
Defines functions augmentation

Documented in augmentation

#' Augmentation
#' This function performs Reject Inference using the Augmentation technique. Note that this technique is theoretically better than using the financed clients scorecard in the MAR and misspecified model case.
#' @param xf The matrix of financed clients' characteristics to be used in the scorecard.
#' @param xnf The matrix of not financed clients' characteristics to be used in the scorecard (must be the same features in the same order as xf!).
#' @param yf The matrix of financed clients' labels
#' @return List containing the model using financed clients only and the model produced using the Augmentation method.
#' @keywords reject inference réintégration scorecard credit scoring
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @export
#' @author Adrien Ehrhardt
#' @seealso \code{glm}, \code{speedglm}
#' @details
#' This function performs the Augmentation method on the data. When provided with labeled observations \eqn{(x^\ell,y)}, it first fits the logistic regression model \eqn{p_\theta} of
#' \eqn{x^\ell} on \eqn{y}, then reweighs labeled observations according to their probability of being sampled, i.e. calculates the predicted probabilities of \eqn{p_\theta} on all observations, defines score-bands and calculates, in each of these score-bands, the probability of having been accepted as the proportion of labeled samples in that score-band.
#' It then refits a logistic regression model \eqn{p_\eta} on the labeled samples.
#' @references
#' Enea, M. (2015), speedglm: Fitting Linear and Generalized Linear Models to Large Data Sets, \url{https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=speedglm}
#' Ehrhardt, A., Biernacki, C., Vandewalle, V., Heinrich, P. and Beben, S. (2018), Reject Inference Methods in Credit Scoring: a rational review,
#' @examples
#' # We simulate data from financed clients
#' df <- generate_data(n = 100, d = 2)
#' xf <- df[, -ncol(df)]
#' yf <- df$y
#' # We simulate data from not financed clients (MCAR mechanism)
#' xnf <- generate_data(n = 100, d = 2)[, -ncol(df)]
#' augmentation(xf, xnf, yf)
augmentation <- function(xf, xnf, yf) {
  check_consistency(xf, xnf, yf)
  df_f <- data.frame(labels = yf, x = xf)
  model_f <- model_finances(df_f)

  df <- rbind(df_f, data.frame(labels = rep(NA, nrow(xnf)), x = xnf))
  df_f$classe_SCORE <- round(predict(model_f, df_f, type = "response"), digits = 1)
  df$classe_SCORE <- round(predict(model_f, df, type = "response"), digits = 1)
  df$acc <- NA
  df$acc[1:nrow(df_f)] <- 1
  df$acc[(nrow(df_f) + 1):nrow(df)] <- 0

  poids <- sqldf::sqldf(
    "select distinct count(*) as count, classe_SCORE, acc
          from df
          group by classe_SCORE, acc
  poids_acceptes <- poids[poids$acc == 1, ]
  poids_rejetes <- poids[poids$acc == 0, ]

  poids_acceptes$count_acc <- poids_acceptes$count
  poids_acceptes$count <- NULL
  poids_acceptes$acc <- NULL

  poids_rejetes$count_rej <- poids_rejetes$count
  poids_rejetes$count <- NULL
  poids_rejetes$acc <- NULL

  poids_tot <- merge(poids_acceptes, poids_rejetes, by = "classe_SCORE", all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE)
  poids_tot$poidsfinal <- ifelse(is.na(poids_tot$count_acc), 0, ifelse(is.na(poids_tot$count_rej), 1, 1 + poids_tot$count_rej / poids_tot$count_acc))
  poids_tot$count_acc <- NULL
  poids_tot$count_rej <- NULL

  df_augmente <- merge(df_f, poids_tot, by = "classe_SCORE", all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE)
  if (!(is_speedglm_installed() & is_speedglm_predict_installed())) {
    model_augmente <- stats::glm(labels ~ ., family = stats::binomial(link = "logit"), df_augmente[, -which(names(df_augmente) %in% c("poidsfinal", "classe_SCORE"))], weights = df_augmente$poidsfinal)
  } else {
    model_augmente <- speedglm::speedglm(labels ~ ., family = stats::binomial(link = "logit"), df_augmente[, -which(names(df_augmente) %in% c("poidsfinal", "classe_SCORE"))][!df_augmente$poidsfinal == 0, ], weights = df_augmente$poidsfinal[!df_augmente$poidsfinal == 0])
  class(model_augmente) <- c("glmORlogicalORspeedglm", class(model_augmente))

  return(methods::new(Class = "reject_infered", method_name = "augmentation", financed_model = model_f, acceptance_model = as.logical(NA), infered_model = model_augmente))
adimajo/scoring documentation built on March 7, 2024, 11:18 p.m.