IC: Get WAIC and/or LOO-IC

Description Usage Arguments Value References Examples


A common method of model comparison in Bayesian methods is to use the ratio of the marginal likelihoods, the Bayes Factor. likelihood function itself, p(Y | theta ; M), is conditioned on the parameters, telling you the likelihood of the present sample based on the present parameter estimates. The marginal likelihood, however, is dependent on the structure of the model itself and not the parameter estimates. Because the parameters are integrated out of the model, it is an ideal way in theory to perform model comparison without the risk of overfitting.

Unfortunately, practical Bayesian analyses often without a way to get the marginal likelihoods. Marginal likelihoods are difficult to calculate, and sometimes analytically intractable. An alternative to marginal likelihood based model comparison are information criteria, which minimize the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the estimated distribution of the observed data and the unknown population distribution. Classical information criteria such as the AIC and SIC (aka the BIC or SBIC) penalize the deviance of the model evaluated at the maximum likelihood estimate, i.e. -2*log( p(Y | theta_MLE ; M) ) + penalty.
Full Bayesian analysis with MCMC affords an opportunity to use extensions of the AIC that are not reliant on maximum liklihood point estimates. These utilize the log pointwise predictive density, or lppd. This is given by taking the product of log-likelihood function at each data point, p(Y_i | theta ; M) and the log-posterior function of the parameters p(theta | Y ; M) and integrating this product over the parameters. Finally, this is summed across all N_i data points.
the log pointwise predictive density.
The Watanabe-Akaike Information Criterion substitutes the lppd for the deviance, and use a penalty based on the number of effective parameters. The number of effective parameters is given by calculating the variance of each data point's log-likelihood function across the MCMC samples, and then summing these variances. This is very useful since Bayesian models often utilize a number of hyperparameters intended to penalize and shrink the estimates, so using the number of effective parameters avoids the issue of overpenalzing such models.
the WAIC penalty term.

Finally, the pWAIC term is subtracted from the lppd to obtain the WAIC, which is an estimator of the expected log predictive density on the deviance scale (- 2 * elpd).

The other alternative, which is often preferable, uses leave-one-out (LOO) cross validation to obtain the expected log predictive density function, which serves as an estimator of the the log density function of the population distribution from which the observed data came. In other words, this estimates the predictive performance of the model on unseen data that might be obtained by sampling from the same population from which the current sample came. Note that asymptotically the WAIC is equivalent to the LOOIC (Watanabe, 2010).

The LOO-IC is found by calculating loo weights and re-weighing the lppd (which is calculated the same way as in WAIC) and multiplying the reweighted lppd by -2 to put it on the deviance scale. Fortunately this can be done in an extremely efficient manner without having to actually refit the model N times. This reweighted lppd is the LOO-IC, an estimator of the expected log predictive density. Note that the penalty term is not calculated directly as in the case of pWAIC. However, the pWAIC can be extracted by taking the difference of the lppd and LOO-IC. The steps of calculating the LOO-IC are shown below.
the steps in obtaining the LOO-IC.
The difference between the marginal likelihood and the expected log predictive density is that the marginal likelihood integrates over the prior distribution of the parameters in the model, p(theta, M), while the expected log predictive density integrates over the posterior distribution of the parameters given the data and model, p(theta | Y, M). This reflects different inferential goals. The goal of the lppd and elpd quantities is assessing predictive accuracy. Gelman, Wang, and Vehtari (2016) state that, "..the prior is relevant in estimating the parameters but not in assessing a model’s accuracy. We are not saying that the prior cannot be used in assessing a model’s fit to data; rather we say that the prior density is not relevant in computing predictive accuracy." Hence, marginal likelihood based model comparison can be best understood as being most appropriate when the true model, or a very good approximation to it, is among the candidate set of models (M-closed and M-complete scenarios) while expected log predictive density based quantities are suitable for M-open scenarios where the best one can hope for is good predictive accuracy. Regardless of inferential preference, a pragmatic reason to use the WAIC or LOO-IC is that it can be calculated for any Bayesian model fit with ease.

Below is a figure displaying the log-marginal likelihood at the top, along with the WAIC and LOO relevant quantities re-expressed with full conditional probability notation for comparison.
A lineup of the different likelihood based quantities.


IC(out, loo = TRUE, summarize = TRUE)



the stanfit or runjags objects. Must contain a log likelihood for each observation, not the total log likelihood of the model.


Should the LOO also be returned? Defaults to TRUE.


Should only the expected values be returned? Defaults to TRUE. If set to FALSE, a data frame containing the pointwise WAIC and LOO-IC will be returned.


either a point summary or data frame


Gelman, A., Hwang, J., and Vehtari, A. (2013). Understanding predictive information criteria for Bayesian models. Statistics and Computing. Volume 24, Issue 6, pp 997–1016

Vehtari, A., Gelman, A. (2014). WAIC and cross-validation in Stan. Online manuscript. http://www.stat.columbia.edu/~gelman/research/unpublished/waic_stan

Watanabe, S. (2010). Asymptotic equivalence of Bayes cross validation and widely applicable information criterion in singular learning theory. Journal of Machine Learning Research 11, 3571–3594.



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