Man pages for alan-turing-institute/DetectorChecker
A package for analysing pixel damage in CT Scanners

available_detectorsA list of available preconfigured detectors. These can be...
check_detector_availChecks whether 'detector_name' is preconfigured.
create_detectorCreate a Detector object
Dead_StatsA list to represent dead pixels statistics summary. Added to...
dead_stats_summarySummary of damaged pixels for a given detector
dist_cornerA function to calculate pixel distances from the closest...
dist_edge_colCalculate horizontal distance from each pixel to nearest...
dist_edge_minCalculate L-infinity distance to module edge
dist_edge_rowCalculate vertical distance from each pixel to nearest module...
dot-assign_modulePixel module Function assign a module to each dead pixel
dot-assign_pixel_matrixAssign dead pixels to a detector
dot-check_clumpsChecks if correct clumps were found. If not, finds clumps
dot-check_selectChecks if the selected row and column are within the...
dot-classify_clumpClasifies a clump
dot-clump_moduleIdentifying modules for clumps
dot-create_ppp_edges_colThis is the ppp_edges_col creation function
dot-create_ppp_edges_rowThis is the create_ppp_edges_row creation function
dot-create_ppp_gaps_colCreates ppp object of horizontal gaps
dot-create_ppp_gaps_rowCreates ppp object of vertical gaps
dot-dead_pix_coordsExtracts a table of dead pixel coordinates from a pixel...
dot-Default_DetectorDetector module A S3 class to represent a detector.
dot-derive_detectorDeriving additional detector elements Conditions additional...
dot-detector_consist_checkBasic checks if parameters entered (slightly redundant on...
dot-detector_edgesDefines the coordinates of detector's edges using module and...
dot-dist_closest_edgeA function to calculate closest distance to an edge for a...
dot-dist_edgeFunction returns distance of a pixel to module edges.
dot-extract_detector_parameterChecks whether a detector parameter is in the file string
dot-extract_numberInternal function to convert string values to numbers
dot-get_clump_event_pppCreates ppp object for damaged detector events
dot-get_clump_pixel_pppCreates ppp object for damaged detector pixels
dot-get_detector_pppsGenerate detector ppps for edges and gaps
dot-get_events_maskGenerates events mask (a matrix with pixels as 0 and events...
dot-getmodeReturns the mode of a set of data
dot-get_ppp_dead_moduleGenerates ppp for the dead pixels for a selected module
dot-ini_graphicsStarts the graphics device driver for producing graphics with...
dot-mask_to_eventsConverts mask (dead pixels) to events
dot-matrix_from_hdfReads in hdf file(s) and returns a pixel matrix
dot-matrix_from_tiffI/O module Reads in tiff file and returns a pixel matrix
dot-matrix_from_xmlReads in xml file and returns a pixel matrix
dot-norm_vecEstimates the norm of a vector
dot-perform_glmA simple wrapper around 'glm()' with family = binomial(link =...
dot-plot_anglesPlots nearest neighbor angles
dot-plot_arrowsPlots nearest neighbor oriented arrows
dot-plot_countsPlots dead pixel counts
dot-plot_densityPlots module Plots density
dot-plot_kfgPlots K, F, G functions
dot-plot_pixelPlots pixel distance analysis
dot-trUtils module Calculates the trace value of a square matrix
dot-xyc_pixels2eventsModifying clusters to events (consisting of 1 pixel...
dot-xyc_ply_funcClasifies clumps with respect to xy coordinates.
Excalibur_DetectorA S3 class to represent the Excalibur detector.
find_clumpsLocates and classifies clumps (Events) of damaged pixels in a...
get_dead_pix_maskCreates a mask matrix of dead pixels
get_dead_statsGenerate summary of damaged pixels and add as a dead_stats...
get_events_matrixGenerates events matrix for selected events
get_ppp_deadGenerates point pattern dataset (ppp) for the dead pixels
glm_events_ctr_euclFits events distances from the centre using glm
glm_events_ctr_linfFits events parallel maxima from the centre using glm
glm_events_dist_cornerFits events distances to the nearest corner using glm
glm_events_dist_edge_colFits events distances from the module edges by column using...
glm_events_dist_edge_minFits events distances to the nearest sub-panel edge using glm
glm_events_dist_edge_rowFits events distances from the module edges by row using glm
glm_pixel_ctr_euclPredict dead pixels from the pixel's euclidean distance from...
glm_pixel_ctr_linfPredict dead pixels from the pixel's parallel maxima
glm_pixel_dist_cornerPredict dead pixels from pixel distances to the nearest...
glm_pixel_dist_edge_colPredict dead pixels from pixel distances from the module...
glm_pixel_dist_edge_minPredict dead pixels from pixel distances to the nearest...
glm_pixel_dist_edge_rowPredict dead pixels from pixel distances from the module...
is.detectorCheck that 'x' is an S3 detector class
load_pix_matrixA function to load pixel data and set as attribute on a...
PerkinElmerCropped1600_DetectorA S3 class to represent the PerkinElmerCropped1600 detector.
PerkinElmerFull_DetectorA S3 class to represent the PerkinElmerFull detector.
PerkinElmerRefurbished_DetectorA S3 class to represent the PerkinElmerRefurbished detector.
Pilatus_DetectorA S3 class to represent the PerkinElmerRefurbished detector.
pixel_dist_ctr_euclCalculate euclidean distance from the center of a module for...
pixel_dist_ctr_linfCalculate parallel maxima from the centre for each pixel
plot.detectorPlot detector
plot_eventsPlots damaged detector events
plot_events_anglesPlots angles graph of events of a detector or module
plot_events_arrowsPlots arrows graph of events of a detector or module
plot_events_countPlots events count per detector or module
plot_events_densityPlots density graph of events of a detector or module
plot_events_kfgPlots K, F, G functions of a detector or module
plot_module_eventsPlots damaged detector module events
plot_module_pixelsA function to plot detector module with damaged pixels
plot_pixel_ctr_euclCalculates and plots pixel euclidean distance from the centre
plot_pixel_ctr_linfCalculates and plots pixel parallel maxima from the centre
plot_pixel_dist_cornerCalculates and plots pixel distances from corners
plot_pixel_dist_edgeCalculates and plots L-infinity distances from the module...
plot_pixel_dist_edge_colCalculates and plots horizontal distances from the module...
plot_pixel_dist_edge_rowCalculates and plots vetical distances from the module edges
plot_pixelsA function to plot detector with damaged pixels overlayed
plot_pixels_anglesPlot nearest neighbour angles of dead pixels of detector or...
plot_pixels_arrowsA function to plot NN oriented arrows of dead pixels of...
plot_pixels_countA function to plot detector with dead pixel counts per module
plot_pixels_densityA function to plot densities of dead pixels of detector or...
plot_pixels_kfgPlots K, F, G functions
readin_detectorReads in a user defined detector from a file
remove_high_density_clusterRemove high density cluster of dead pixels
summary.detectorSummary of a detector object
which_moduleModule module Returns row or column of a module that a dead...
which_module_idxFunction returns both col and row number of a dead pixel.
alan-turing-institute/DetectorChecker documentation built on Jan. 3, 2021, 10:37 a.m.