summary.scan: Inspect a scan ('scan')

View source: R/scan.R

summary.scanR Documentation

Inspect a scan (scan)


R base functions for inspecting a scan (scan) object.


## S3 method for class 'scan'
summary(object, ...)


## S3 method for class 'scan'



A scan object.


Additional arguments affecting the summary produced.


A scan object.


A scan (or sweep) is made by the radar at a certain elevation angle. The resulting parameter data (param) are organized along radar range (bins) and azimuth (rays). A scan (scan) object is a list containing:

  • radar: Radar identifier.

  • datetime: Nominal time of the volume to which the scan belongs in UTC.

  • params: List of scan parameters (param).

  • attributes: List of the scan's what, where and how attributes.

  • geo: List of the scan's geographic properties:

    • lat: Latitude of the radar in decimal degrees.

    • lon: Longitude of the radar in decimal degrees.

    • height: Height of the radar antenna in meters above sea level.

    • elange: Elevation angle of the radar beam for that scan in degrees.

    • rscale: Range bin size for that scan in m (e.g. 500 m * 480 bins equals 240 km range).

    • ascale: Azimuth bin size for that scan in degrees (e.g. 1 degree * 360 rays equals full circle).

    • rstart: The range where the first range gate starts in meters (note ODIM stores it as kilometers)

    • astart: The start of the first ray.


For summary.scan(): prints a summary of the scan object

For is.scan(): TRUE for an object of class scan, otherwise FALSE.

For dim.scan(): number of parameters (param), bins and rays in a scan (scan).

See Also

  • get_scan()

  • example_scan

  • plot.scan()

  • get_param()


# Check if an object is of class scan

# Get summary info
example_scan # Same as summary(example_scan) or print(example_scan)

# Get dimensions

# Get summary info for the parameters in the scan

adokter/birdRad documentation built on March 1, 2025, 9:18 a.m.