
sCNAphase is an R package, designed for esitmating tumor copy number profile, tumor cellularity, tumor ploidy, based on whole genome sequencing (WGS) or whole exome sequencing (WES) data.




This only works when the Rcpp, BH, NLOPT are installed. Find the user manual for more information.

Prepare data

To run the following R code, sCNAphase expects two sets of vcf files and a set of haps files. * Set A: a vcf file with germ-line SNPs called from a normal sample for each chromosome. * Set B: a vcf file called from a tumor sample at the germ-line SNPs for each chromosome. * Set C: a hap file with the phase information for each germ-line SNP for each chromosome.

Set A and Set B is generated from samtools mpileup. Set C is calculated based on Set A using [SHAPEIT] (


# This is a demo written in R, with minimal number of paramenters.
# -----------------------------------------
anaName = "inferCN"            # Any name. This will make up a part of the result file names.
chroms  = c(1:22)              # The chromosomes that makes up the genome. 1:22 means the 22 autosomes.
nPrefix = "/baseDir/filename"  # inferCNA will try to locate the a vcf from a normal genome,
                               #    named as /baseDir/filename.chr{1...22}.vcf, 
                               #    a hap file /baseDir/filename.chr{1...22}.haps
tPrefix = "/baseDir/filename"  # inferCNA will try to locate the a vcf from a normal genome,
                               #    named as /baseDir/filename.chr{1...22}.vcf
inferCNA (anaName, nPrefix, tPrefix, chroms)  # This will generate a R dat file in the current 
                                              #   directory  called res.{anaName}.phased.chr.W.dat,
                                              #   based on which sCNAphase can then format the
                                              #   estimation to the segmentation file, the d.SKY
                                              #   plot and a vcf file.

genSegFile(anaList= anaName, outdir = "test")   # This generates a *.csv file. Each row corresponds
                                                #   to a particular sCNAs with chrID, start, end, 
                                                #   copy number, allelic copy number. 
produceDSKY(anaList= anaName, outDir = "test")  # The will generate the d.SKY plot into a pdf file.


sCNAphase is licensed under L-GPL.

Yves-CHEN/sCNAphase documentation built on May 10, 2019, 1:54 a.m.