

We use Systems Biology tables (SBtab) because this format can be extended to contain additional information more easily (such as experimental data, and conditions under which data was measured).

To make a conversion feasible, we decided on a set of columns and tables (some specified by TableName some also by TableType according to the official specification) which have to be present for the conversion to work.

In contrast to the official documentation, we need all tables to be kept in their own respective .tsv file (not all tables in one huge tsv file), or different sheets of the same ods file (the official SBtab project uses .xlsx).

We don't use any of the code from the original SBtab authors.

The following Sections have more information on specific tables and their required columns (in addition to the obvious !ID and !Name columns).

Text files, Unicode and ASCII

Sometimes, spreadsheet software introduces non-ascii Unicode characters such as ('MINUS SIGN' U+2212, in html this is «\−») into the document. They should be replaced by the ascii character - ('HYPHEN-MINUS' U+002D) after export to text-based formats. And similarly for other Unicode characters, unless they appear in comments (or generally unparsed content). Minus and Hyphen can look quite similar: −- (depending on the chosedn font), but the ascii hyphen is the character that programming languages understand as subtraction.

You can check your files for non-ascii characters like this:

grep -P '[^[:ascii:]]' *.tsv
grep -n '[^a-z_A-Z[:digit:][:punct:][:space:]]' *.tsv
# automatic minus to hyphen replacement:
sed -i 's/−/-/g' *.tsv

Neither grep nor egrep define the [:ascii:] character class without the -P option for perl regular expressions. If such characters appear outside of Formulas and IDs, they may be harmless.

Of course you can use perl directly, or anything else that has regular expressions.

ID and Name of Quantites

All tables require a unique !ID column (the ID can be seen as a key for associative arrays; dictionaries, hash tables). The !Name column must be unique as well and the entries should work as variable names in the language that you plan to convert the model to (in some formats the rules for Name entries are more lenient than ID strings). We see no good reason to have both IDs and Names, so using the same string for both is fine.

The script in this repository uses the make.names() function on this column. This will make them unique, but almost certainly break the model, the reason is that human error will lead to infromative error messages later on instead of wrong simulation results. Using the same ID multiple times may otherwise go unnoticed and merge two distinct entities (species/parameters/erc.). This will also replace . with _ in all names (dots are allowed in R variable names, but often illegal in other languages).


Many numbers can be given in a specified scale (like log), these numbers will be converted to linear scale when a model file is written to file.

Let a quantity y be measured in unit M (y is a number followed by a unit, y/M is just a number), and !Scale be set to log10, then the number you write in the ![Default]Value column is z=log10(y/M). The script will do the inverse to generate the model and pass the unit on to .mod files. Here are some examples:

| z | y | scale indicator | |------:|:---------:|:--------------------| | -5 | $10^{-5}$ | log10 | | | 1.0E-5 | base-10 logarithm | |------:|:---------:|:--------------------| | 1.2 | 3.32 | log | | | 3.32 | ln | | | 3.32 | natural logarithm | |------:|:---------:|:--------------------| | 1.6 | 1.6 | lin | | | 1.6 | linear |


This table defines the compounds that are supposed to be modeled by state variables and are subject to change by the reactions in the systems.

| Column | Values | Comment | |--------------:|:----------------------------:|:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | !Scale | log, log10, linear | and some variants of these | | !InitialValue | a number | (per unit) in the above scale | | !Unit | the unit of the above number | as it would be in linear scale | | !SteadyState | TRUE | this compound should reach a steady state in at least one scenario and you want to know whether this happened | | | FALSE | it is not important whether or not this compound reaches steady state | | !Assignment | Name or ID | this field will assign a pre-defined algebraic expression to the compound |

The conversion script will make a file called […]SuggestedOutput.tsv, it will have lines that can be used to check whether a compound has reached steady state (or not), this is done for each compound that has !SteadyState marked as TRUE. If that output is close to 0, then steady state was reached (it's the sum of all fluxes for the compound in question).

