Man pages for abnormally-distributed/abdisttools
Random Functions for Personal Use

akaike_weightsCalculate model weights for AIC, BIC, DIC, etc.
axes_3DDraw 3D Axes
axis_labs_3D3D Axis Numbering
bayes_intervalsPlot Credible Intervals of a Bayesian Model
bayes.oneway.ANOVAAnalyze variance components of one factor regression model
bayes_posthocGet posthoc group comparisons for an ANOVA-type model fit...
bayes.twoway.ANOVAAnalyze variance components of two factor regression model
bern.testBayesian Binomial & Negative Binomial Test
beta_paramsInput desired mode and sd to obtain corresponding beta...
bf_plotPlot bayes factors from the output of adv_summary
bf_robustCheck the sensitivity of bayes factors for the same data fit...
bf_summaryGet savage-dickey bayes factors for multiple parameters
bf_testBayes Factor Hypothesis Tests
bootstrap.clesBootstrap empirical/non-parametric CLES
compare_intervalsCheck the sensitivity of credible intervals for the same data...
confusion.matrixBinomial Confusion matrix for classification problems
cor_summarySpecial summary method for correlation matrices fit in Stan
cred_intervalCalculate Equal Tailed or Highest Density Interval
deFinettiGameCalibrate a personal probability with the deFinetti Game!
diagnostic.plotsMCMC diagnostic plots
dp_meansDirichlet Process K-Means Clustering
dtoCLESConvert Cohen's d or Hedge's g to CLES
duplicateColRepeat a column
duplicateRowRepeat a row
empirical.clesCalculate empirical/non-parametric CLES
est.lfdrEstimate local false discovery rates and q-values
exact_pvalueCompute exact p-values for bootstrap or monte carlo samples
extract_cormatConstruct a point-estimated correlation matrix from a stan...
extract_cor_postExtract posterior from a correlation matrix fit in stan
extract_cor_priorExtract prior from a correlation matrix fit in stan
extract_postExtract posterior samples from a brms object
extract_post_predExtract posterior predictive samples from an abdiststan model
extract_priorExtract prior samples from a brms object
gamlss.confintthis function provides robust covariance CI for GAMLSS models
gamma_paramsInput desired mean and sd to obtain corresponding gamma...
GBICBIC (SBC) function for gamlss objects analagous to gamlss's...
ggfuncplot a function
ggsplomSCatterplot Matrix with ggplot2
GLR.testGeneralized Likelihood Ratio Test for two nested GAMLSS...
hell.distGet the Hellinger distance between two probability...
interval_plotGeneric plotting of intervals from a tidy summary
inv_gamma_paramsInput desired mode and sd to obtain corresponding inverse...
jaynes_psiCompute Jaynes' Psi between two distributions
jeffreys_distCompute Jeffrey's Distance between two distributions
js.divGet the Jensen-Shannon divergence between two or more...
kldCompute the kullback leibler divergence
labs_3D3D Axis Labels
load.gamlssLoad essential gam and gamlss packages at once
lpl_intervalCompute the lowest posterior loss interval
lpl_summaryGet a summary of the posterior based on the lowest posterior...
MCMC_R2Calculate R2 for MCMC or Bootstrap Regression Samples
post_checkPosterior Predictive Checks for abdiststan models
post_dens_facetPlot Posterior Densities in a Faceted Density Plot
posterior_oddsGet the posterior odds and posterior p-value
post_linpredGet point predictions from MAPfit or abdiststanfit models
post_predGet posterior distributions for predictions from abdiststan...
post_summaryGet a basic tidy summary of a bayesian model (no prior...
post_tibbleConvert posterior summary to tibble
pp_int_plotPosterior Predictive Intervals
prior.elicitElicit a prior distribution
prob_directedOne sided (Directional) Bayesian hypothesis testing
ridge.plotsPlot posterior distributions from model fit
ROPE_testConduct a ROPE test
rvcov_abRobust Variance-Covariance matrix of the parameters from a...
scaleScale a data frame or matrix
sim_postSimulate multiple posterior distributions with gaussian...
stat_3DDraw 3D Geoms
stat_wireframeWireframe Plot
summary_statsGet summary statistics
theme_abdisttools_darkDark abdisttools ggplot2 theme
theme_abdisttools_lightLight abdisttools ggplot2 theme
theme_abdisttools_tufteTufte-inspired abdisttools ggplot2 theme
tidy_confintConcatenate lower and upper confidence interval endpoints
tidyGgConvert MCMC chains to tidy for ggplot2
tidyProbsAdd significance stars to probabilities
tidyRatiomake likelihood ratios look nice
VIFVariance Inflation Factor Plot
VSMPRGet the Vovk-Selke Maximum P-value Ratio for a p-value
vsmpr_plotPlot the VSMPRs from a summary containing p-values
abnormally-distributed/abdisttools documentation built on May 5, 2019, 7:07 a.m.