Man pages for aidaghayour/FPWM
Forked Position Weight Matrix.

BarandseqlogoA function for generating barchart and seq-logo of co-factors...
BetaAdderA function to merge Beta Score matrices to generate a single...
ConvertToFTRANSFACGenerating proper matrix similar to TRANSFAC format of all...
EnsemblesA function for generating the object for TF in different cell...
ensemblesfuncA function for exporting the motif matrix and augomenting it...
FPWMPlotterA function for generating the forked Position Weight Matrix
MatrixAdderA function to merge motif matrices to generate one matrix as...
ModifyBetaFormatA function for converting Beta Score matrices into proper...
ObjectGeneratorA function togenerate a class object then assign proper data...
PlotMultiFTRANSFACFileA function for storing .PDF of plots, by providing a .txt...
ReadFTRANSFACFileA function for generating a class object from a local file in...
StoreFTRANSFACFileGeneration and storing a file of the standard TRANSFAC format
StoreMultiTRANSFACFileGenerating and storing a .txt file named "All.txt" which...
storeTRANSFACA function for storing TRANSFAC files of the forked matrices.
ToTFBSToolsA function for generating object of TFBStools holding PFM of...
aidaghayour/FPWM documentation built on June 15, 2020, 8:19 p.m.