
Macro Substitution in R

John Mount 2019-06-30

This note is a long, but cursory, overview of some macro-substitution facilities available in R. I am going to try to put a few of them in context (there are likely more I am missing) and explain why our group wrote yet another one (replyr::let()/wrapr::let()).

The R macro (or code control) facilities we will discuss include over 20 years of contributions (in time order):

One of the goals of this note is to document differences between our own method wrapr::let() and the later system rlang:!! (as we recently had a paper rejected for not having enough such comparisons, and therefore would benefit from a reference that does so).

I have worked hard to include concrete and clear examples, so I think working through this note will be rewarding tutorial for R users interested in lightening their R programming (and not already expert in using macro methods, which we will define and demonstrate through examples). We also advise readers who’s primary experience with metapgrogramming is the rlang package to also read on.

Why macros and metaprogramming?

Many R users never need any of R’s macro or metaprogramming capabilities. That is because the core language and packages are designed such that such capabilities are not immediately necessary.

For example. A common way to extract a column from a data.frame is to use the “$” operator:

d <- data.frame(x = 1:2, y = 3:4)
## [1] 3 4

In the above the name “y” is captured from the source-code. We thus say “$” is a code capturing interface, it works by looking at our source code! For another program to use this notation we might need a macro facility to substitute in a name coming form another variable. However, R supplies the [[]] notation which is a value-oriented interface, meaning what [[]] does is purely a function of the values made available to it (independent of what the code that supplies those values looks like).

## [1] 3 4

Value oriented interfaces are easier to program over. However, not all R functions and packages have the discipline of design to always supply value oriented alternatives to any code capturing interfaces. For example some commands such as base::order() can be hard to program over (due to its heavy leaning on the “...” argument, unlike the data.table design of having both a data.table::setorder() and a data.table::setorderv(); we now have thin orderv() and sortv() adapters to directly address this issue).

In R macros and metaprogramming are not urgent user-facing problems, until the user attempts to program over an interface that is only designed for interactive use (i.e., doesn’t accept or have an alternative that accepts values stored in additional variables). In our case we researched macros because we found the interfaces of dplyr 0.5.0 to be hard to program over, even with the included lazyeval package; this will be our motivating problem throughout. dplyr 0.7.*/dplyr 0.8.* now uses a new metaprogramming facility called rlang, but this was not available until after we published let() and (in my opinion) is not a good solution (especially when considered in context).

Macros are a bit technical, but when you are painted into a programming corner (such as not having an interface you want), you look to macros. So let’s talk more about macros and metaprogramming from the concrete point of view of trying to code capturing interfaces (such as “$”) into value oriented interfaces (such as “[[]]”). Again: the idea is code capturing interfaces may be convenient for interactive work (when we are typing in the code while looking at data), but are inconvenient for programming work (where we can’t always see the data and must take details from other variables, such as COLUMNNAME).

Technical definitions

Some technical definitions (which we will expand on and use later).

Macros and metaprogramming are related concepts. Each has variations. For example C-macros are mere text substitutions performed by a pre-processor in some of the code compilation stages. Whereas Lisp macros operate directly on Lisp data structures and language objects (not mere text). When applied to programs both concepts converge to “programming over programs.” There are games one can play to exclude or include various programming methods from these definitions. Let’s take a broad (non pedantic) and general view that tools that achieve similar effects are similar enough to compare independent of how you categorize the internal implementations (an issue that does remain relevant when characterizing result quality and reliability).

Macros and metaprogramming in R

We are going to run through the code control methods we listed earlier in roughly chronological or priority order. For each method will comment on its suitability for our example goal (converting code capturing interfaces into reusable referentially transparent interfaces, especially programming over dplyr 0.5.0) and how the capabilities of each method relate to the methods available before them (i.e. are they actually solving open problems). Obviously there is the important possibility that newer solutions can be better solutions, but just because a solution is newer doesn’t mean it is in fact better. We prefer a mix of solutions: taking good methods from various sources instead of commit all fealty to single package (or package family) as this relieves later packages of the having to re-implement already available methods.

It is, of course, an untenable burden to expect users to ingest even a partial history of methodology before they are allowed to try a new method. However, for method developers/proselytizers: a forgetful presentation of history is a mendacious history; and is counter-productive, as a lot of expensive and valuable lessons are lost in each re-invention.

The wrapr package will get the (slightly unfair) presentation advantage: that as the package author, I can attempt to explain the intent and motivation of wrapr the package here.


We are going to discuss base::do.call() before base::substitute() and base::eval(), regardless of the order they may have entered into the R language.

Sometimes you don’t need the full power of macros. The function you are using may already have a powerful enough interface. Or you may be only trying to control the execution of a single function, a task for which R already has an excellent tool: base::do.call().

For example if you want to control the call-presentation of a formula passed to lm() (a problem discussed here) the following code is sufficient.