Others columns are unused but may be informative to the user, or others.

Compound Assignments

In some cases, a compound's amount or concentration is not supposed to be governed by reactions (kinetic laws, stoichiometry) but rather by a fixed (time-dependent) value. In SBML this is called a boundary condition. If the species is supposed to be constant, the field !IsConstant can be set to TRUE; otherwise, you can assign the value of an expression, listed in the Expression table to this compound. The !Assignment field can contain the name of an Expression. In SBML, a rule will be created in the listOfRules, that rule will target the boundary condition species:

      <species    id="PKC_active" 
<!-- ......... -->
<!-- and later -->
<!-- ......... -->
      <assignmentRule variable="PKC_active">
        <math xmlns="">
            <ci> PKC_DAG_AA_p </ci>
            <ci> PKC_Ca_memb_p </ci>
            <ci> PKC_Ca_AA_p </ci>
            <ci> PKC_DAG_memb_p </ci>
            <ci> PKC_basal_p </ci>
            <ci> PKC_AA_p </ci>

In the other formats, vf and mod, the relationship is much simpler:

<Expression Name="PKC_active_value" Description="defined expression Ex0" Formula="PKC_DAG_AA_p+PKC_Ca_memb_p+PKC_Ca_AA_p+PKC_DAG_memb_p+PKC_basal_p+PKC_AA_p"/>
<Expression Name="PKC_active" Description="defined expression S11" Formula="PKC_active_value"/>

which will lead to code such as:

PKC_active_value = PKC_DAG_AA_p+PKC_Ca_memb_p+PKC_Ca_AA_p+PKC_DAG_memb_p+PKC_basal_p+PKC_AA_p;
PKC_active = PKC_active_value;

A blank cell, NONE, FALSE, or NO means that there is no Assignment for this species/compound. Empty cells can be tricky if export or import functions merge multiple delimiters (so \t\t is not recognized as an empty cell).

A TRUE value in !IsConstant and meaningful assignments are mutually exclusive and may lead to weird results.


| Column | Values | Comment | | -----: | :-----: | :------ | | !Scale | log, log10, linear | some aliases of these are possible (such as base-10 logarithm)| | !DefaultValue | a number | in above scale, normalized to the unit of measurement, possibly subject to fitting/sampling | | !Std | a number | standard deviation / uncertainty of this parameter | | !Min and !Max | numbers | respectively, used if !Std is not present |

The columns !Std and !Min/!Max are only used in sampling/optimization, the model conversion is unaffected by them, the DefaultValue is passed on to the model files (if there is a place to put them).


The column !ReactionFormula determines the stoichiometry of the model, the !KineticLaw column determines the flux of the given reaction. Both er required and are standard columns in SBtab.

| Column | Values | Comment | | -----: | :-----: | :------ | | !KineticLaw | e.g. kf*A*B-kr*AB | the flux, as a math expression | | !ReactionFormula | e.g. A+B<=>AB | so, AB will increase and both A and B will decrease by this reaction whenever the flux is positive |

Since the kinetic law determines the reversibility of the reaction, the column !IsReversible is not necessary, but if you determine the kinetics based on the law of mass action it may be important for you to have that column as a reminder (for when you are auto generating the !KineticLaw column, which this script doesn't do).


The input parameters to the model that distinguish different experiments. These quantities are known and can be influenced by the people who are performing an experiment (or rather the real counterparts of these quantities can be influenced). These play the roles of (additional) parameters, but a different kind of parameter than in the Parameter table. Experiments are supposed to have the same parameters of the normal kind and different parameters of the input kind.

The !DefaultValue column serves the same role as with normal parameters, but these are set to known values during an experiment (these have to be known values).


The outputs are observable quantities of this system; what is and isn't an output depends on what you can measure (or have knowledge about). Outputs are usually converted to functions in the target language. Experimental Data and Outputs are intimately related as the outputs are the model's equivalent of the data and in some way those can be compared to one another.

