
Defines functions .mapCellsToColnames

#' Map cell name input to column names
#' @note Updated 2021-06-10.
#' @noRd
#' @seealso
#' - `AcidExperiment::mapGenesToRownames`.
.mapCellsToColnames <- function(object, cells) {
        is(object, "SummarizedExperiment"),
    libraryType <- metadata(object)[["libraryType"]]
    colData <- colData(object)
    if (is.character(colData[["alias"]])) {
        x <- colData[["alias"]]
        x <- strsplit(x = x, split = ", ", fixed = TRUE)
        x <- CharacterList(x)
        colData[["alias"]] <- x
    idx <- vapply(
        X = cells,
        object = colData,
        libraryType = libraryType,
        FUN = function(x, object, libraryType) {
            idx <- match(x = x, table = rownames(object))
            if (isInt(idx)) return(idx)
            idx <- match(x = x, table = object[["cellLineName"]])
            if (isInt(idx)) return(idx)
            idx <- match(x = x, table = object[["strippedCellLineName"]])
            if (isInt(idx)) return(idx)
            idx <- match(x = x, table = object[["rrid"]])
            if (isInt(idx)) return(idx)
            idx <- match(x = x, table = object[["depMapId"]])
            if (isInt(idx)) return(idx)
            idx <- match(x = x, table = object[["ccleId"]])
            if (isInt(idx)) return(idx)
            idx <- match(x = x, table = object[["sangerModelId"]])
            if (isInt(idx)) return(idx)
            if (isSubset("alias", colnames(object))) {
                idx <- which(bapply(
                    X = object[["alias"]],
                    FUN = function(table) {
                        x %in% table
                if (isInt(idx)) return(idx)
            stop(sprintf("Failed to map cell: %s.", x))
        FUN.VALUE = integer(1L),
        USE.NAMES = TRUE
    out <- colnames(object)[idx]
    names(out) <- names(idx)
acidgenomics/r-depmapanalysis documentation built on Jan. 16, 2024, 10:52 p.m.