knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, warning = FALSE)


This document lists the R version and package vesions used in the development of the pfsrsdk package. It is built automatically and reflects the latest versions used.

Package Information

pd <- packageDescription("pfsrsdk")

Build Environment Information

enviro <- t($R.version))

knitr::kable(enviro, format = "markdown")

Package Dependencies

imports <- stringi::stri_remove_empty(strsplit(packageDescription("pfsrsdk", fields="Imports"), "[[:punct:][:space:]]+")[[1]])
versions <- sapply(imports, function(x) packageDescription(x, fields="Version"))
licenses <- sapply(imports, function(x) packageDescription(x, fields="License"))
urls <- sapply(imports, function(x) gsub("[,[:space:]]+", ", ", packageDescription(x, fields="URL")))
importFrame <- data.frame(Package = imports, Version = versions, License = licenses, URLs = urls)

knitr::kable(importFrame, format = "markdown", row.names = FALSE)

ajwtech/pfsrsdk documentation built on June 14, 2019, 10:34 a.m.