
Imputation (using fit_prepare notation)

Changing the missing value imputation in vtreat

For this example, we will use the UnsupervisedTreatment, but the same parameters can be used with the other treatment plans as well.

A simple data example

Here we create a simple data set where the inputs have missing values.

## Loading required package: wrapr
d = data.frame(
    "x" = c(0, 1, 1000, NA),
    "w" = c(3, 6, NA, 100),
    "y" = c(0, 0, 1, 1)


| x| w| y| |-----:|----:|----:| | 0| 3| 0| | 1| 6| 0| | 1000| NA| 1| | NA| 100| 1|

Some of the summary statistics of d. We're primarily interested in the inputs x and w.

##        x                w                y      
##  Min.   :   0.0   Min.   :  3.00   Min.   :0.0  
##  1st Qu.:   0.5   1st Qu.:  4.50   1st Qu.:0.0  
##  Median :   1.0   Median :  6.00   Median :0.5  
##  Mean   : 333.7   Mean   : 36.33   Mean   :0.5  
##  3rd Qu.: 500.5   3rd Qu.: 53.00   3rd Qu.:1.0  
##  Max.   :1000.0   Max.   :100.00   Max.   :1.0  
##  NA's   :1        NA's   :1

The default missing value imputation

By default, vtreat fills in missing values with the mean value of the column, and adds an advisory *_isBAD column to mark the location of the original missing values.

transform_design = vtreat::UnsupervisedTreatment(
    var_list = c('x', 'w'),   # columns to transform
    cols_to_copy = 'y')  # copy the y column over

# learn treatments from data
# normally we would unpack the treatments too,
# but we don't need them for this example
unpack[d_treated = cross_frame] <- 
  fit_prepare(transform_design, d)


| x| x_isBAD| w| w_isBAD| y| |----------:|---------:|----------:|---------:|----:| | 0.0000| 0| 3.00000| 0| 0| | 1.0000| 0| 6.00000| 0| 0| | 1000.0000| 0| 36.33333| 1| 1| | 333.6667| 1| 100.00000| 0| 1|

Changing the imputation strategy

If you do not want to use the mean to fill in missing values, you can change the imputation function globally by using the parameter missingness_imputation in the UnsupervisedTreatment parameter list. Here, we fill in missing values with the median.

median2 <- function(x, wts) {

newparams = unsupervised_parameters(
  list(missingness_imputation = median2)

transform_design = vtreat::UnsupervisedTreatment(
    var_list = c('x', 'w'),   # columns to transform
     cols_to_copy = 'y',  # copy the y column over
     params = newparams

unpack[d_treated = cross_frame] <- 
  fit_prepare(transform_design, d)


| x| x_isBAD| w| w_isBAD| y| |-----:|---------:|----:|---------:|----:| | 0| 0| 3| 0| 0| | 1| 0| 6| 0| 0| | 1000| 0| 6| 1| 1| | 1| 1| 100| 0| 1|

You can also use a constant value instead of a function. Here we replace missing values with the value -1.

newparams = unsupervised_parameters(
  list(missingness_imputation = -1)

transform_design = vtreat::UnsupervisedTreatment(
  var_list = c('x', 'w'),   # columns to transform
  cols_to_copy = 'y',  # copy the y column over
  params = newparams

unpack[d_treated = cross_frame] <- 
  fit_prepare(transform_design, d)


| x| x_isBAD| w| w_isBAD| y| |-----:|---------:|----:|---------:|----:| | 0| 0| 3| 0| 0| | 1| 0| 6| 0| 0| | 1000| 0| -1| 1| 1| | -1| 1| 100| 0| 1|

Changing the imputation strategy per column

You can control the imputation strategy per column via the map imputation_map. Any column not named in the imputation map will use the imputation strategy specified by the missingness_imputation parameter (which is the mean by default).

Here we use the maximum value to fill in the missing values for x and the value 0 to fill in the missing values for w.

max2 <- function(x, wts) {

transform_design = vtreat::UnsupervisedTreatment(
  var_list = c('x', 'w'),   # columns to transform
  cols_to_copy = 'y',  # copy the y column over
  imputation_map = list(
    x = max2,
    w = 0

unpack[d_treated = cross_frame] <- 
  fit_prepare(transform_design, d)


| x| x_isBAD| w| w_isBAD| y| |-----:|---------:|----:|---------:|----:| | 0| 0| 3| 0| 0| | 1| 0| 6| 0| 0| | 1000| 0| 0| 1| 1| | 1000| 1| 100| 0| 1|

If we don't specify a column, vtreat looks atmissingness_imputation (in this case, -1).

newparams = unsupervised_parameters(
  list(missingness_imputation = -1)

transform_design = vtreat::UnsupervisedTreatment(
  var_list = c('x', 'w'),   # columns to transform
  cols_to_copy = 'y',       # copy the y column over
  params = newparams,       # default missingness value
  imputation_map = list(    # custom imputations
    x = max2

unpack[d_treated = cross_frame] <- 
  fit_prepare(transform_design, d)


| x| x_isBAD| w| w_isBAD| y| |-----:|---------:|----:|---------:|----:| | 0| 0| 3| 0| 0| | 1| 0| 6| 0| 0| | 1000| 0| -1| 1| 1| | 1000| 1| 100| 0| 1|

If missingness_imputation is not specified, vtreat uses a weighted mean.

transform_design = vtreat::UnsupervisedTreatment(
  var_list = c('x', 'w'),   # columns to transform
  cols_to_copy = 'y',       # copy the y column over
  imputation_map = list(    # custom imputations
    x = max2

unpack[d_treated = cross_frame] <- 
  fit_prepare(transform_design, d)

| x| x_isBAD| w| w_isBAD| y| |-----:|---------:|----------:|---------:|----:| | 0| 0| 3.00000| 0| 0| | 1| 0| 6.00000| 0| 0| | 1000| 0| 36.33333| 1| 1| | 1000| 1| 100.00000| 0| 1|

WinVector/vtreat documentation built on Aug. 29, 2023, 4:49 a.m.