In this vignette, we give an example illustrating the usage of R package bdChemo.

Function bdChemo requires the following input:

Other arguments with default values are:

bd.example = bdChemo(example$z, example$x0, example$xt, example$x0c, example$xtc, example$bk, curve.plot = TRUE, sample.return = FALSE, N = 1e5)

The above code will plot cell growth, birth and death rate curves, similar to the one shown in Figure 3 of the manuscript (except that in the cell growth curve we plot cell counts normalized by initial cell population sizes since we allow the initial cell population sizes to be different across compound concentrations here). In addition, it also return a list "bd.example" with the following elements as described in users' manual. We will show the usage of these elements in the following code.

## log concentrations where mu and lambda are returned
znew = bd.example$znew

## means and credible intervals of mu, lambda and Kendall Process at znew
lambda.mean = bd.example$lambdas[1,]
lambda.lower.bound = bd.example$lambdas[2,]
lambda.upper.bound = bd.example$lambdas[3,]
mu.mean = bd.example$mus[1,]
mu.lower.bound = bd.example$mus[2,]
mu.upper.bound = bd.example$mus[3,]
kmean.mean = bd.example$kmean[1,]
kmean.lower.bound = bd.example$kmean[2,]
kmean.upper.bound = bd.example$kmean[3,]

## means and credible intervals of GI50, TGI, LC50 and IC50
gi50.mean = bd.example$summary[1,1]
gi50.lower.bound = bd.example$summary[2,1]
gi50.upper.bound = bd.example$summary[3,1]

tgi.mean = bd.example$summary[1,2]
tgi.lower.bound = bd.example$summary[2,2]
tgi.upper.bound = bd.example$summary[3,2]

lc50.mean = bd.example$summary[1,3]
lc50.lower.bound = bd.example$summary[2,3]
lc50.upper.bound = bd.example$summary[3,3]

## posterior samples of mu and lambda (can be used to calculate other summary statistics of interest)
lambda.sample = bd.example$post.lambda
mu.sample = bd.example$

YiyiLiu1/bdChemo documentation built on May 8, 2023, 11:27 p.m.