Man pages for ZajacT/ASIA1
Pakiet do kontroli danych rekrutacyjnych

admission_statisticsSummarises admissions
check_dataChecking the correctness of a recrutation data
check_input_pathChecking correctness of parameter describing input file's...
check_output_pathChecking correctness of parameter describing output file's...
check_rec_joiningChecks if there are codes in tha data that aren't in a...
check_registrationsChecks if data on registretions are complete and correct
check_registrations_with_scoresChecks if data on registretions are complete and correct
check_scoresChecks if data on scores are complete and correct
check_variable_namesFunction checks IRK recoding dictionary
check_variable_valuesChecks if a variable has values within a defined set
choose_fileSelecting file to read
foreignersLists foreigners and their admissions status
join_with_checkJoining two data frames
prepare_registrationsPreparing recrutation data for analysis
read_fileReading file
summarise_dataPerforming summarising computations
ZajacT/ASIA1 documentation built on May 30, 2019, 4 p.m.