
getTwitterOAuth = function(consumer_key, consumer_secret) {
  stop("ROAuth is no longer used in favor of httr, please see ?setup_twitter_oauth")

registerTwitterOAuth <- function(oauth) {
  stop("ROAuth is no longer used in favor of httr, please see ?setup_twitter_oauth")

check_twitter_oauth = function() {
  req = try(stop_for_status(GET("https://api.twitter.com/1.1/account/settings.json", 
                                config(token=get_oauth_sig()))), silent=TRUE)
  if (inherits(req, "try-error")) {
    stop("OAuth authentication error:\nThis most likely means that you have incorrectly called setup_twitter_oauth()'")

get_twitter_token_via_sign = function(app, access_token, access_secret) {
  print("Using direct authentication")
  params <- list(as_header = TRUE)
  credentials <- list(oauth_token = access_token, 
                      oauth_token_secret = access_secret)
  twitter_token <- Token1.0$new(endpoint = NULL, params = params, 
                                app = app, credentials = credentials)

  if (is.null(twitter_token))
    stop("Invalid response for twitter_token")


get_twitter_token_via_browser = function(app, ...) {
  print("Using browser based authentication") 
  oauth1.0_token(oauth_endpoints('twitter'), app)

setup_twitter_oauth = function(consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token=NULL, access_secret=NULL) {
  app <- oauth_app("twitter", key=consumer_key, secret=consumer_secret)
  if (is.null(access_token) || is.null(access_secret)) {
    token_func = get_twitter_token_via_browser
  } else {
    token_func = get_twitter_token_via_sign
  twitter_token = token_func(app, access_token, access_secret)
  assign("oauth_token", twitter_token, envir=oauth_cache)  

use_oauth_token = function(twitter_token) {
  assign("oauth_token", twitter_token, envir=oauth_cache)

has_oauth_token = function() {
  exists("oauth_token", envir=oauth_cache)

get_oauth_sig = function() {
  if (!has_oauth_token()) {
    stop("OAuth has not been registered for this session")
  return(get("oauth_token", envir=oauth_cache))
agbaca/twitteR documentation built on May 10, 2019, 7:32 a.m.