
#' get_symbology
#' Returns a list of instrument names converted into another instrument code.
#' For example: convert SEDOL instrument names to RIC names
#' @param symbol: string or list of strings
#' Single instrument or list of instruments to convert.

#' @param from_symbol_type: string
#  'Instrument code to convert from.
#  'Possible values: 'CUSIP', 'ISIN', 'SEDOL', 'RIC', 'ticker' (Default 'RIC')

#' @param to_symbol_type: string or list
#'  Instrument code to convert to.
#'  Possible values: 'CUSIP', 'ISIN', 'SEDOL', 'RIC', 'ticker'

#' @param raw_output: boolean
#' Set this parameter to True to get the data in json format
#' if set to False, the function will return a data frame
#' The default value is False

#' @param debug: bool
#' When set to True, the json request and response are printed.
#' @return: DataFrame containing the converted symbols

#' @examples
#' library(eikon_r)
#' set_app_id('YOUR_APP_ID')
#' > get_symbology(["MSFT.O", "GOOG.O", "IBM.N"], from_symbol_type="RIC", to_symbol_type="ISIN")
#' > print(ISIN_codes)
#'MSFT.O  US5949181045
#'GOOG.O  US02079K1079
#'IBM.N   US4592001014

get_symbology <- function(symbol, from_symbol_type='RIC', to_symbol_type=NULL, raw_ouput=FALSE, debug=FALSE)
  Symbology_endpoint = 'SymbologySearch'
  if (is.character(to_symbol_type))
    to_symbol_type <- list(to_symbol_type)

  if (is.character(symbol))
    symbol <- list(symbol)

  if (!is.character(from_symbol_type))
    print("get_symbology error - the parameter from_symbol_type should be a string")

  payload <- list('symbols'=symbol,'from'=from_symbol_type,'to'=to_symbol_type,'bestMatchOnly'=TRUE)
  json_data = send_json_request(Symbology_endpoint,payload,debug)
  if (raw_ouput == TRUE)
    return (json_data)
  data = jsonlite::fromJSON(json_data)
  return (data.frame("Symbol"=data$mappedSymbols$symbol,data$mappedSymbols$bestMatch))

ahmedmohamedali/eikonapir documentation built on May 10, 2019, 7:35 a.m.