Man pages for abnormally-distributed/Bayezilla
Bayesian Models With JAGS and Several Utilities for Data Exploration and Model Evaluation.

adaBridgeAdaptive Bayesian Bridge Regression
adaEnetBayesian Adaptive Elastic Net
adaEnetDCBayesian Adaptive Elastic Net with additional unpenalized...
adaLASSOAdaptive Bayesian Lasso
adaLASSODCAdaptive Bayesian Lasso with Unpenalized Design Covariates
apcDCAdaptive Powered Correlation Prior with design covariates
apcGlmAdaptive Powered Correlation Prior
apcSpikeAdaptive Powered Correlation Prior Stochastic Search Variable...
apcSpikeDCAdaptive Powered Correlation Prior Stochastic Search Variable...
bayesEnetBayesian Elastic Net
bayesEnetDCBayesian Elastic Net with additional unpenalized design...
binomTestOne or Two Sample Binomial Tests
birthwtData Sets in Bayezilla Package
blassoBayesian LASSO
blassoDCBayesian Lasso with unpenalized design covariates
bootlmSolveBootstrap minimum norm regression
bridgeBayesian Bridge Regression
bridgeDCBayesian Bridge Regression with unpenalized design covariates
compareCICheck the sensitivity of credible intervals for the same data...
confusion.matrixBinomial Confusion matrix for classification problems
corMatCorrelation Matrix Estimation (also returns partial...
corTestBivariate Correlation Test
cred_intervalCalculate Equal Tailed Quantile Intervals or Highest Density...
dalAsymmetric Laplace probability density function
demo.datData Sets in Bayezilla Package
demo.dat2Data Sets in Bayezilla Package
demo.dat3Data Sets in Bayezilla Package
demo.dat4Data Sets in Bayezilla Package
densPlotKernel Density Plot
diabetesData Sets in Bayezilla Package
diabetes2Data Sets in Bayezilla Package
dpowexpPower Exponential probability density function
dshashSinh-Arcsinh (SHASH) probability density function
dstStudent-T probability density function
ecdf2dBivariate empirical cumulative density function plot
epdf2dBivariate kernel density plot
evidenceRatioObtain evidence ratios comparing two models
extLASSOExtended Bayesian LASSO
extLASSODCExtended Bayesian LASSO with unpenalized design covariates
extractCormatExtract Point Estimate of Correlation Matrix
extractPostExtract a posterior to a data frame
extractPredExtract predicted y values (posterior predictions)
facetPostPlot Multiple Posterior Distributions
gamBayesBayesian GAMs
gammaParsParameterize a Gamma Distribution by Mean and SD
gamSpikeBayesian GAMs with Variable Selection
gdpGeneralized double pareto shrinkage prior
gdpDCGeneralized double pareto shrinkage prior with unpenalized...
genRidgeGeneralized Ridge Regression
glmBayesBayesian GLMs
groupAdaEnetGroup+Within Group Selection with Bayesian Adaptive Elastic...
groupBLASSOGroup Bayesian Lasso
groupBridgeBayesian Group Bridge Regression
groupEnetGroup Elastic Net for Gaussian Likelihood
groupExtLASSOGroup Extended Bayesian LASSO
groupNegLASSOGroup Normal-exponential-gamma Bayesian LASSO
groupSaspBayesian Group Shape Adaptive Shrinkage Prior Regression
groupSpikeStochastic Search Variable Selection (Bernoulli-Normal...
heartData Sets in Bayezilla Package
histModified Version of hist() with additional functionality
hist.defaultModified Version of hist() with additional functionality
HSDCHorseshoe with unpenalized design covariates
hslmBayesian Ordinary Linear Regression with Error Variance...
HSregRegularized Horseshoe
IAtStochastic Search Variable Selection (Indicator Variable and...
ICGet WAIC and/or LOO-IC
jaynes_psiCompute Jaynes' Psi between two distributions
jeffreys_distCompute Jeffrey's Distance between two distributions
jointModeApproximate the maximum joint posterior density estimate
kldCompute the kullback leibler divergence
linpredGenerate predicted values from posterior samples for new...
lmSolveMinimum Norm Regresion with Moore-Penrose Inverse
marginalModesGet the marginal modes of a posterior distribution
modelWeightsCompute the posterior model weights from a vector of...
nclass.dhistDensity-based adaptive width histogram bins
negLASSONormal-exponential-gamma Bayesian LASSO
negLASSODCNormal-exponential-gamma Bayesian LASSO with unpenalized...
palAsymmetric Laplace cumulative probability function
plotChainsMCMC Diagnostic Plots
plotCIPlot Credible Intervals of a Bayesian Model
plotDistplot a density function over a histogram
plotFuncplot a function
plotInclUse the image function to plot the variables included at each...
plotNumvarPlot distribution of num. of included vars. over iterations...
plotPipsplot inclusion probabilities from SSVS models
plotPostHistogram of Posterior Distribution
plotVIFVariance Inflation Factor Plot
poisTestPoisson Test
postOddsGet the posterior odds between a point estimator and a null...
post_summaryGet a tidy summary of a bayesian model
post_tibbleConvert posterior summary to tibble
powRaise a number to a power
ppowexpPower Exponential cumulative probability function
precCompute the precision of a vector
prostateData Sets in Bayezilla Package
pshashSinh-Arcsinh (SHASH) cumulative probability function
pstStudent-T cumulative probability function
qalAsymmetric Laplace quantile function
qpowexpPower Exponential quantile function
qshashSinh-Arcsinh (SHASH) quantile function
qstStudent-T quantile function
ralAsymmetric Laplace random number generator
rcorrGenerate Random Correlation Matrices
ridgeRidge Regression
ridgeSpikeRidge Regression Stochastic Search Variable Selection...
ROPEConduct a ROPE test
ROPEpvalGet ROPE p-values
rpowexpPower Exponential random number generator
rshashSinh-Arcsinh (SHASH) random number generator
rstStudent-T random number generator
saspShape Adaptive Shrinkage Prior
saspDCShape Adaptive Shrinkage Prior with Unpenalized Design...
scaleScale a data frame or matrix
scatMatVisualize your data with a scatterplot matrix
scatPlotBivariate Scatterplot
scatPlotHScatterplots with Marginal Histograms
spikePlotPlot a large number of variable values as vertical lines
squareSquare a number
theme_minTufte-inspired ggplot2 theme
tTestBayesian 't-tests'
vitalsQuickly calculate the rank, condition, positive definiteness,...
winesData Sets in Bayezilla Package
XtXinvObtain the inverse crossproduct of a matrix
zsDCZellner-Siow g-prior with design covariates
zsGlmZellner-Siow g-prior
zsRlmRobust Zellner-Siow g-prior
zsRSpikeRobust Zellner-Siow g-prior Stochastic Search Variable...
zsSpikeZellner-Siow g-prior Stochastic Search Variable Selection
zsSpikeDCZellner-Siow g-prior Stochasitc Search Variable Selection...
abnormally-distributed/Bayezilla documentation built on Oct. 31, 2019, 1:57 a.m.