Man pages for abureau/LCAextend
Latent Class Analysis (LCA) with familial dependence in extended pedigrees

alpha.computecomputes cumulative logistic coefficients using probabilities
attrib.densassociates to a function of density parameter optimization an...
dens.normcomputes the multinormal density of a given continuous... the probability of a given discrete measurement...
downwardperforms the downward step of the peeling algorithm and...
downward.connectperforms a downward step for a connector
e.stepperforms the E step of the EM algorithm for a single pedigree...
init.normcomputes initial values for the EM algorithm in the case of...
init.ordicomputes the initial values for EM algorithm in the case of...
init.p.transinitializes the transition probabilities
LCAextend-packageLatent Class Analysis (LCA) and model selection for pedigree...
lca.modelfits latent class models for phenotypic measurements in...
model.selectselects a latent class model for pedigree data
n.paramcomputes the number of parameters of a model
optim.const.ordiperforms the M step for the measurement distribution...
optim.diff.normperforms the M step for measurement density parameters in...
optim.equal.normperforms the M step for measurement density parameters in...
optim.gene.normperforms the M step for measurement density parameters in...
optim.indep.normperforms the M step for measurement density parameters in...
optim.noconst.ordiperforms the M step for the measurement distribution...
optim.probsperforms the M step of the EM algorithm for the probability...
param.contparameters to be used for examples in the case of continuous...
param.ordiparameters to be used for examples in the case of discrete or...
p.computecomputes the probability vector using logistic coefficients
ped.contpedigrees with continuous data to be used for examples
ped.ordipedigrees with discrete or ordinal data to be used for...
peelpeeling order of pedigrees and couples in pedigrees the posterior probability of observations of a child the posterior probability of observations of a...
probsprobabilities parameters to be used for examples
upwardperforms the upward step of the peeling algorithm of a...
upward.connectperforms the upward step for a connector
weight.famdepperforms the computation of triplet and individual weights...
weight.nucperforms the computation of unnormalized triplet and...
abureau/LCAextend documentation built on May 3, 2019, 9:41 p.m.