
get_ecb = function() {
    # European Central Bank 
    # There are many bad country names in the ECB data, but these are excluded
    # explicitly because they produce duplicates when matched by regex.
    bad = c("Australian Oceania",
            "Australia, Oceania and other territories",
            "Central and South Africa countries",
            "EU 12 (fixed composition) including West Germany",
            "Euro area countries except Germany, France, Italy and Spain",
            "G20 (Argentina,Australia,Brazil,Canada,China,European Union,France,Germany,India,Indonesia,Italy,Japan,Mexico,Russia,Saudi Arabia,South Africa,South Korea,Turkey,United Kingdom,United States)",
            "Gaza and Jericho",
            "New Zealand Oceania",
            "Residual for BOP and IIP step 3 ECB needs (J2-DK-GB-SE-4A-D8-CH-CA-US-JP-C4-7Z)",
            "UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine)",
            "West Germany")

    url <- 'http://a-sdw.ecb.europa.eu/datastructure.do?conceptMnemonic=REF_AREA&datasetinstanceid=122'
    ecb <-
      xml2::read_html(url) %>%
      rvest::html_node('#codeListTable') %>%
      rvest::html_table() %>%
      dplyr::select(ecb = `Code`, ecb.name = `Code Description`) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(ecb = dplyr::if_else(ecb.name == 'Namibia', 'NA', ecb), # Namibia != <NA>
                    country.name.en.regex = CountryToRegex(ecb.name, warn=FALSE)) %>%
      filter(!ecb.name %in% bad,

YTLogos/countrycode documentation built on May 22, 2019, 4:39 p.m.