It is possible to include the measured data in other sheets, that data should be stored together with an estimate of the measurement noise levels. Regardless of the nature of the noise and underlying distributions we use !ErrorName to indicate which column (the one that has this name) is storing information about this measurement error.

| Column | Values | Comment | | -----: | :-----: | :------ | | !ErrorName | a string | indicates the column in data sheets that hold the measurement error of an observable | | !ErrorType | not used | this is for the user | | !ProbDist | a string | the probability distribution of the noise model (currently unused); this is for humans to read | | !Formula | a math expression | the right hand side of the assignment |

Many data columns may share the same Error column. This is useful if you have only a very rough estimate of the noise anyway, and the outputs are in the same number range so using the same standard deviation (etc.) for all data points seems good enough.

The data sheets are not used by sbtab_to_vfgen(), but they are used for Parameter Estimation, e.g. via MCMC.


These will be local variables of the model. These variables store a one line mathematical expression for reusability of the resulting value.

Expressions are assignments that are calculated repeatedly each time the ODEs right hand side is called (before fluxes are calculated).

The !Formula column stores a string math expression that will serve as the right hand side of the assignment.


This table holds the mapping between input parameters and data sheets. It determines the conditions under which a data set should be replicated using the model. The conditions als include events that need to happen to replicate an experiment.

| Column | Values | Comment | | -------: | :-----------: | :------ | | !Type | Time␣Series | indicates that the data is a t->output mapping | | | Dose␣Response| data sheet is an input/output curve, i.e. input->output mapping | |>some_id| a number | sets the input parameters for this experiment | | !Event | a table name | the name of an event table that holds time instantaneous model state changes |

This is not used by this converter, but useful for parameter fitting and interpretation of the input and output concepts.


Events are sudden changes in state variables or inputs at speciefied points in time.

The table Transformation defines what sudden transformation the model is capable of. For each experiment an additional event schedule table assigns time points to transformation events.

!!SBtab TableName='Transformation' Document='MyModel'
 !ID  >A        >B     >C
 TF1  A-B*dose  B      C
 TF2  A         B/2    C
 TF3  A*0.1     B*0.1  C*0.1

Each row describes a named transformation, where the column names make a reference to the affected variable. Row TF1 means A <- A-B*dose (other variables are unaffected).

Events will interrupt the ODE solver in the rgsl package (not other solvers), change the values of input parameters, or state variables according to the available named tranformations (see above). After the transformation the solver is re-initialized to continue from there.

!!SBtab TableName='EventScheduleAlpha' Document='myModel'
  !TimePoint  !Time  !Tranformation !Dose
 Event0Time0  10.0   TF1            0.1
 Event0Time0  11.0   TF2            0.2
         ...  ...    ...

The event schedule creates a time sequence for transformation events.

!!SBtab TableName='Experiments' Document='myModel'
               !ID  !Type          !Time  !T0    !Event              !Citation
    Smith2019Fig2E  Time Series    600.0  -100.0  EventScheduleAlpha  https//[...]
               ...  ...            ...    ...     ...                ...

And finally the table of experiments will assign each exeriment (rows) the appropriate sequence of transformation events. Event formulas may also refer to the dose of a transformation, and a !Dose column in the schedule can assign each time-point an event dose that is local to that specific time and event.

Old Event System

An older event type assumed linear transformations (and affine transformations). This is discouraged now.

Eventtables have a !Time column and an effect column, where the header combines a target and operation: >OPERATION:TARGET. An example:

| !TimePoint | !Time | >ADD:Ca | |-----------:|:-----:|:--------| | TP0 | 100 | 1e3 | | TP0 | 200 | 1e3 | | TP0 | 300 | 1e3 |

In this example, we add 1000 units of Ca, every 100 time-units. The possible operations are: SET,ADD,SUB,MUL,DIV.

a-kramer/SBtabVFGEN documentation built on Jan. 25, 2025, 2:03 a.m.