MVPA_summary: Activity Summary-MVPA

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Examples


Summarize activity measures using MVPA





cleaned final data that is between record getup time and sleep time


MVPA is defined into two types: Long Bout MVPA and Sporadic MVPA_ Long Bout MVPA is defined as 10 consecutive minutes with METs>=3 (allowing 2 min below that threshold). Sporadic MVPA is defined as activities at any time with METS>=3 and they are not in Long Bout MVPA.

Highest METs values in 15 second/10 minutes are calculated by picking up the maximum METs values from the combined data with 15 second intervals and the data with 10 minutes intervals, respectively.


Total_light_time Total light time: the total activity minutes minus the total MVPA hours

Total_MVPA_time Total MVPA hours: the summation of the total Long Bout MVPA and total Sporadic MVPA durations

Total_MVPA_Long_Bout_time Total MVPA long bout time: the summation of the total Long Bout MVPA durations

Total_mvpa_sporadic_time Total MVPA sporadic time: the summation of the total Sporadic MVPA durations

Total_Number_of_MVPA_Long_Bouts_and_Sporadic Total Number of MVPA (Long Bouts or Sporadic): count the number of MVPA from 15 second data

Proportion_of_MVPA_Long_Bouts_and_Sporadic_greater_2 Proportion of MVPA (Long Bouts or Sporadic) greater than 2 minutes

Proportion_of_MVPA_Long_Bouts_and_Sporadic_greater_5 Proportion of MVPA (Long Bouts or Sporadic) greater than 5 minutes

Proportion_of_MVPA_Long_Bouts_and_Sporadic_greater_10 Proportion of MVPA (Long Bouts or Sporadic) greater than 10 minutes

Total_Number_of_MVPA_Long_Bouts Total number of long bout MVPA: count the number of Long Bouts MVPA from 10 minute data

Mean_MVPA_Long_Bout_Length Mean of long bout MVPA length

Proportion_of_MVPA_Long_Bouts_greater_10 Proportion of Long Bout MVPA greater than 10 minutes

Proportion_of_MVPA_Long_Bouts_greater_20 Proportion of Long Bout MVPA greater than 20 minutes

Highest_MET_value_15s Highest METs values in 15 second

Highest_MET_value_10min Highest METs values in 10 minutes

Total_MET_hrs_Long_Bouts_and_Sporadic_mvpa Total METs hours from Long Bout MVPA and sporadic MVPA: the summation of METs hours from all MVPA records

Total_MET_hrs_Long_Bouts Total METs hours from Long Bout MVPA: the summation of METs hours from Long Bout MVPA records



YukunZhang/PAactivPAL documentation built on May 10, 2019, 1:11 a.m.