clusterPoints: Identify clusters of points

clusterPoints,GVector-methodR Documentation

Identify clusters of points


clusterPoints() partitions points in a "points" GVector into clusters.


## S4 method for signature 'GVector'
clusterPoints(x, method = "DBSCAN", minIn = NULL, maxDist = NULL)



A "points" GVector.


Character: Method used to identify clusters. Explanations of methods are provided in the help page for the GRASS module v.cluster, available using grassHelp("v.cluster").

  • "DBSCAN" (default): Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise.

  • "DBSCAN2": A modification of DBSCAN.

  • "density": Cluster points by relative density.

  • "OPTICS": Ordering Points to Identify the Clustering Structure

  • "OPTICS2": A modification of OPTICS.

Case is ignored, but partial matching is not used.


Integer, numeric integer, or NULL (default): Minimum number of points in a cluster. If NULL, then minIn is set to 3 for a 2-dimensional vector and 4 for a 3-dimensional vector.


Numeric or NULL (default): Maximum distance between neighboring points in a cluster for DBSCAN, DBSCAN2, and OPTICS. If NULL, the maximum distance will be set to the 99th quantile of observed pairwise distances between points.


A vector of integers indicating the cluster to which each point belongs.

See Also

GRASS manual page for module v.cluster (see grassHelp("v.cluster"))

adamlilith/fasterRaster documentation built on Dec. 21, 2024, 2:04 a.m.