sunrise_sunset: Calculate sunrise or sunset for a time and place

sunrise_sunsetR Documentation

Calculate sunrise or sunset for a time and place


Calculate sunrise or sunset for a time and place


sunrise(date, lon, lat, elev = -0.268, tz = "UTC", force_tz = FALSE)

sunset(date, lon, lat, elev = -0.268, tz = "UTC", force_tz = FALSE)



POSIXct. Date interpretable by base::as.Date().


Numeric. Longitude in decimal degrees.


Numeric. Latitude in decimal degrees.


Numeric. Sun elevation in degrees.


Character. Time zone of date, ignored if date already has an associated time zone.


Logical. If TRUE, the output is converted to the timezone set by tz.


The day for which sunrise and sunset are calculated is given by the input date. Sunrise and sunset are calculated relative to the moment of solar noon for that date, i.e. the first sunrise before the moment of solar noon, and the first sunset after the moment of solar noon. Therefore, depending on the timezone provided, it is possible that the nearest sunrise prior to solar noon occurs a day earlier than the input date. Similarly, sunset may occur a day later than the input date. See examples for details.

The angular diameter of the sun is about 0.536 degrees, therefore the moment of sunrise/sunset corresponds to half that elevation at -0.268 degrees.

This is a convenience function mapping to suntools::crepuscule.

Approximate astronomical formula are used, therefore the moment of sunrise / sunset may be off by a few minutes

If force_tz is TRUE, the output is converted to the timezone set by tz

The day for which sunrise and sunset are calculated is given by the input date. Sunrise and sunset are calculated relative to the moment of solar noon for that date, i.e. the first sunrise before the moment of solar noon, and the first sunset after the moment of solar noon. Therefore, depending on the timezone provided, it is possible that the nearest sunrise prior to solar noon occurs a day earlier than the input date. Similarly, sunset may occur a day later than the input date. See examples for details.

The angular diameter of the sun is about 0.536 degrees, therefore the moment of sunrise/sunset corresponds to half that elevation at -0.268 degrees.

This is a convenience function mapping to suntools::crepuscule.

Approximate astronomical formula are used, therefore the moment of sunrise / sunset may be off by a few minutes

If force_tz is TRUE, the output is converted to the timezone set by tz


The moment of sunrise or sunset for the date set by dateand time zone as specified (by date and tz) or in UTC if not specified.


# sunrise in the Netherlands
sunrise("2016-01-01", 5, 53)

# sunset in the Netherlands
sunset("2016-01-01", 5, 53)

# civil twilight in Ithaca, NY
sunrise("2016-01-01", -76.5, 42.4, elev = -6)

# next sunset in South Dakota, USA
sunset("2016-11-15", -98, 45)

# Beware that some days have two sunsets, or
# two sunrises! E.g. on 5 Oct (local timezone) at
# this location  sunset is actually on the 6 Oct
# in UTC time zone, i.e. the next day
sunset("2016-10-5", -98, 45)
# One day later, sunset is again on 6 Oct:
sunset("2016-10-6", -98, 45)

# working in local time zones typically avoids such ambiguities:
sunset(lubridate::as_datetime("2016-06-05",tz="America/Chicago"), -98, 45)
sunset(lubridate::as_datetime("2016-06-06",tz="America/Chicago"), -98, 45)

# use force_tz to force output to a specific time zone, by default UTC:
sunset(lubridate::as_datetime("2016-06-05",tz="America/Chicago"), -98, 45, force_tz=TRUE)
sunset(lubridate::as_datetime("2016-06-06",tz="America/Chicago"), -98, 45, force_tz=TRUE)

# Also beware of jumps in sunrise and sunset date with longitude:
sunrise("2016-11-01", 100, 45)
sunrise("2016-11-01", 102, 45)

# Sunrise in the Netherlands
sunrise("2016-01-01", 5, 53)

# Sunset in the Netherlands
sunset("2016-01-01", 5, 53)

# Civil twilight in Ithaca, NY
sunrise("2016-01-01", -76.5, 42.4, elev = -6)

# Next sunset in South Dakota, USA
sunset("2016-11-15", -98, 45)

# Beware that some days have two sunsets, or two sunrises! E.g. on 5 Oct
# (local timezone) at this location sunset is actually on the 6 Oct in UTC,
# i.e. the next day
sunset("2016-10-5", -98, 45)
# One day later, sunset is again on 6 Oct
sunset("2016-10-6", -98, 45)

# Working in local time zones typically avoids such ambiguities
sunset(lubridate::as_datetime("2016-06-05", tz = "America/Chicago"), -98, 45)
sunset(lubridate::as_datetime("2016-06-06", tz = "America/Chicago"), -98, 45)

# Use force_tz to force output to a specific time zone, by default UTC
sunset(lubridate::as_datetime("2016-06-05", tz = "America/Chicago"), -98, 45, force_tz = TRUE)
sunset(lubridate::as_datetime("2016-06-06", tz = "America/Chicago"), -98, 45, force_tz = TRUE)

# Also beware of jumps in sunrise and sunset date with longitude
sunrise("2016-11-01", 100, 45)
sunrise("2016-11-01", 102, 45)

adokter/birdRad documentation built on March 1, 2025, 9:18 a.m.