# specifications of how to model,
# coming from somewhere else
outcome <- "mpg"
variables <- c("cyl", "disp", "hp", "carb")
dataf <- mtcars

# our modeling effort, 
# fully parameterized!
f <- as.formula(
        paste(variables, collapse = " + "), 
        sep = " ~ "))
## mpg ~ cyl + disp + hp + carb
model <- do.call("lm", list(f, data = as.name("dataf")))
## Call:
## lm(formula = mpg ~ cyl + disp + hp + carb, data = dataf)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept)          cyl         disp           hp         carb  
##   34.021595    -1.048523    -0.026906     0.009349    -0.926863

do.call() is also an excellent way to build a value-oriented interface for order, as we show here.

d <- data.frame(x = c(2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1), y = 6:1, z = 1)

# argumentes suplied in ..., not in a list() object
d[order(d$x, d$y), , drop = FALSE]
##   x y z
## 6 1 1 1
## 5 1 2 1
## 2 2 5 1
## 1 2 6 1
## 4 3 3 1
## 3 3 4 1
# use do.call() build a value oriented interface.
orderv <- function(columns) {
  base::do.call(base::order, as.list(columns))
# Note: The package wrapr 1.6.2 supplies a more complete orderv()
# https://winvector.github.io/wrapr/reference/orderv.html

# value oriented verion of the call, 
# a bit longer but easier to program over
order_spec <- list(d$x, d$y)
d[orderv(order_spec), , drop = FALSE]
##   x y z
## 6 1 1 1
## 5 1 2 1
## 2 2 5 1
## 1 2 6 1
## 4 3 3 1
## 3 3 4 1

Now the above varargs issue is not quite the same issue as macro name-replacement, but they are similar in the sense variadic interfaces and name-capturing interfaces and optimized for interactive use (making them shorter than value oriented interfaces, but also a bit harder to program over).


We are not going to show much direct use of base::substitute(), base::eval(). They are fundamental tools used both directly and to build other tools. Since we are taking a user-view of coding we will spend more time on more specialized tools build on top of these fundamental operators. So we will try to move on after merely a brief orientation or description.

base::substitute() captures un-evaluated code or arguments of functions. It also can, in some contexts, perform symbol substitutions (hence the name). base::quote() also captures its input, and started as an function that called substitue() (which may still have different meaning, as substitute() behaves differently depending on the execution environment). base::eval() evaluates code (undoes the quoting of substitute() or quote()). This is easy to see with an example.

substitute(1 + 1)
## 1 + 1
eval(substitute(1 + 1))
## [1] 2

At this point we see how capturing un-evaluated code is possible, and how captured code can be later executed. Beyond delaying and printing things we haven’t yet shown anything very deep.

In fact we now have enough power to directly imitate Lisp’s eval and apply. This is already a lot of power, in fact the relations between such functions can be used to define the entire semantics of functional languages. The relations between Lisp eval and Lisp apply are so fundamental that Alan Kay called them “Maxwell’s Equations of Software”: “A conversation with Alan Kay”, ACMqueue, Volume 2, Issue 9, December 27, 2004, see also “Lisp as the Maxwell’s equations of software”, Michael Nielson April 11, 2012.

The above functions are “power tools”, able to do just about anything for those that study them but a bit bulky and dangerous for casual use. Often user facing tools are built in terms of these operators. A great example of this is defmacro(), which we will discuss next.


defmacro() is a function that lets the user define their own macros. R doesn’t need a special macro definition sub-language, because the R language is already powerful enough to build macros.

defmacro() was introduced to the R community in a fantastic article by Thomas Lumley in 2001, and then later enhanced and distributed as part of the gtools package by Thomas Lumley and Gregory R. Warnes.

Macros superficially look a bit like functions: they encapsulate some code. However, instead of running code in an isolated environment (the function evaluation environment) they instead perform as if the user had typed the code in directly. Let’s jump ahead in our timeline and use gtools::defmacro() to define a macro called “set_variable” as follows.


set_variable <- defmacro(
  VARNAME,  # sustitution target/placeholder
  VARVALUE, # sustitution target/placeholder
  expr = { VARNAME <- VARVALUE } # expression to manipulate

Using such a macro is easy.

set_variable(x, 7)
## [1] 7

Notice that a macro can interact with the original environment without using escape systems such as <<- or direct manipulations of environments. The macro’s lack of isolation is both its benefit (it works as if the user had typed the code in the macro) and detriment (in most cases you should prefer the safe isolation of functions). R is a bit odd in that what it calls “functions” are closer to fexprs, which lost popularity as Lisps moved towards a cleaner differentiation between applicative order functions (functions that are only executed after their arguments are resolved) and macros (arbitrary language structures).

I strongly suggest reading the original article, as it shares a great deal of wisdom and humor. I can’t resist stealing a bit of the conclusion from the article.

While defmacro() has many (ok, one or two) practical uses, its main purpose is to show off the powers of substitute(). Manipulating expressions directly with substitute() can often let you avoid messing around with pasting and parsing strings, assigning into strange places with \<\<- or using other functions too evil to mention.

