
Defines functions deploy_netlify

Documented in deploy_netlify

#' Deploy an app to Netlify
#' @param app An app object created with [register_app()].
#' @param netlify_app_id Netlify app ID.
#' @param require_app_token Netlify app token.
#' @export
deploy_netlify <- function(app, netlify_app_id, require_app_token = FALSE) {
  if (!inherits(app, "registered_app"))
    stop("Not a valid app object.", call. = FALSE)

  a <- system("which netlify")
  if (a == 1)
    stop("Could not find netlify CLI. See here: https://cli.netlify.com to install.")

  token <- Sys.getenv("NETLIFY_AUTH_TOKEN")
  if (token == "")
    stop("Need to set environment variable NETLIFY_AUTH_TOKEN.")

  if (!file.exists(file.path(app$path, "index.html")))
    stop("Must be an index.html file in the app directory: \n  ",

  cmd <- paste0("netlify deploy --prod --dir ", app$path,
    " --auth $NETLIFY_AUTH_TOKEN --site ", netlify_app_id)

  res <- system(cmd)
  if (res == 1)
    stop("There was an issue deploying to netlify.")
  res == 0

# #' Copy app to a local location
# #' 
# #' @param app An app object created with [register_app()].
# #' @param dest_dir Destination directory.
# #' @export
# deploy_cp <- function(app, dest_dir) {
#   if (!inherits(app, "registered_app"))
#     stop("Not a valid object.", call. = FALSE)

#   message("Not yet implemented")
# }

# #' Copy app to a remote location over SCP
# #'
# #' @param app An app object created with [register_app()].
# #' @param ip IP address to scp to.
# #' @param scp_token Token.
# #' @export
# deploy_scp <- function(app, ip, scp_token = NULL) {
#   if (!inherits(app, "registered_app"))
#     stop("Not a valid object.", call. = FALSE)

#   message("Not yet implemented")
# }
WorldHealthOrganization/casecountapp documentation built on Jan. 22, 2021, 6:36 p.m.