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#' Engine for computing K-function
#' Engine for calculating K-function of point processes on the product space of R^(2, 3) and S^(1, 2).
#' @param r Vector of values for the argument r at which K(r, s) should be evaluated.
#' @param s Vector of values for the argument s at which K(r, s) should be evaluated.
#' @param x_vec Vector of x coordinates.
#' @param y_vec Vector of y coordinates.
#' @param dists_sph Matrix of distances between points on S^2.
#' @param Dmat Matrix of all possible values to sum over to.
#' The values of the K-function before multiplying by the indicator function.
#' Constants may be multiplied on the resulting matrix.
#' @useDynLib spatstatspacesphereadd, .registration = TRUE
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
engine_K2d_sph <- function(r, s, x_vec, y_vec, dists_sph, Dmat) {
    .Call(`_spatstatspacesphereadd_engine_K2d_sph`, r, s, x_vec, y_vec, dists_sph, Dmat)

#' Engine for computing K-function
#' Engine for calculating K-function of point processes on the product space of R^3 and S^2.
#' @param r Vector of values for the argument r at which K(r, s) should be evaluated.
#' @param s Vector of values for the argument s at which K(r, s) should be evaluated.
#' @param x_vec Vector of x coordinates.
#' @param y_vec Vector of y coordinates.
#' @param z_vec Vector of z coordinates.
#' @param dists_sph Matrix of distances between points on S^2.
#' @param Dmat Matrix of all possible values to sum over to.
#' The values of the K-function before multiplying by the indicator function.
#' Constants may be multiplied on the resulting matrix.
#' @useDynLib spatstatspacesphereadd, .registration = TRUE
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
engine_K3d_sph <- function(r, s, x_vec, y_vec, z_vec, dists_sph, Dmat) {
    .Call(`_spatstatspacesphereadd_engine_K3d_sph`, r, s, x_vec, y_vec, z_vec, dists_sph, Dmat)
adchSTATS/spatstatspacesphereadd documentation built on May 12, 2019, 4:25 p.m.