We couldn’t use defmacro() for our particular application (programming over dplyr 0.5.0) as the substitute() function (which defmacro() is based on) will not substitute the left-hand sides of argument bindings (which is how dplyr::mutate() specifies assignment). We demonstrate this below by trying to replace symbols with “x”:

# notice right hand side "B" can be substituted
  expr = c(A = B),      # expression to manipulate
  env = list("B" = "x") # mapping targets to replacements
## c(A = "x")
# notice left hand side "A" can't be substituted
  expr = c(A = B), 
  env = list("A" = "x"))
## c(A = B)
# notice $ notations are re-mapped
d <- data.frame(x = 1)
  expr = d$A,
  env = list("A" = "x")))
## [1] 1

The unwillingness of substitute() to replace left-hand sides of argument bindings is likely intentional. For standard function arguments (those that are not “...”) such as the x in sin(x), it does not make sense to substitute names. In such cases the programmer would usually know the name of the argument as they wrote the code. The following example, where only the right-hand side of bindings is replaced, is convenient and cuts down on some of the confusion sowed by the “x = x” notation.

substitute(sin(x = x), env = list(x = 7))
## sin(x = 7)
eval(substitute(sin(x = x), env = list(x = 7)))
## [1] 0.6569866

As dplyr::mutate() uses named argument binding in “...” to denote assignments, we will want control of both sides of such sub-expressions when trying to program over dplyr.

As an aside (and return to our earlier comments on “$”), notice substitute can replace items near a “$”. defmacro() also does this, but produces yet another code capturing interface (not a value oriented interface).

d <- data.frame(x = 1)
column_i_want <- "x"

# notice $ is re-mapped, allowing us to use $ to simulate [[]]
                env = list(COLUMNNAME = column_i_want)
## [1] 1
# notice COLUMNNAME is rempapped to name of incoming
# argument, not value of incoming argument.
read_column <- defmacro(DATA, COLUMNNAME,
                        expr = { DATA$COLUMNNAME})

# wrong (returns NULL)
read_column(d, column_i_want)
# correct, but not what we wanted, behaves like $ not like [[]]
# returned column x
read_column(d, x)
## [1] 1

To resolve our issue we want direct control of what gets substituted as a name and what is treated as a value. It turns out base::bquote() gives us exactly that.


On August 15, 2003 Thomas Lumley contributed a implementation of Lisp’s quasiquotation (please see “Quasiquotation in lisp”, Alan Bawden, 1999) system or “the backquote” to R itself.

commit 6af5ee3fab4a347accc61a96185921320547c1e6   refs/remotes/origin/R-grid
Author: tlumley <tlumley@00db46b3-68df-0310-9c12-caf00c1e9a41>
Date:   Fri Aug 15 18:46:06 2003 +0000

    add bquote for partial substitution

    git-svn-id: https://svn.r-project.org/R/trunk@25744 00db46b3-68df-0310-9c12-caf00c1e9a41

R’s syntax is different than Lisp’s, so R uses the notation “.(NAME)” instead of “`NAME”. But this is in fact the back-tick and quasiquotation ideas discussed in the Bawden paper. bquote() is an under-appreciated tool. We can jump forward a bit to one of our conclusions: bquote() is a great solution for most “convert a name-capturing interface to a value oriented interface” tasks.

bquote() has a fairly concise description (from help(bquote)):

An analogue of the Lisp backquote macro. bquote quotes its argument except that terms wrapped in .() are evaluated in the specified where environment.

We can demonstrate the idea as follows. Suppose we want to build up a simple expression that checks if a given variable is 5 or not, but we want to take the variable name in from another variable. This is easy to solve, but a good example for bquote(). First we use bquote() to quote a user supplied expression, preventing its execution.

x <- 7
A <- as.name("x")
bquote( A == 5 )
## A == 5

Now we can use the “.()” notation to turn off-quoting for portions of the expression.

bquote( .(A) == 5 )
## x == 5

We have built up the specific expression we want (from code working over an abstract template or expression), and we are now ready to execute the altered expression with eval().

eval(bquote( .(A) == 5 ))
## [1] FALSE

And we are done! We used the above pattern in our article “R tip: How to Pass A formula to lm”.

There is one limitation: due to R’s syntax rules bquote() style notation can not substitute on the left-hand side of an “=” expression. This means we can not use it to control the following sort of expression (as see below).

bquote( list(.(A) = 5) )
## Error: <text>:1:19: unexpected '='
## 1: bquote( list(.(A) =
##                       ^

Note the above isn’t bquote()’s fault, the wrapping syntax just isn’t legal on the left-side of an “=” in this case. Notice even an R function that does not use its argument runs into the same issue.

fnull <- function(x) {}

fnull( list(.(A) = 5) )
## Error: <text>:3:18: unexpected '='
## 2: 
## 3: fnull( list(.(A) =
##                     ^

The problem is this sort of notation is used in the popular dplyr::mutate() function to denote assignment.

