connectors: Create lines connecting nearest features of two GVectors

connectors,GVector,GVector-methodR Documentation

Create lines connecting nearest features of two GVectors


connectors() creates a lines GVector which represent the shortest (Great Circle) paths between each feature of one GVector and the nearest feature of another GVector.


## S4 method for signature 'GVector,GVector'
connectors(x, y, minDist = NULL, maxDist = NULL)


x, y


minDist, maxDist

Either NULL (default) or numeric values: Ignore features separated by less than or greater than these distances.


A GVector with a data table that has the length of each connecting line in meters.

See Also

GRASS manual for module v.distance (see grassHelp("v.distance")).


if (grassStarted()) {

# Setup

# Rivers vector and locations of Dypsis plants
madRivers <- fastData("madRivers")
madDypsis <- fastData("madDypsis")

# Convert sf's to GVectors:
dypsis <- fast(madDypsis)
rivers <- fast(madRivers)

### Connections from each point to nearest river
consFromDypsis <- connectors(dypsis, rivers)

plot(rivers, col = "blue")
plot(dypsis, add = TRUE)
plot(consFromDypsis, col = "red", add = TRUE)

### Connections from each river to nearest point
consFromRivers <- connectors(rivers, dypsis)

plot(rivers, col = "blue")
plot(dypsis, add = TRUE)
plot(consFromRivers, col = "red", add = TRUE)


adamlilith/fasterRaster documentation built on Dec. 21, 2024, 2:04 a.m.