
context("Remove non-ASCII characters.")

test_that("rm_accent is the converted version of a string with all non-ASCII characters removed.", {
  if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
    # symbols
    acute <- "áéíóúÁÉÍÓÚýÝ"
    grave <- "àèìòùÀÈÌÒÙ"
    circunflex <- "âêîôûÂÊÎÔÛ"
    tilde <- "ãõÃÕñÑ"
    umlaut <- "äëïöüÄËÏÖÜÿ"
    cedil <- "çÇ"
  } else {
    acute <- iconv("\u00e1\u00e9\u00ed\u00f3\u00fa\u00c1\u00c9\u00cd\u00d3\u00da\u00fd\u00dd", from = "utf-8", "latin1")
    grave <- iconv("\u00e0\u00e8\u00ec\u00f2\u00f9\u00c0\u00c8\u00cc\u00d2\u00d9", from = "utf-8", "latin1")
    circunflex <- iconv("\u00e2\u00ea\u00ee\u00f4\u00fb\u00c2\u00ca\u00ce\u00d4\u00db", from = "utf-8", "latin1")
    tilde <- iconv("\u00e3\u00f5\u00c3\u00d5\u00f1\u00d1", from = "utf-8", "latin1")
    umlaut <- iconv("\u00e4\u00eb\u00ef\u00f6\u00fc\u00c4\u00cb\u00cf\u00d6\u00dc\u00ff", from = "utf-8", "latin1")
    cedil <- iconv("\u00e7\u00c7", from = "utf-8", "latin1")

  # nudeSymbols
  nudeAcute <- "aeiouAEIOUyY"
  nudeGrave <- "aeiouAEIOU"
  nudeCircunflex <- "aeiouAEIOU"
  nudeTilde <- "aoAOnN"
  nudeUmlaut <- "aeiouAEIOUy"
  nudeCedil <- "cC"

  expect_equal(rm_accent(acute), nudeAcute)
  expect_equal(rm_accent(grave), nudeGrave)
  expect_equal(rm_accent(circunflex), nudeCircunflex)
  expect_equal(rm_accent(tilde), nudeTilde)
  expect_equal(rm_accent(umlaut), nudeUmlaut)
  expect_equal(rm_accent(cedil), nudeCedil)
abjur/abjutils documentation built on Feb. 1, 2024, 2:49 p.m.