In dplyr 0.7.0 and beyond there is a substitute notation “:=” (a notation already made popular by data.table) which lets us avoid the issue with “=”:

## [1] '0.8.4'
NEWVAR <- as.name("y")
OLDVAR <- as.name("x")


  data.frame(x = 1) %>%
    mutate(.(NEWVAR) := .(OLDVAR) + 1)

##   x y
## 1 1 2

However, for dplyr 0.5.0 (the version of dplyr available when we were working on this issue) one must use “=”, and therefore can not use directly bquote() to control dplyr::mutate() results.

The code for bquote() (accessible by executing print(bquote)) is amazingly compact. This is a common situation in functional programming languages.


Gregory R. Warnes added strmacro() to the gtools package to supply an additional macro facility. Let’s demonstrate strmacro().


mul <- strmacro(A, # substitution target 
                B, # substitution target 
                expr={A*B} # expression to manipulate
x <- 7
y <- 2
mul("x", "y")
## [1] 14

Notice the macro arguments are now passed in as strings and substitution is performed by matching target names, not by annotations.

strmacro can in fact replace left-hand sides of argument bindings.


A <- "AAA"
B <- "BBB"
x <- "xxx"

# notice right hand side "B" can be substituted 
# with name x, which evaluates to value "xxx".
  B,  # define substitution target
  expr = c(A = B))("x")
##     A 
## "xxx"
# notice left hand side "A" can be substituted
# with name x, which is used as a name in the vector expression.
  A,  # define substitution target
  expr = c(A = B))("x")
##     x 
## "BBB"

strmacro happens to be inconvenient for our particular application (executing a dplyr 0.5.0 pipeline) due to the need to explicitly execute the macro and the quoting. However, strmacro supplied good ideas for the initial implementation of let() (which has since evolved quite a bit) and we found studying it and defmacro() to be very rewarding.

For example notice strmacro can successful substitute “a” for “X” on the left and right-hand sides of “$” and even over function definitions.


d <- data.frame(X = "XCOL", a = "ACOL")
a <- list(X = "XITEM", a = "AITEM")

macro <- strmacro(
  X, # define substitution target
  expr = list(
    f <- function(X) { X + 1 }
## [[1]]
## [1] ACOL
## Levels: ACOL
## [[2]]
## [1] "AITEM"
## [[3]]
## function (a) 
## {
##     a + 1
## }

This is the kind of power we want.

Please keep in mind that when writing a macro both the substitution target names and code being transformed are known to the author and near each other (so easy to manage/alter together). It is only the replacement values that are not fully known or controlled. That means most danger or ambiguity seen in an example such as above can be completely eliminated by merely choosing longer substitution targets:


d <- data.frame(X = "XCOL", a = "ACOL")
a <- list(X = "XITEM", a = "AITEM")

macro <- strmacro(
  STR_MACRO_TARGET_X, # define substitution target
  expr = list(
    f <- function(STR_MACRO_TARGET_X) { STR_MACRO_TARGET_X + 1 }
## [[1]]
## [1] ACOL
## Levels: ACOL
## [[2]]
## [1] "AITEM"
## [[3]]
## function (a) 
## {
##     a + 1
## }

strmacro is powerful enough to program over dplyr 0.5.0:


macro <- strmacro(
  NEWVAR, # define substitution target
  expr = {
    data.frame(x = 1) %>%
      mutate(NEWVAR = OLDVAR + 1)
macro("y", "x")
##   x y
## 1 1 2


dplyr 0.5.0’s parametric programming interface was a package called lazyeval by Hadley Wickham which describes itself as:

An alternative approach to non-standard evaluation using formulas. Provides a full implementation of LISP style ‘quasiquotation’, making it easier to generate code with other code.

The lazyeval vignettes give some details (here and here).

lazyeval seems to incorporate a design principle that there is of merit in carrying around a variable name plus an environment where that name is resolved to a value. That is at best a point of view. In my opinion, especially in the context of quasiquotation, it is much better to design workflows that allow one to convert bound names to values and reserve unbound names to refer to data.frame columns.

It is my impression that lazyeval isn’t currently recommended by its authors, so examples teaching it or example further criticizing it are not germane to the current discussion. We place lazyeval in its chronological place here to respect its priority.


For some code-rewriting tasks we (John Mount and Nina Zumel) found both substitute() and bquote() a bit limiting, and strmacro() a bit wild. For this reason we developed wrapr::let(), taking inspiration from gtools::strmacro(). wrapr::let() was designed to have syntax similar to substitute() and also to classic Lisplet” style value-binding blocks (informal example: “(let X be 7 in (sin X))”). Informally we think of let() as “base::with(), but for names, instead of values.” We wanted let() to be a direct user facing tool, not a tool that builds tools (such as strmacro()). Early implementations used string-based methods, later we switched to more powerful language object based substitutions.

Our first application of let() (at the time in the replyr package) was to perform parametric programming over dplyr 0.5.0 (the version of dplyr current at the time). That is to convert dplyr 0.5.0 name/code capturing interfaces into standard referentially transparent interfaces.

We have shared a number of articles and gave public talks on the topic.

