Man pages for ajabadi/mixOmics2
Omics Data Integration Project

aurocArea Under the Curve (AUC) and Receiver Operating...
background.predictCalculate prediction areas
block.plsN-integration with Projection to Latent Structures models...
block.plsdaN-integration with Projection to Latent Structures models...
block.splsN-integration and feature selection with sparse Projection to...
block.splsdaN-integration and feature selection with Projection to Latent...
cimClustered Image Maps (CIMs) ("heat maps")
cimDiabloClustered Image Maps (CIMs) ("heat maps") for DIABLO
circosPlotcircosPlot for DIABLO
color.jetColor Palette for mixOmics
color.mixo#E69F00', # shiny orange #56B4E9' #Shiny blue
explained_varianceCalculation of explained variance
get.confusion_matrixCreate confusion table and calculate the Balanced Error Rate
imgCorImage Maps of Correlation Matrices between two Data Sets
ipcaIndependent Principal Component Analysis
logratio.transfoLog-ratio transformation
mapClassification given Probabilities
mat.rankMatrix Rank
mint.block.plsdaNP-integration with Discriminant Analysis
mint.block.splsNP-integration for integration with variable selection
mint.block.splsdaNP-integration with Discriminant Analysis and variable...
mint.pcaP-integration with Principal Component Analysis
mint.plsdaP-integration with Projection to Latent Structures models...
mint.splsP-integration with variable selection
mint.splsdaP-integration with Discriminant Analysis and variable...
mixOmicsPLS-derived methods: one function to rule them all!
nearZeroVarIdentification of zero- or near-zero variance predictors
networkRelevance Network for (r)CCA and (s)PLS regression
nipalsNon-linear Iterative Partial Least Squares (NIPALS) algorithm
pcaPrincipal Components Analysis
perfCompute evaluation criteria for PLS, sPLS, PLS-DA, sPLS-DA,... Method for (mint).(block).(s)pls(da) methods
plotplot methods for mixOmics
plotArrowArrow sample plot
plotIndivPlot of Individuals (Experimental Units)
plotIndiv.mixo_plsPLS sample plot methods
plotLoadingsPlot of Loading vectors
plot.rccCanonical Correlations Plot
plot.sgccdaGraphical output for the DIABLO framework
plotVarPlot of Variables
plsPartial Least Squares (PLS) Regression
plsdaPartial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA).
print.mixo_plsPrint Methods for CCA, (s)PLS, PCA and Summary objects
rccRegularized Canonical Correlation Analysis
selectVarOutput of selected variables
sipcaIndependent Principal Component Analysis
spcaSparse Principal Components Analysis
splsSparse Partial Least Squares (sPLS)
splsdaSparse Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis (sPLS-DA)
study_splitdivides a data matrix in a list of matrices defined by a...
summary.mixo_plsSummary Methods for CCA and PLS objects
tuneGeneric function to choose the parameters in the different...
tune.block.splsdaTuning function for block.splsda method (N-integration with... the parameters of mint.splsda method
tune.pcaTune the number of principal components in PCA
tune.rccEstimate the parameters of regularization for Regularized CCA
tune.splsTuning functions for sPLS method
tune.splsdaTuning functions for sPLS-DA method
tune.splslevelTuning functions for multilevel sPLS method
unmapDummy matrix for an outcome factor
vipVariable Importance in the Projection (VIP)
withinVariationWithin matrix decomposition for repeated measurements...
wrapper.rgccamixOmics wrapper for Regularised Generalised Canonical...
wrapper.sgccamixOmics wrapper for Sparse Generalised Canonical Correlation...
ajabadi/mixOmics2 documentation built on Aug. 9, 2019, 1:08 a.m.