

The Python vtreat steps from “Cross-Methods are a Leak/Variance Trade-Off” re-worked in R vtreat.

For the purpose of each of these steps, please refer to the original article, the purpose of this note is to show the related vtreat steps in R (and how similar they are to the Python steps).

# https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=wrapr

# https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=vtreat

# https://github.com/WinVector/vtreat/blob/master/Examples/CrossVal/LeakTradeOff/break_cross_val.R

# https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=ggplot2
  d_example_s = d, 
  y_example_s = y
  ] <- mk_data(
    nrow = 100,
    n_noise_var = 10,
    n_noise_level = 50,
    n_signal_var = 5)

d_example_s$y <- y_example_s
d_example_s %.>%
  head(.) %.>%

| const_col | noise_1 | noise_2 | noise_3 | noise_4 | noise_5 | noise_6 | noise_7 | noise_8 | noise_9 | noise_10 | signal_1 | signal_2 | signal_3 | signal_4 | signal_5 | y | | :--------- | :------- | :------- | :------- | :------- | :------- | :------- | :------- | :------- | :------- | :-------- | :-------- | :-------- | :-------- | :-------- | :-------- | ----------: | | a | nl_41 | nl_9 | nl_19 | nl_4 | nl_21 | nl_26 | nl_12 | nl_20 | nl_19 | nl_49 | a | b | a | b | a | 1.3769721 | | a | nl_37 | nl_28 | nl_21 | nl_16 | nl_48 | nl_31 | nl_24 | nl_12 | nl_13 | nl_10 | a | b | b | b | a | -0.6984516 | | a | nl_3 | nl_48 | nl_22 | nl_9 | nl_25 | nl_14 | nl_24 | nl_8 | nl_24 | nl_19 | b | b | a | a | a | -0.0980232 | | a | nl_26 | nl_50 | nl_15 | nl_8 | nl_4 | nl_38 | nl_15 | nl_10 | nl_13 | nl_47 | b | b | a | b | a | -2.1304059 | | a | nl_1 | nl_1 | nl_24 | nl_3 | nl_36 | nl_35 | nl_48 | nl_44 | nl_18 | nl_48 | a | b | a | a | a | 0.2034657 | | a | nl_29 | nl_45 | nl_6 | nl_36 | nl_30 | nl_34 | nl_48 | nl_5 | nl_31 | nl_50 | b | a | a | a | a | 3.7205735 |

# https://github.com/WinVector/vtreat/blob/master/Examples/Regression/Regression_FP.md

vtreat_coder <- vtreat::NumericOutcomeTreatment(
  var_list = setdiff(colnames(d_example_s), 'y'),  # columns to transform
  outcome_name = 'y',  # outcome variable,
  params = vtreat::regression_parameters(
      codeRestriction = 'catN'

  treatment_plan = treatments,
  vtreat_cross_frame = cross_frame
  ] <- fit_prepare(
# the frame of cross-encoded variables
vtreat_cross_frame %.>%
  head(.) %.>%

| noise_1_catN | noise_2_catN | noise_3_catN | noise_4_catN | noise_5_catN | noise_6_catN | noise_7_catN | noise_8_catN | noise_9_catN | noise_10_catN | signal_1_catN | signal_2_catN | signal_3_catN | signal_4_catN | signal_5_catN | y | | -------------: | -------------: | -------------: | -------------: | -------------: | -------------: | -------------: | -------------: | -------------: | --------------: | --------------: | --------------: | --------------: | --------------: | --------------: | ----------: | | -0.3214253 | 1.0415596 | 1.7815693 | 2.9740964 | 0.000000 | 0.1010524 | 1.3516706 | 1.2807063 | 1.2391478 | 1.6621820 | 1.0819638 | -0.7295630 | 1.2060911 | -1.352016 | 1.213655 | 1.3769721 | | 0.0000000 | -3.1554344 | 0.4950938 | 0.7455189 | 2.891602 | 1.5079800 | 1.0151562 | 0.0000000 | -2.2593076 | -0.9080161 | 1.0819638 | -0.7295630 | -1.7868016 | -1.352016 | 1.213655 | -0.6984516 | | 0.0000000 | 2.2768885 | 1.4139904 | -1.8097173 | 0.000000 | 0.9623809 | 0.7103255 | -4.1617870 | -1.5490854 | -1.5106549 | -1.0834095 | -0.9185477 | 1.3547574 | 1.007801 | 1.064116 | -0.0980232 | | 0.0000000 | 2.6122169 | -1.8652196 | -1.8652196 | -1.548588 | 1.4135334 | -0.0729384 | 2.2679172 | -2.4000700 | -0.7992490 | -0.9909623 | -0.8983524 | 0.9164436 | -1.061076 | 1.237113 | -2.1304059 | | -0.0003308 | -0.7406378 | -0.1044916 | 2.9893841 | 0.000000 | 0.8673810 | 3.0696999 | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 | 0.9326704 | -0.8983524 | 0.9164436 | 1.127394 | 1.237113 | 0.2034657 | | -0.8294723 | -1.1592939 | 0.7993540 | -1.6306551 | 0.000000 | 1.0415596 | 1.2223115 | -0.9625074 | -0.4072366 | 0.6629259 | -0.9892241 | 0.7979596 | 1.2060911 | 1.031802 | 1.213655 | 3.7205735 |

