
Defines functions pg_extract_locs

Documented in pg_extract_locs

#' @title Get Argos locations
#' @description Get Argos locations for one or several animals from a PostgreSQL database.
#' @param dbname A DBI connexion information
#' @param id Animal ID (not PTT)
#' @param start Minimum location date
#' @param end Maximum location date
#' @return A data frame with 7 variables
#' @import DBI
#' @import RPostgreSQL
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## See vignette

pg_extract_locs <- function(dbname, id = NULL, start = NULL, end = NULL) {

	if (!is.null(start) && is.null(end)) {

		end <- as.character(substr(Sys.time(), 1, 10))

	if (is.null(start) && !is.null(end)) {

		start <- "1900-01-01"

	if (!is.null(start) && !is.null(end) && (as.Date(start) > as.Date(end))) {

		stop("Starting date has to be lower than ending date.")

	if (is.null(id)) {

		query <- paste0(
			" code_couleur ",
			" argos_id_colliers "
		id   <- DBI::dbGetQuery(dbname, query)[ , "code_couleur"]

	locs <- data.frame()

	for (k in 1:length(id)) {

		cat("\rExtracting raw locations for:", id[k], "     ")

		query <- paste0(
			" * ",
			" argos_id_colliers ",
			" code_couleur = ",
		ids   <- DBI::dbGetQuery(dbname, query)

		if (nrow(ids) == 0) {

			stop(paste0("The id #", id[k], " is absent from the database."))

		for (j in 1:5) {

			ptt <- ids[1, paste0("ptt_user_", j)]

			if (!is.na(ptt)) {

				query <- paste0(
					" * ",
					" argos_periode_suivi ",
					" ptt_user = ",
				ptts <- DBI::dbGetQuery(dbname, query)

				if (is.null(start) && is.null(end)) {

					if (!is.na(ptts[1, "date_fin_suivi"])) {

						query <- paste0(
							" * ",
							" argos_localisations ",
							" platform = ",
							ptts[1, "ptt_cls"],
							" AND",
							" dateloc >= ",
							ptts[1, "date_debut_suivi"],
							" AND",
							" dateloc <= ",
							ptts[1, "date_fin_suivi"],

					} else {

						query <- paste0(
							" * ",
							" argos_localisations ",
							" platform = ",
							ptts[1, "ptt_cls"],
							" AND",
							" dateloc >= ",
							ptts[1, "date_debut_suivi"],

				} else {

					query <- paste0(
						" * ",
						" argos_localisations ",
						" platform = ",
						ptts[1, "ptt_cls"],
						" AND",
						" dateloc >= ",
						" AND",
						" dateloc <= ",

				res <- DBI::dbGetQuery(dbname, query)
				res <- data.frame(code_couleur = rep(id[k], nrow(res)), res)
				locs <- rbind(locs, res)


	rownames(locs) <- NULL
ahasverus/argostools documentation built on Feb. 22, 2020, 4:35 a.m.