Other contributors worked out additional applications for let() including using it to control parameterized R-markdown.

let() is good for situations where we are forced to use an interactive interface. For example if we were forced to use “$” as the only way to access data.frame columns (i.e., if [[]] did not exist) we could use let() to work around it as follows.


d <- data.frame(x = 1:2, y = 3:4)

# iteractive way to read the data
## [1] 3 4
# programming friendly method
column_i_want <- "y"
## [1] 3 4
# adapted method (if [[]] did not exist)
  c(COLUMNNAME = column_i_want), # mapping of subsitution targets to replacement names
    d$COLUMNNAME                 # expression to manipulate
## [1] 3 4

We can also work one of our bquote() section examples as follows.


  alias = c(NEWVAR = "y",
            OLDVAR = "x"),

  data.frame(x = 1) %>%
    mutate(NEWVAR = OLDVAR + 1)

##   x y
## 1 1 2

Notice wrapr::let() specifies substitution targets by name (not by any decorating notation such as backtick or .()), and also can use the original “=”-notation without problem. let() only allows name for name substitutions, the theory is substituting names for values is the job of Rs environments and attempting to duplicate or replace core language functionality is not desirable.

For clarity and safety wrapr::let() is deliberately limited to replacing names with names (which for convenience can be represented as strings), leaving value substitution to R itself. For example to following is deliberately not supported:


  alias = c(X = 5),

## Error in prepareAlias(alias, strict = strict): wrapr:let alias values must all be strings or names ( X is class: numeric )

The above is a bit of the wrapr::let() design philosophy: leave already well solved tasks to base R and packages that already do them well. Value substitution is left to R itself (that is what environments already do) and bquote(), splicing and vararg issues are left to do.call().

This also means wrapr::let() can not work the earlier linear model example. Users should not consider that a problem, as we have already shown how to solve that problem with do.call(). I feel add-on packages should strive to solve problems that do not have satisfactory base-R solutions, and not attempt to supplant R itself for mere stylistic concerns.

let() specifies replacements by target names (like strmacro()), and not as inline annotation (as with bquote()).let()` can also work left-hand sides of argument bindings. We can re-work one of our earlier examples to demonstrate this.


A <- "AAA"
B <- "BBB"
x <- "xxx"

# notice right hand side "B" can be substituted 
# with name x, which evaluates to value "xxx".
  alias = c("B" = "x"),
  expr = { c(A = B) }
##     A 
## "xxx"
# notice left hand side "A" can be substituted
# with name x, which is used as a name in the vector expression.
  alias = c("A" = "x"),
  expr = { c(A = B) }
##     x 
## "BBB"

We emphasize that potential ambiguity between replacement targets and non-replacement is easily avoidable as both the full source code and replacement plan are written in the same code block, and thus near each other and under a single author’s control.

People who try let() tend to like it.


Using strmacro() or defmacro() to implement let()

The first version of replyr::let() was an attributed adaption of strmacro() code, but the method is now a new independent language based implementation. Some of the closeness can be seen by implementing approximations of let() using strmacro() and defmacro().


# define a gtools::strmacro() based let()
lets <- function(alias, expr, env = parent.frame()) {
  env <- force(env)
  expr <- base::substitute(expr)
  args <- base::lapply(names(alias), as.name)
  macro <- do.call(gtools::strmacro, c(args, list(expr = expr)))
  do.call(macro, as.list(as.character(alias)), envir = env)

# apply it
  alias = c(NEWVAR = "y",
            OLDVAR = "x"),

  data.frame(x = 1) %>%
    mutate(NEWVAR = OLDVAR + 1)
##   x y
## 1 1 2
# define a gtools::defmacro() based let()
letd <- function(alias, expr, env = parent.frame()) {
  env <- force(env)
  expr <- base::substitute(expr)
  args <- base::lapply(names(alias), as.name)
  macro <- do.call(gtools::defmacro, c(args, list(expr = expr)))
  newargs <- base::lapply(as.character(alias), as.name)
  do.call(macro, as.list(newargs), envir = env)

# notice letd() does not get the assignment variable 
# when = notation is used
  alias = c(NEWVAR = "y",
            OLDVAR = "x"),

  data.frame(x = 1) %>%
    mutate(NEWVAR = OLDVAR + 1)
##   x NEWVAR
## 1 1      2
# notice letd() does  get the assignment variable 
# when := notation is used, a notation dplyr
# only accepts in versions 0.7.0 and later
  alias = c(NEWVAR = "y",
            OLDVAR = "x"),

  data.frame(x = 1) %>%
    mutate(NEWVAR := OLDVAR + 1)
##   x y
## 1 1 2

With our own wrapr implementation of let() we do get a bit finer control, and escape the common criticism of string based solutions (using instead a language based solution). A small example of differences is given here.