# the per-variable score frame
cols_to_display <- c('varName', 'origName', 'rsq', 'sig', 'code', 'default_threshold', 'recommended')

sf <- treatment_plan$get_score_frame()

knitr::kable(sf[, cols_to_display, drop = FALSE])

| varName | origName | rsq | sig | code | default_threshold | recommended | | :-------------- | :-------- | --------: | --------: | :--- | -----------------: | :---------- | | noise_1_catN | noise_1 | 0.0342913 | 0.0651107 | catN | 0.06666667 | TRUE | | noise_2_catN | noise_2 | 0.0567997 | 0.0169486 | catN | 0.06666667 | TRUE | | noise_3_catN | noise_3 | 0.0000003 | 0.9954707 | catN | 0.06666667 | FALSE | | noise_4_catN | noise_4 | 0.0528154 | 0.0214400 | catN | 0.06666667 | TRUE | | noise_5_catN | noise_5 | 0.0096405 | 0.3311169 | catN | 0.06666667 | FALSE | | noise_6_catN | noise_6 | 0.0039827 | 0.5327753 | catN | 0.06666667 | FALSE | | noise_7_catN | noise_7 | 0.0019666 | 0.6613139 | catN | 0.06666667 | FALSE | | noise_8_catN | noise_8 | 0.0199315 | 0.1611937 | catN | 0.06666667 | FALSE | | noise_9_catN | noise_9 | 0.0001868 | 0.8926358 | catN | 0.06666667 | FALSE | | noise_10_catN | noise_10 | 0.0791784 | 0.0045678 | catN | 0.06666667 | TRUE | | signal_1_catN | signal_1 | 0.1423996 | 0.0001087 | catN | 0.06666667 | TRUE | | signal_2_catN | signal_2 | 0.1012952 | 0.0012509 | catN | 0.06666667 | TRUE | | signal_3_catN | signal_3 | 0.2028512 | 0.0000026 | catN | 0.06666667 | TRUE | | signal_4_catN | signal_4 | 0.1612194 | 0.0000347 | catN | 0.06666667 | TRUE | | signal_5_catN | signal_5 | 0.1993979 | 0.0000032 | catN | 0.06666667 | TRUE |

# show conditional distribution of estimated significances

sf$variable_type = gsub("_.*$", "", sf$origName)

ggplot(data = sf,
       aes(x = sig, fill = variable_type)) +
  geom_histogram(aes(y = ..density..), bins = 10, alpha = 0.5) + 
  geom_line(aes(y = ..density.., color = variable_type), stat = 'density') + 
  facet_wrap( ~ variable_type, ncol = 1, scale = 'free_y') +
  ggtitle("distribution of training R2 grouped by variable type")

# using the re-encoded data in an lm
formula <- wrapr::mk_formula(
  setdiff(colnames(vtreat_cross_frame), 'y'))
## y ~ noise_1_catN + noise_2_catN + noise_3_catN + noise_4_catN + 
##     noise_5_catN + noise_6_catN + noise_7_catN + noise_8_catN + 
##     noise_9_catN + noise_10_catN + signal_1_catN + signal_2_catN + 
##     signal_3_catN + signal_4_catN + signal_5_catN
## <environment: base>
good_fit <- lm(formula, vtreat_cross_frame)
## Call:
## lm(formula = formula, data = vtreat_cross_frame)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -3.6862 -0.4922  0.0623  0.7192  2.3970 
## Coefficients:
##                Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)    0.396635   0.118691   3.342  0.00124 ** 
## noise_1_catN   0.026185   0.091153   0.287  0.77462    
## noise_2_catN  -0.008990   0.079528  -0.113  0.91027    
## noise_3_catN   0.058069   0.074728   0.777  0.43930    
## noise_4_catN  -0.009163   0.065700  -0.139  0.88942    
## noise_5_catN   0.108580   0.077282   1.405  0.16372    
## noise_6_catN   0.104138   0.060178   1.730  0.08721 .  
## noise_7_catN  -0.089384   0.071534  -1.250  0.21494    
## noise_8_catN   0.159752   0.067737   2.358  0.02067 *  
## noise_9_catN   0.021987   0.059374   0.370  0.71208    
## noise_10_catN -0.155359   0.082771  -1.877  0.06399 .  
## signal_1_catN  1.192121   0.122969   9.694 2.38e-15 ***
## signal_2_catN  1.339228   0.143098   9.359 1.12e-14 ***
## signal_3_catN  0.784723   0.092979   8.440 7.96e-13 ***
## signal_4_catN  0.851139   0.111055   7.664 2.84e-11 ***
## signal_5_catN  0.814162   0.098251   8.287 1.62e-12 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 1.15 on 84 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.8359, Adjusted R-squared:  0.8066 
## F-statistic: 28.53 on 15 and 84 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
f <- function(...) {
    d_test_s = d, 
    y_test_s = y] <- mk_data(

  vtreat_test_frame <- prepare(
  vtreat_test_frame$y <- y_test_s
  vtreat_test_frame$pred <- predict(
    newdata = vtreat_test_frame)
  return(sigr::wrapFTest(vtreat_test_frame, 'pred', 'y')$R2)

# the array of R-squared for the repeated tests
test_r2 = vapply(seq_len(100), f, numeric(1))
df = data.frame(R2 = test_r2)

ggplot(data = df, aes(x = R2)) +
  geom_histogram(aes(y = ..density..), bins = 10, fill = 'blue', alpha = 0.5) + 
  geom_line(aes(y = ..density..), stat = 'density', color = 'blue') + 
  ggtitle('distribution of test R2 under repeated draws')

The above concludes our translation of the Python vtreat steps of from “Cross-Methods are a Leak/Variance Trade-Off” re-worked in R.

Tutorials on how to call any of the Python or R vtreat data preperation systems can be found here:

WinVector/vtreat documentation built on Aug. 29, 2023, 4:49 a.m.