Man pages for agaye/ESPRESSO.GxE
Power Analysis and Sample Size Calculation for a gene-environment interaction model

env.paramsParameters to generate environmental exposure data
geno.paramsParameters to generate genetic exposures data
get.critical.results.GxESummarizes the main results
get.obs.envGenerates the observed environmental exposure data exposure data with some error
get.obs.genoAdds some error to genotype data
get.obs.phenoGenerates observed outcome data
glm.analysis.GxECarries out regression analysis
pheno.paramsParameters for the outcome variable
power.calcCalculates the empirical and theoretical power
run.espresso.GxERuns a full ESPRESSO analysis
samplsize.calcCalculates the sample size required to achieve the desired... case and controls
sim.env.dataSimulates cases and controls
sim.geno.dataGenerates genotypes for a genetic variant
sim.pheno.bin.GxEGenerates phenotype status
sim.pheno.qtl.GxESimulates continuous outcome data subjects for continuous outcome
sim.subject.dataSimulates the individual effect related to heterogeneity in...
simulation.paramsMain parameters of the simulations
agaye/ESPRESSO.GxE documentation built on May 10, 2019, 7:31 a.m.