options: Set or get options for REMP package

remp_optionsR Documentation

Set or get options for REMP package


Tools to manage global setting options for REMP package.






Option names to retrieve option values or [key]=[value] pairs to set options.



Supported options

The following options are supported


Regular expression for 'grep' to extract Alu family to be included in the prediction.


Regular expression for 'grep' to extract L1 family to be included in the prediction.


Regular expression for 'grep' to extract ERV family to be included in the prediction.


List of human chromosome.


URL to download GM12878 450k methylation profiling data.


URL to download RepeatMasker database in hg19 genome.


URL to download RepeatMasker database in hg38 genome.


URL to download refSeq gene database in hg19 genome.


URL to download refSeq gene database in hg38 genome.


AnnotationHub data ID linked to RepeatMasker annotation database (Mar 2020, build hg19).


AnnotationHub data ID linked to RepeatMasker annotation database (Sep 2021, build hg38).


AnnotationHub data ID linked to refSeq gene database (build hg19)


AnnotationHub hg38 to hg19 liftover chain data ID.


AnnotationHub hg19 to hg38 liftover chain data ID.


Define the upstream range of transcription start site region.


Define the downstream range of transcription start site region.


Define the max size of the flanking window surrounding the predicted RE-CpG.


Total number of probes designed in Illumina 27k array.


Total number of probes designed in Illumina 450k array.


Total number of probes designed in Illumina EPIC array.


A character string associated with the Illumina 450k array annotation dataset.


A character string associated with the Illumina EPIC array annotation dataset.


Define the names of the genomic regions for prediction.


Define the names of predictors for RE methylation prediction.


Define the default C (Cost) parameter for Support Vector Machine (SVM) using linear kernel.


Define the default parameters (C and sigma) for SVM using Radial basis function kernel.


Define the default parameters (nrounds, eta, max_depth, gamma, colsample_bytree, min_child_weight, and subsample) for Extreme Gradient Boosting.


# Display all default settings

# Display a specified setting

# Change default maximum flanking window size to 2000
remp_options(.default.max.flankWindow = 2000)

# Reset all options

YinanZheng/REMP documentation built on May 14, 2022, 5:58 p.m.