Man pages for ajharry/msiCompare

adj.gridFind adjacency matrix
BFDRdecisionBFDR control
BFDRhat_VBFDR control helper
cassmodel fitting cassese et al
compareMSIFit hiearchical spatial model to MSI data
compareMSI_hcFit hiearchical spatial model to MSI data, with improved...
compareMSI_hc_subFit hiearchical spatial model to MSI data, with improved...
compareMSI_zerosFit hiearchical spatial model to MSI data, with improved...
compareMSI_zerosSingleFit hiearchical spatial model to MSI data
sampleCARsample car2
simMultisim multiple images
simSinglesim single tissue
tissueWiseANOVAt-test on averages
updateSpatial_condT2update spatial vector
ajharry/msiCompare documentation built on May 28, 2019, 4:53 p.m.