werner: Improve R package quality by mapping it.

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Installing werner

To install the latest development release of werner, please ensure that you are running version 3.3 or later of R and run the following code:


Getting started

werner contains two main functions.

explore_package returns a list of connections between functions:


adjacency_matrix returns an adjacency matrix (by default a sparse matrix from the Matrix package, optionally a base R matrix object.)

adjacency_matrix("werner") # Sparse matrix
adjacency_matrix("werner", coerce_to_matrix=TRUE) # Base R matrix.

These adjacency matrices can be fed to igraph or other graphing packages in R.

Code Style

Code should adhere to the tidyverse style guide, with the exception of assignment operators, which should be the traditional "=" rather than the "<-" assignment. You can check code style by opening the package Rproj file and running:

gp(checks = setdiff(all_checks(), "lintr_assignment_linter"))

aaronrudkin/werner documentation built on May 23, 2019, 6:03 a.m.