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#' Chunk Summary via R and C++
#' Divide the whole dataset into four chunks and calculate the mean and standard deviation of each chunks. An R function calls the C++.
#' @param x A data frame.
#' @return A table is provided, which include the names of each column and the results.
#' @seealso \code{\link[lng]{chunkSummaryR}}
#' @references Hadley Wickham (2015) R package.
#' @export
chunkSummaryC <- function(x) {
    .Call('_lng_chunkSummaryC', PACKAGE = 'lng', x)

#' Multiple a number
#' @param x A single number
#' @export

timesTwo <- function(x) {
    .Call('_lng_timesTwo', PACKAGE = 'lng', x)
YuweiNi45/lng documentation built on May 12, 2019, 6:26 p.m.