
Using Isotone Coding to Find Themes

John Mount, Win-Vector LLC 2024-06-12

Isotone regression (please see vtreat Monotone Coders).

We will use the vtreat package custom coder interface, which will supply cross-validated significance calculations and out-of sample interpolation (allowing us to apply the monotone transforms to new data). For a more substantial application of vtreat custom coding please see the partial pooling application.

## Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 4.3.2

Let’s build a source of synthetic data. The great thing about using synthetic data when initially teaching about a technique is: in this case you have a better shot at knowing what the underlying truth you are trying to model is (as you picked it).

In our case the data is salary in $1000-units as a function of number of years worked in some imaginary profession. The ideal (“ideal”” meaning “unknown true”“) growth function was picked as salary ~ sqrt(tenure) (deliberately not realistic, linear or exponential should also be considered) with two processes overlaid:

mkdData <- function(nrow) {
  d <- data.frame(x = 15*runif(nrow))
  d$yIdeal <- 35 + 10*sqrt(d$x)
  d$yIdeal <- d$yIdeal
  # noise process
  d$yObserved <- d$yIdeal + 5*rnorm(nrow(d))
  # "2nd Process" forced into partial hours
  d$yObserved <- ifelse(20*runif(nrow(d))<d$x, d$yObserved/2, d$yObserved)
# set up example data
xRange = 15
d <- mkdData(200)
d$isTrain <- runif(nrow(d))<=0.5

When graphed the data looks like the following. Notice how the two smoothers (one gam the other loess) fail to capture the (hidden) underlying shape of the original (pre-process) system (the gam degenerating to linear, and the loess showing a hook down at the end, which is in the data but not part of the underlying idea process).

ggplot(data=d, aes(x=x)) + 
  geom_line(aes(y=yIdeal), color='blue') + 
  geom_point(aes(y=yObserved, color=isTrain, shape=isTrain)) +
  ylab('yearly salary (units $1000)') + 
  xlab('years tenure in position') +
  geom_smooth(aes(y=yObserved), method='gam', se=FALSE, linetype=2, color='darkgreen') +
  geom_smooth(aes(y=yObserved), method='loess', se=FALSE, linetype=2, color='darkgreen') +
  ggtitle("ideal and observed responses as functions of x",
          subtitle = "blue curve: ideal (pre-noise and pre-\"2nd Process\") values\ngreen dashes: smoothing curves/fits")
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ s(x, bs = "cs")'
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'

We can use direct isotone/monotone regression methods to try and find the underlying process (which itself is increasing). Neither of the noise processes are increasing- so we are hoping they get somewhat removed from the monotone inference.

customCoders = list('n.NonDecreasingV.num' = solveNonDecreasing,
                    'n.NonIncreasingV.num' = solveNonIncreasing)
treatments <- vtreat::designTreatmentsN(d[d$isTrain, , drop=FALSE], 
                                        'x', 'yObserved', 
                                        customCoders = customCoders,
                                        verbose = FALSE)
print(treatments$scoreFrame[, c('varName', 'rsq', 'sig', 'needsSplit'), drop=FALSE])
##            varName          rsq       sig needsSplit
## 1 x_NonDecreasingV 0.0001158347 0.9171109       TRUE
## 2 x_NonIncreasingV 0.0005299948 0.8238161       TRUE
## 3                x 0.0132522491 0.2640508      FALSE
dTreated <- vtreat::prepare(treatments, d)
d$soln <- dTreated$x_NonDecreasingV

dTrain <- d[d$isTrain, , drop=FALSE]

# good inference on train
sum((dTrain$yIdeal - dTrain$soln)^2)
## [1] 15116.83
sum((dTrain$yIdeal - dTrain$yObserved)^2)
## [1] 35931.14
dTest <- d[!d$isTrain, , drop=FALSE]

# good performance on test
sum((dTest$yIdeal - dTest$soln)^2)
## [1] 19157.92
sum((dTest$yIdeal - dTest$yObserved)^2)
## [1] 50580.12
ggplot(data=d, aes(x=x)) + 
  geom_line(aes(y=yIdeal), color='blue', linetype=2) + 
  geom_point(aes(y=yObserved, color=isTrain, shape=isTrain)) +
  geom_line(aes(x=x, y=soln), color='darkgreen') +
  ylab('y') +
  ggtitle("ideal and observed responses as functions of x",
          subtitle = "solid path: isotone fit")

Notice (modulo the decrease in expectation (a property of the observed data) and the jaggedness inherent in the direct isotone inference method): we have recovered an estimate of the original ideal shape.

The above sort of inference is critical in at least the following situations:

The ideal process was hidden from us by an omitted variable or un-labeled mixture issue. If we had a variable that recorded hours worked we could directly account for the two populations and get a good model. What we are showing with the monotone process is what can be done by using a domain-specific inductive bias (non-decreasing) in the case where we don’t have the required extra variable. Better data (more and better variables) trumps complicated analysis, but sometimes the data is what it is.

To deal with the jagged fit issue we would like to use a spline. We see that unconstrained splines may not be the ideal choice (as that was what was behind one of the smoothers on the first graph). To work around that we find a model fitter that itself has a monotone or isotone option. One such fitter is in the R package scam “Shape Constrained Additive Models”. By using a shape constrained spline we can simultaneously ask for:

Let’s try that:

customCoders = list('n.NonDecreasingS.num' = solveNonDecreasingS,
                    'n.NonIncreasingS.num' = solveNonIncreasingS)
treatments <- vtreat::designTreatmentsN(d[d$isTrain, , drop=FALSE], 
                                        'x', 'yObserved', 
                                        customCoders = customCoders,
                                        verbose = FALSE)
print(treatments$scoreFrame[, c('varName', 'rsq', 'sig', 'needsSplit'), drop=FALSE])
##            varName          rsq       sig needsSplit
## 1 x_NonDecreasingS 0.0190125449 0.1803387       TRUE
## 2 x_NonIncreasingS 0.0001118919 0.9185289       TRUE
## 3                x 0.0132522491 0.2640508      FALSE
dTreated <- vtreat::prepare(treatments, d)
d$soln <- dTreated$x_NonDecreasingS

dTrain <- d[d$isTrain, , drop=FALSE]

# good inference on train
sum((dTrain$yIdeal - dTrain$soln)^2)
## [1] 15797.37
sum((dTrain$yIdeal - dTrain$yObserved)^2)
## [1] 35931.14
dTest <- d[!d$isTrain, , drop=FALSE]

# good performance on test
sum((dTest$yIdeal - dTest$soln)^2)
## [1] 20299.39
sum((dTest$yIdeal - dTest$yObserved)^2)
## [1] 50580.12
ggplot(data=d, aes(x=x)) + 
  geom_line(aes(y=yIdeal), color='blue', linetype=2) + 
  geom_point(aes(y=yObserved, color=isTrain, shape=isTrain)) +
  geom_line(aes(x=x, y=soln), color='darkgreen') +
  ylab('y') +
  ggtitle("ideal and observed responses as functions of x",
          subtitle = "solid path: monotone spline fit")

Notice the controlled spline directly at least found the shape.

However, we have found the scam package to be fairly sensitive to the exact relations of a large number of spline controls to the distribution of the data (get these wrong and the fit fails). We don’t currently recommend using the scam package in for non-governed (i.e., no person on the loop) fitting production (though it can be a key part in hands-on analysis).

One idea is to fit or smooth the predictions from the raw isotone predictor with a low-degree spline. The idea is: the raw-isotone step gets a monotone data set and the low degree spine then has a good chance of not losing such structure.

WinVector/vtreat documentation built on June 17, 2024, 3:29 a.m.