# our reference implementation with desired behavior
  alias = c(X = "SUBSTITUTED",
            Y = "lst"),
  expr = list(
    c(X = "X.X"),
    .X = c("X" = "X")
## [[1]]
##       "X.X" 
## $.X
##         "X"
# repaces too much
  alias = c(X = "SUBSTITUTED"),
  expr = list(
    c(X = "X.X"),
    .X = c("X" = "X")
## [[1]]
##               SUBSTITUTED 
# replaces too little, probably
# (intentionally) did not go into the list
  alias = c(X = "SUBSTITUTED"),
  expr = list(
    c(X = "X.X"),
    .X = c("X" = "X")
## [[1]]
##     X 
## "X.X" 
## $.X
##   X 
## "X"

More examples can be found here. The differences are because wrapr::let() is substituting on language objects, not on mere strings (behaving a bit more like bquote()). Notice wrapr::let() does not substitute into all string situations the same, but can use language context to make good choices. However, users can completely avoid mapping ambiguity by choosing appropriate substitution targets when they write their alias and code.


rlang was written by Lionel Henry and Hadley Wickham and was incorporated into dplyr on June 6, 2017. From help(!!, package = “rlang”):

The rlang package provides tools to work with core language features of R and the tidyverse:

  • The tidy eval framework, which is a well-founded system for non-standard evaluation built on quasiquotation (!!) and quosures (quo()).

There is a lot packed into the above statement. However, at this point of our note we have enough shared vocabulary to work through the terms.

What I want to call out is: the phrase “which is a well-founded system”, and the repeated use of the word “tidy.” Alone this may not seem like much, but this is fairly typical of rlang/tidyeval/tidyverse promotion: a merely implied but strongly repeated assertion that earlier R systems are not well founded and are “un-tidy.” For example “Advanced R”’s current discussion of bquote() is now almost entirely the following two statements.:

bquote() is particularly relevant, as it could have been used to implemented a quasiquotation version of dplyr 0.5.0 in under 100 lines of code. We have an article demonstrating this here.

Let’s directly establish some more context before working rlang examples.

The rlang package is an evolution of R-formula style semantics (as is also the lazyeval package). So some known issues with formula remain relevant:

Many modelling and graphical functions have a formula argument and a data argument. If variables in the formula were required to be in the data argument life would be a lot simpler, but this requirement was not made when formulas were introduced. Authors of modelling and graphics functions are thus required to implement a limited form of dynamic scope, which they have not done in an entirely consistent way.

Thomas Lumley, “Standard nonstandard evaluation rules”, March 19, 2003


rlang emphasizes the ability to capture environments along with expressions. John M. Chambers already criticized the over-use of taking non-trivial values from the environment carried by R formula objects:

Where clear and trustworthy software is a priority, I would personally avoid such tricks. Ideally, all the variables in the model frame should come from an explicit, verifiable data source, typically a data frame object that is archived for future inspection (or equivalently, some other equally well-defined source of data, either inside or outside R, that is used explicitly to construct the data for the model).

Software for Data Analysis (Springer 2008), John M. Chambers, Chapter 6, section 9, page 221.


Chambers is saying “spaghetti data” (non-trivial values being taken from various carried environments) is worth avoiding (as spaghetti code is worth avoiding). The principle is: one should restrict oneself to structured data (taking non-trivial values from data.frame columns, a data-version of structured programming, as we discuss here).

Basically rlang quosures are sufficiently like formulas to run into the same issues (including reference leaks). Our advice is: prefer avoiding complexity to getting better and working within complexities.

But enough theoretical criticism, let’s see rlang in action.

rlang (parts of which are brought in by the dplyr package) can be demonstrated on one of the examples we already exhibited in the bquote() section of this note as follows.


NEWVAR <- as.name("y")
OLDVAR <- as.name("x")

  data.frame(x = 1) %>%
    mutate(!!NEWVAR := !!OLDVAR + 1)
##   x y
## 1 1 2

As with bquote() the := notation is required. Substitution targets are marked with the “!!” notation. Syntactically this differs from the bquote() solution only in tick-notation and not requiring an outer function wrapper (a simple benefit of rlang being integrated into the dplyr package).

For comparison we will write out the bquote() solution again.


NEWVAR <- as.name("y")
OLDVAR <- as.name("x")


  data.frame(x = 1) %>%
    mutate(.(NEWVAR) := .(OLDVAR) + 1)

##   x y
## 1 1 2

However, the reason rlang could avoid the wrapping is: rlang is integrated into the dplyr package (essentially the mutate() step itself incorporates such a wrapper). Such integration is easy to achieve, as we show below.


# define a bquote() enabled variation of dplyr::mutate()
mutate_bq <- function(.data, ...) {
  env = parent.frame()
  mc <- substitute(dplyr::mutate(.data = .data, ...))
  mc <- do.call(bquote, list(mc, where = env), envir = env)
  eval(mc, envir = env)

NEWVAR <- as.name("y")
OLDVAR <- as.name("x")

  data.frame(x = 1) %>%
    mutate_bq(.(NEWVAR) := .(OLDVAR) + 1)
##   x y
## 1 1 2

We just demonstrated a bquote()-enhanced version of mutate() in about 4 lines of code. Enhancing mutate() with strmacro() or let() would be similarly easy. We have more examples of building bquote()-enabled dplyr methods using a method converting factory here.

