SLI: Standing/Light Intensity Physical Activity Summary

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Examples


Summarize standing and light intensity activity measures


SLI(final_dat, bed_time, takeoff_time)



Raw event file, will be cleaned in this function. Event file is required for this function.


Sleep and wake up time log, reported by participants. Log is not required for this function.


Take on and off time log, reported by participants. Log is not required for this function.


alpha_activity is defined by 1+1/M, where M is the average of log(activity bout length /minimum activity bout length)


Year The calendar year of recorded event

Month The calendar month of recorded event

Day The calendar day of recorded event

Dayofweek The day of that week

Weekday_or_weekend The recored event date is a weekday or weekend (0 for weekday, 1 for weekend)

total_number_of_activity_bouts Total events that are standing or stepping

total_number_of_activity_bouts Total number of events that are standing or stepping

mean_activity_bout_length Average length of activity bout

prop_of_activity_time_greater_5min The ratio of the number of active bouts greater than 5 min to the total number of active events

prop_of_activity_time_greater_10min The ratio of the number of active bouts greater than 10 min to the total number of active events.

prop_of_activity_time_greater_30min The ratio of the number of active bouts greater than 30 min to the total number of active events.

total_activity_time_greater_5min The summation of the active durations which are greater than 5 min

total_activity_time_greater_10min The summation of the active durations which are greater than 10 min

total_activity_time_greater_30min The summation of the active durations which are greater than 30 min

percentile_activity_time_5 5% percentile of activity bouth length

percentile_activity_time_25 25% percentile of activity bout length

percentile_activity_time_50 50% percentile of activity bout length

percentile_activity_time_75 75% percentile of activity bout length

percentile_activity_time_95 95% percentile of activity bout length

alpha_activity alpha of activity time, see details

stepping_to_standing_ratio Ratio of stepping to standing, the ratio of total stepping hours to standing hours



YukunZhang/PAactivPAL documentation built on May 10, 2019, 1:11 a.m.