnpzhdp80000gn/T//RtmpQCCsi3/file10ba87a89304c_spark.log"
## $spark_context
## <jobj[7]>
##   org.apache.spark.SparkContext
##   org.apache.spark.SparkContext@65b07846
## $java_context
## <jobj[8]>
##   org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext
##   org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext@32504d86
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "spark_connection"       "spark_shell_connection"
## [3] "DBIConnection"         
## [1] "table('d') %.>% non_sql_node(., quantile_node(.))"
##   quantile_probability     v w  x          y z
## 1                 0.00 FALSE 1  1 -0.9589243 a
## 2                 0.25 FALSE 1  3 -0.5440211 c
## 3                 0.50 FALSE 1  5  0.1411200 f
## 4                 0.75 FALSE 1  8  0.8414710 i
## 5                 1.00 FALSE 1 10  0.9893582 l
## [1] "table('d') %.>% non_sql_node(., rsummary_node(.))"
##   column index     class nrows nna nunique        min        max      mean
## 1      v     1   numeric    12  12       0        NaN        NaN       NaN
## 2      w     2   numeric    12   0     NaN  1.0000000  1.0000000 1.0000000
## 3      x     3   integer    12   2     NaN  1.0000000 10.0000000 5.5000000
## 4      y     4   numeric    12   2     NaN -0.9589243  0.9893582 0.1411188
## 5      z     5 character    12   0      12        NaN        NaN       NaN
##          sd lexmin lexmax         Q1  median       Q3
## 1       NaN     NA     NA        NaN     NaN      NaN
## 2 0.0000000     NA     NA  1.0000000 1.00000 1.000000
## 3 3.0276504     NA     NA  3.0000000 5.00000 8.000000
## 4 0.7304706     NA     NA -0.5440211 0.14112 0.841471
## 5       NaN      a      l        NaN     NaN      NaN

## [1] TRUE

db <- DBI::dbConnect(RPostgreSQL::PostgreSQL(),
                     host = 'localhost',
                     port = 5432,
                     user = 'johnmount',
                     password = '')
## [1] "***********"
## <PostgreSQLConnection>
## [1] "table('d') %.>% non_sql_node(., quantile_node(.))"
##   quantile_probability  v w  x          y z
## 1                 0.00 NA 1  1 -0.9589243 a
## 2                 0.25 NA 1  3 -0.5440211 c
## 3                 0.50 NA 1  5  0.1411200 f
## 4                 0.75 NA 1  8  0.8414710 i
## 5                 1.00 NA 1 10  0.9893582 l
## [1] "table('d') %.>% non_sql_node(., rsummary_node(.))"
##   column index     class nrows nna nunique        min        max      mean
## 1      v     1   numeric    12  12       0         NA         NA        NA
## 2      w     2   numeric    12   0      NA  1.0000000  1.0000000 1.0000000
## 3      x     3   integer    12   2      NA  1.0000000 10.0000000 5.5000000
## 4      y     4   numeric    12   2      NA -0.9589243  0.9893582 0.1411188
## 5      z     5 character    12   0      12         NA         NA        NA
##          sd lexmin lexmax         Q1  median       Q3
## 1        NA   <NA>   <NA>         NA      NA       NA
## 2 0.0000000   <NA>   <NA>  1.0000000 1.00000 1.000000
## 3 3.0276504   <NA>   <NA>  3.0000000 5.00000 8.000000
## 4 0.7304706   <NA>   <NA> -0.5440211 0.14112 0.841471
## 5        NA      a      l         NA      NA       NA

## [1] TRUE
## [1] TRUE
db <- DBI::dbConnect(RPostgres::Postgres(),
                     host = 'localhost',
                     port = 5432,
                     user = 'johnmount',
                     password = '')
## [1] "***********"
## <PqConnection> johnmount@localhost:5432
## [1] "table('d') %.>% non_sql_node(., quantile_node(.))"
##   quantile_probability  v w  x         y z
## 1                 0.00 NA 1  1 -0.958924 a
## 2                 0.25 NA 1  3 -0.544021 c
## 3                 0.50 NA 1  5  0.141120 f
## 4                 0.75 NA 1  8  0.841471 i
## 5                 1.00 NA 1 10  0.989358 l
## [1] "table('d') %.>% non_sql_node(., rsummary_node(.))"
##   column index     class nrows nna nunique       min       max     mean
## 1      v     1   numeric    12  12       0        NA        NA       NA
## 2      w     2   numeric    12   0      NA  1.000000  1.000000 1.000000
## 3      x     3   integer    12   2      NA  1.000000 10.000000 5.500000
## 4      y     4   numeric    12   2      NA -0.958924  0.989358 0.141119
## 5      z     5 character    12   0      12        NA        NA       NA
##         sd lexmin lexmax        Q1  median       Q3
## 1       NA   <NA>   <NA>        NA      NA       NA
## 2 0.000000   <NA>   <NA>  1.000000 1.00000 1.000000
## 3 3.027650   <NA>   <NA>  3.000000 5.00000 8.000000
## 4 0.730471   <NA>   <NA> -0.544021 0.14112 0.841471
## 5       NA      a      l        NA      NA       NA

## [1] TRUE

WinVector/rquery documentation built on Aug. 24, 2023, 11:12 a.m.