There are, of course, some semantic differences, such as how to unambiguously choose values from the data.frame or the environment. However, in my opinion, most of the earlier solutions already have sound ways of dealing with these issues. rlang does supply some additional services such as vararg splicing through !!!, however as we have seen in our order() example do.call() already is an excellent tools for vararg splicing. The other systems don’t need to solve splicing, as it isn’t an unsolved problem.

Similar to bquote() (and unlike strmacro() and let()) rlang substitution will not work on left-sides of argument binding. For example we can not successfully write the above block as follows (with = instead of :=).


NEWVAR <- as.name("y")
OLDVAR <- as.name("x")

  data.frame(x = 1) %>%
    mutate(!!NEWVAR = !!OLDVAR + 1)
## Error: <text>:7:21: unexpected '='
## 6:   data.frame(x = 1) %>%
## 7:     mutate(!!NEWVAR =
##                        ^

A dplyr that allows := to denote assignment does not need an extension package such as gtools, lazyeval, wrapr, or rlang; base::bquote() is already able to do the work.

rlang can work with packages that it has not been integrated with, as the linear modeling example demonstrates. We repeat a simplified such example here (example recently volunteered by an rlang package author):


dataf <- mtcars
f <- disp ~ drat

eval(expr(        lm(!!f, data = dataf)   ))
## Call:
## lm(formula = disp ~ drat, data = dataf)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept)         drat  
##       822.8       -164.6

Or possibly the following form is preferred:

eval_tidy(quo(    lm(!!f, data = dataf)   ))
## Call:
## lm(formula = disp ~ drat, data = dataf)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept)         drat  
##       822.8       -164.6

However, the above are nearly identical to how bquote() would have dealt with the issue.

dataf <- mtcars
f <- disp ~ drat

eval(bquote(      lm(.(f), data = dataf)  ))
## Call:
## lm(formula = disp ~ drat, data = dataf)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept)         drat  
##       822.8       -164.6

We are assuming the difference is much finer control of environments (the expr() object being of class call and not carrying an environment, and quo() object being of class quosuer and carrying an environment). However the bquote() object is of class call (without an environment) and the function eval() does take an environment argument, so with some care it is quite possible to reasonably control environments when using bquote().

rlang environment control is powerful. For instance it can build an expression of the form “a - a” that evaluates to a large non-zero value.


mk_term <- function(name, value) {
  v <- sym(name)
  env <- environment()
  assign(name, value, envir = env)
terms <- expr(!!mk_term("a", 5) - !!mk_term("a", 12))

## (~a) - ~a
## [1] -7

rlang documentation and promotion does sometimes mention bquote(), but never seems to actually try bquote() as an alternate solution in a post-dplyr 0.5.0 world (i.e., one where “:=” is part of dplyr). So new readers can be forgiven for having the (false) impression that rlang substitution is a unique and unprecedented capability for R.

rlang can not substitute into a number of common target positions due to syntax restrictions. For example the we could try to repeat the wrapr::let() replace the item on the right of the “$” example, but that does not work.


X <- sym("y")
## Error: <text>:4:8: unexpected '!'
## 3: X <- sym("y")
## 4: expr(d$!
##           ^
expr(f <- function(!!X) { !!X + 1 })
## Error: <text>:1:20: unexpected '!'
## 1: expr(f <- function(!
##                        ^

Similar issues likely exist for the right-hand sides of “$”, and function arguments (cases wrapr::let() handles with ease).


  c(X = "y"),
    f <- function(X) { X + 1 }
  eval = FALSE
## {
##     d$y
##     y$a
##     f <- function(y) {
##         y + 1
##     }
## }

In R the rlang replacement notation is just not as powerful as target-based substitution (as used by strmacro() and wrapr::let()).

rlang and dplyr

A huge marketing advantage for rlang is its privileged place in the so-called tidyverse and its integration into dplyr. So it is relevant to examine this combination of packages.

The combined rlang/dplyr interface surface is large and complicated. A lot varies depending if the user is attempting to specify a column using an integer index, a string, a name/symbol, a quosure/formula, an expression, or un-evaluated source code (all of which seem to be allowed); plus variations depending on if the execution is a function context or not; plus variations the “semantics” of the dplyr verb (there are at least two styles: “select” and “eval”, and possibly more). This creates a large user responsibility to know which combination of adapters and which access patterns are correct. We give an example below (contrived, but the kind of experimentation a new user often uses to learn):

