Man pages for ZBMEDLABS/epilepsyontologysimilarities
Epilepsy Ontology Similarities

aggregatedPlotDrugBankCreate aggregated plot with mean and standard deviation of...
aggregatedPlotEpilepsieCreate a plot object that aggregates cosine, dice, and...
aggregatedPlotMeSHCreate aggregated plot with mean and standard deviation of...
calcCosineCalculate the cosine similarity metric for two lists a and b
calcDiceCalculate the dice similarity metric for two lists a and b
calcJaccardCalculate the jaccard coefficient for two lists a and b
cosineCalculate cosine similarity metric
countATCCount the ATC second level classes for all drug names in the...
createATCBarChartCreates a plot object for a given sorted hashmap.
createBaseTableCreate the final resulting data frame
createCosineFrameDrugBankCreates data frame for plotting the cosine coefficients...
createCosineFrameEpSOCreates data frame for plotting the cosine coefficients...
createCosineFrameESSOCreates data frame for plotting the cosine coefficients...
createCosineFrameMeSHCreates data frame for plotting the cosine coefficients...
createCosinePlotAllCreates the plot for all cosine coefficients against drugbank
createCosinePlotDrugBankCreates the plot for all cosine coefficients against drugbank
createCosinePlotMeSHCreates the plot for all cosine coefficients against mesh
createDashVectorForATCCreates a vector with an X at each position where a drug from...
createDiceFrameDrugBankCreates data frame for plotting the dice coefficients against...
createDiceFrameEpSOCreates data frame for plotting the dice coefficients against...
createDiceFrameESSOCreates data frame for plotting the dice coefficients against...
createDiceFrameMeSHCreates data frame for plotting the dice coefficients against...
createDicePlotAllCreates the plot for all dice coefficients amongst the three...
createDicePlotDrugBankCreates the plot for all dice coefficients against drugbank
createDicePlotMeSHCreates the plot for all dice coefficients against mesh
createJaccardFrameDrugBankCreates data frame for plotting the jaccard coefficients...
createJaccardFrameEpSOCreates data frame for plotting the jaccard coefficients...
createJaccardFrameESSOCreates data frame for plotting the jaccard coefficients...
createJaccardFrameMeSHCreates data frame for plotting the jaccard coefficients...
createJaccardPlotAllCreates the plot for all jaccard coefficients amongst the...
createJaccardPlotDBMeSHCreates the plot for all jaccard coefficients amongst the...
createJaccardPlotDrugBankCreates the plot for all jaccard coefficients against...
createJaccardPlotMeSHCreates the plot for all jaccard coefficients against mesh
createJaccardPlotMeSHFiveCreates the plot for all jaccard coefficients amongst the...
createListFromVennVectorCreates a list out of a vector
create_metricsCalculate required metrics for the aggregated plots against...
create_statsCalculate data.frame containing stats for mean, median, and...
createTanimotoBaselineCreates the plot for all jaccard coefficients amongst the...
diceCalculate dice similarity metric
doFullPlotDoes the full plot on one page
drawVennPlotDraw venn diagram with example values
filterApprovedDrugsFilter a given list of drug names for having an ATC code, if...
filterNeuroDrugsFilter a given list of drug names for having an ATC code...
genDictListFromRawFreqClears object that was loaded from harddrive into a list of...
getTermMatrixReceives a sorted hashmap with found entities from a...
jaccardCalculate jaccard similarity metric for two sets a and b
loadDrugBankLoads drugbank object from harddrive into the R environment
loadEPILONTLoads epilont object from harddrive into the R environment
loadEpSOLoads epso object from harddrive into the R environment
loadESSOLoads esso object from harddrive into the R environment
loadMeSHLoads mesh object from harddrive into the R environment
mainMain function to call everything and produce the results
readAtcMapIntoHashMapAtcCodesAtcNamesProcesses the input file to form a HashMap...
readAtcMapIntoHashMapDrugNamesAtcCodesProcesses the input file to form a HashMap...
readSecondLevelATCRead the second level ATC classes from the file...
readThirdLevelATCRead the third level ATC classes from the file...
sortHashMapByValueSort a hashmap by its values
ZBMEDLABS/epilepsyontologysimilarities documentation built on Aug. 23, 2019, 1:18 p.m.