
R wrapper for Wrike Project Management API. Package allows Wrike users to retreive information on their task, folder, comment, workflow, and custom field data through Wrike's API.

Table of Contents




Getting Started

First, follow the instructions in the Wrike developer portal to create a Wrike API App and generate an authentication key. The steps below outline how to store your keys in the .REnviron file.

Setting your Wrike authentication key

Note that this package uses Wrike API v3, which will be sunseted 6/30/2019. Package will be updated to v4 in the future.

    file=file.path(normalizePath("~/"), ".Renviron"),
    file=file.path(normalizePath("~/"), ".Renviron"),

Restart R after running. Check that everything loaded properly:


Setting your Wrike account ID


Take the id field and set it here:

    file=file.path(normalizePath("~/"), ".Renviron"),


Query Tasks

Pull task data from a specific folder.

To get more complete information on each's task status, join with workflows.

my_folder_tasks <- wriker::wrike_tasks("My Folder Name")
workflows <- wriker::wrike_workflows()

my_folder_tasks %>% 
    dplyr::left_join(workflows, by = "customStatusId")

Pull task data from multiple folders

folders <- c("Folder 1", "Folder 2", "Folder 3")
tasks <- purrr::map_df(folders, wrike_tasks)

Pull data on a specific task from its ID

allfields <- wriker::wrike_task_data("IEABOGRQKQAN3QOA")
specific_fields <- wriker::wrike_task_data("IEABOGRQKQAN3QOA", fields = c("title", "status", "id"))

Custom Fields

Find your custom field ID

Each custom field is assigned an ID that can be used to query and update corresponding values. Find a list of all your org's custom fields with corresponding IDs by going to URL from this:


Create custom field value on Wrike task

wriker::wrike_custom_field_update(task_id = "IEABOGRQKQAN3QOA", custom_field_id = "IEAAAOH5JUAAABQ5", custom_field_value = "myvalue")

Create custom field values on multiple Wrike tasks

Create a list with column names of task_id, custom_field_id, and custom_field_value. Then run:

my_field_list %>% purrr::pmap(wriker::wrike_custom_field_update)


You can format your comments using the HTML tags listed here.

Create a comment on a Wrike task

To add a comment on a single task:

wriker::create_write_task_comment(task_id = "IEABOGRQKQAN3QOA", comment_text = "19 Years Later")

Create comments on multiple Wrike tasks

Create a list with the task ids and comments you want to add (column names should be task_id and comment_text). Then run:

my_comment_list %>% purrr::pmap(wriker::create_wrike_task_comment)

aamangold/wriker documentation built on June 12, 2019, 2:05 p.m.