## [1] '0.8.4'
## [1] '0.4.4'
## [1] '1.0.0'
x <- "Species"

# works
iris %>% group_by(Species) %>% summarize(n = n())
## # A tibble: 3 x 2
##   Species        n
##   <fct>      <int>
## 1 setosa        50
## 2 versicolor    50
## 3 virginica     50
# wrong (errors-out, column x unknown)
iris %>% group_by(x) %>% summarize(n = n())
## Error: Column `x` is unknown
# wrong (created a new constant column named "Species")
iris %>% group_by(!!x) %>% summarize(n = n())
## # A tibble: 1 x 2
##   `"Species"`     n
##   <chr>       <int>
## 1 Species       150
# wrong (errors-out, column x unknown)
iris %>% group_by(!!quo(x)) %>% summarize(n = n())
## Error: Column `x` is unknown
# wrong (created a new constant column named "Species")
iris %>% group_by(!!enquo(x)) %>% summarize(n = n())
## # A tibble: 1 x 2
##   `"Species"`     n
##   <chr>       <int>
## 1 Species       150
# wrong (errors-out, column x unknown)
iris %>% group_by(!!expr(x)) %>% summarize(n = n())
## Error: Column `x` is unknown
# wrong (created a new constant column named "Species")
iris %>% group_by(!!enexpr(x)) %>% summarize(n = n())
## # A tibble: 1 x 2
##   `"Species"`     n
##   <chr>       <int>
## 1 Species       150
# wrong (syntax error)
iris %>% group_by(.data$!!x) %>% summarize(n = n())
## Error: <text>:2:25: unexpected '!'
## 1: # wrong (syntax error)
## 2: iris %>% group_by(.data$!
##                            ^
# works
iris %>% group_by(.data[[x]]) %>% summarize(n = n())
## # A tibble: 3 x 2
##   Species        n
##   <fct>      <int>
## 1 setosa        50
## 2 versicolor    50
## 3 virginica     50
# works, package authors call patterns like this "quoting and unquoting"
# https://github.com/tidyverse/dplyr/issues/3801#issuecomment-419137995
iris %>% group_by(!!sym(x)) %>% summarize(n = n())
## # A tibble: 3 x 2
##   Species        n
##   <fct>      <int>
## 1 setosa        50
## 2 versicolor    50
## 3 virginica     50
# works, but currently warns
iris %>% group_by(.data[[!!x]]) %>% summarize(n = n())
## # A tibble: 3 x 2
##   Species        n
##   <fct>      <int>
## 1 setosa        50
## 2 versicolor    50
## 3 virginica     50
# wrong (errors-out)
iris %>% group_by(.data[[!!sym(x)]]) %>% summarize(n = n())
## Error: Must subset the data pronoun with a string


To be fair: some of the above issues were driven by our insistence on starting from a string column name instead of a symbol or captured un-evaluated code. However, prefering non-trivial variables to be in columns and considering column names to be strings is a valid point of view and a useful when when programming over modeling tasks (where one may supply the set of dependent variables as a vector of column names). I feel there is a subtle difference between the problems rlang apparently wants to solve (composing NSE interfaces) and the problems analysts/data-scientists actually have (wanting to propagate controlling values, such as column names, into analyses).

In contrast to the above examples the base::bquote() and wrapr::let() patterns are fairly regular.


# works
x <- as.name("Species")
  iris %>% group_by(.(x)) %>% summarize(n = n()) 
## # A tibble: 3 x 2
##   Species        n
##   <fct>      <int>
## 1 setosa        50
## 2 versicolor    50
## 3 virginica     50


# works
x <- "Species"
  c(X = x),
  iris %>% group_by(X) %>% summarize(n = n())
## # A tibble: 3 x 2
##   Species        n
##   <fct>      <int>
## 1 setosa        50
## 2 versicolor    50
## 3 virginica     50
# works
x <- "Species"
  c(X = x),
  iris %>% group_by(.data$X) %>% summarize(n = n())
## # A tibble: 3 x 2
##   Species        n
##   <fct>      <int>
## 1 setosa        50
## 2 versicolor    50
## 3 virginica     50



nseval’s goal is to supply quotation and dots structures that correctly expose R quotation and evaluation facilities without having to go through the S-notation exposed to the user (as S notation does not properly represent full R semantics). The package README explains this quite well.


oshka has the brilliant idea that normal data processing steps never see quoted language objects, so an expander that substitutes quoted language objects (expressions, names) is compatible with normal scientific programming. This idea allows the very easy programmatic buildup of complex expressions (example here).


This notation is essential an uncredited copy of Thomas Lumley’s .() notation (please see here for some more notes).

After arguing at great length the intuitiveness, teachability, and superiority of rlang::!! for quite some time the rlang team announced a “new” {{}} notation in February of 2019 (ref).

The {{}} announcement says:

We have come to realise that this pattern is difficult to teach and to learn because it involves a new, unfamiliar syntax, and because it introduces two new programming concepts (quote and unquote) that are hard to understand intuitively. This complexity is not really justified because this pattern is overly flexible for basic programming needs.

This is a fraction the criticism that was ignored when !! was introduced. Also no mention is made of Thomas Lumley or .()/bquote().


R has a number of useful macro and metaprogramming facilities. Not all R users know about them. This is because, due to a number of good R design decisions, not all R users regularly need macro facilities. If you do need macros (or to “program over programs”, which is always a bit harder than the more desirable programming over data) I suggest reading a few of the references and picking a system that works well for your tasks. The job of metaprogramming is to reduce programmer burden, so these tools should only be applied when they are less work than the obvious alternatives (such as repeating code).

Some of our take-aways include:

WinVector/wrapr documentation built on Aug. 29, 2023, 4:51 a.m.