  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"


In many situations there may be a need to pursue the network comparisons from pre-computed counts/features. Working from pre-computed features decreases the computational time to obtain results, particularly when the same networks are involved in multiple and subsequent comparisons, or when the same properties are used in other procedures. Similarly, advance users, could consider using other sets of pre-computed features, particularly for NetEmd.

This vignette follows similar examples as "Simple and quick (default) usage 1: pairwise comparisons". However, this vignette shows the steps required to obtain counts/features and then how to use them in the network comparison methods.

For other vignettes in this package see the "Menu".

Load required packages/libraries

# Load packages/libraries

Compare two networks via NetEmd

The following sections show how to extract the subgraph counts, or other relevant features prior to running NetEmd or Netdis. Then it shows how to call NetEmd or Netdis using the pre-computed features.

Comparing two graphs with NetEmd via subgraph counts.

NetEmd and Netdis use subgraph counts, however, NetEmd takes counts directly from the observed graph. Netdis takes counts from ego-networks of the observed graph. The following example shows how the counts are extracted for NetEmd via count_orbits_per_node. The user can call NetEmd by directly providing the matrix of counts, or by providing a processed version of these counts via graph_features_to_histograms.

# Create lattice networks
gLat_1 <- igraph::graph.lattice(c(20,20)) 
gLat_2 <- igraph::graph.lattice(c(44,44))  


The simple computation of NetEmd without pre-computed features:

netemd_one_to_one(graph_1=gLat_1,graph_2=gLat_2,feature_type="orbit",smoothing_window_width = 1)

Providing a matrix of network features

counts_1= count_orbits_per_node(graph = gLat_1,max_graphlet_size = 5)
counts_2= count_orbits_per_node(graph = gLat_2,max_graphlet_size = 5)

netemd_one_to_one(dhists_1=counts_1, dhists_2=counts_2,smoothing_window_width = 1)

Providing the network features as lists of dhist objects

dhists_1<- graph_features_to_histograms(features_matrix = counts_1)
dhists_2<- graph_features_to_histograms(features_matrix = counts_2)

netemd_one_to_one(dhists_1=dhists_1, dhists_2=dhists_2,smoothing_window_width = 1)

Comparing two graphs with NetEmd via their Laplacian spectrum

Computation of the Laplacian and Normalized Laplacian:

# Networks
gLat_1 <- graph.lattice(c(20,20)) 
gLat_2 <- graph.lattice(c(44,44))

Lapg_1 <- igraph::laplacian_matrix(graph = gLat_1,normalized = FALSE,sparse = FALSE)
Lapg_2 <- igraph::laplacian_matrix(graph = gLat_2,normalized = FALSE,sparse = FALSE)

#Normalized Laplacian
NLapg_1 <- igraph::laplacian_matrix(graph = gLat_1,normalized = TRUE,sparse = FALSE)
NLapg_2 <- igraph::laplacian_matrix(graph = gLat_2,normalized = TRUE,sparse = FALSE)

# Providing a matrix of network features (e.g. Spectra). (This may take a couple of minutes).
spec_1 <- cbind(L.Spectra= eigen(Lapg_1)$values, NL.Spectra= eigen(NLapg_1)$values) 
spec_2 <- cbind(L.Spectra= eigen(Lapg_2)$values, NL.Spectra= eigen(NLapg_2)$values)


Similarly to counts, all other features can be given as a matrix or as dhist objects:

netemd_one_to_one(dhists_1 = spec_1,dhists_2 = spec_2, smoothing_window_width = 0)

# Providing pre-computed dhist objects from network features
dhists_1<- graph_features_to_histograms(spec_1)
dhists_2<- graph_features_to_histograms(spec_2)

netemd_one_to_one(dhists_1=dhists_1, dhists_2=dhists_2, smoothing_window_width = 0)

Compare two networks via Netdis and its variants

Netdis uses counts from the resulting ego-networks of each of the nodes in a graph, but it also considers the mean or expectation of these ego-network counts ($E_w$). The following example shows how the user can compute and provide the properties required from each graph as well as any relevant property required to calculate $E_w$. The main properties can be obtained by means of count_graphlets_ego.

Using Netdis with a gold-standard or reference graph to obtain $E_w$

The selection of a gold-standard graph as a substitute for $E_w$ could be done when such graph is known to be a good proxy for $E_w$, or alternatively as a good reference point for the comparison. This option will focus on detecting discrepancies between the networks relative to the ego-network structure of the reference network / gold-standard graph and which is summarized in $E_w$.

# Set source directory for virus protein-protein interaction edge files stored in the netdist package.
source_dir <- system.file(file.path("extdata", "VRPINS"), package = "netdist")

# Load query graphs as igraph objects
graph_1 <- read_simple_graph(file.path(source_dir, "EBV.txt"),format = "ncol")
graph_2 <- read_simple_graph(file.path(source_dir, "ECL.txt"),format = "ncol")

For illustration purposes consider the lattice networks as possible gold-standard networks:

# Lattice graphs to be used as gold-standard as a reference point comparison
goldstd_1 <- igraph::graph.lattice(c(20,20)) #Graph with 8^2 nodes
goldstd_2 <- igraph::graph.lattice(c(44,44)) #Graph with 44^2 nodes

Now obtain the subgraph counts for all networks.

# Providing pre-calculated subgraph counts.
props_1 <- count_graphlets_ego(graph = graph_1)
props_2 <- count_graphlets_ego(graph = graph_2)
props_goldstd_1 <- count_graphlets_ego(graph = goldstd_1)
props_goldstd_2 <- count_graphlets_ego(graph = goldstd_2)

Compute Netdis using the pre-computed counts and any of the example gold-standard networks.

netdis_one_to_one(graphlet_counts_1= props_1,graphlet_counts_2= props_2, graphlet_counts_ref = props_goldstd_1)
netdis_one_to_one(graphlet_counts_1= props_1,graphlet_counts_2= props_2, graphlet_counts_ref = props_goldstd_2)

Comparison to the result of Netdis without pre-computed counts.

# Netdis using the goldstd_1 graph as gold-standard reference point
netdis_one_to_one(graph_1= graph_1, graph_2= graph_2,  ref_graph = goldstd_1)

# Netdis using the goldstd_2 graph as gold-standard reference point
netdis_one_to_one(graph_1= graph_1, graph_2= graph_2,  ref_graph = goldstd_2)

Netdis-GP: Using a Geometric-Poisson approximation

This Netdis variant focuses on detecting more meso-level discrepancies between the ego-network structures.

# Set source directory for Virus protein-protein interaction edge files stored in the netdist package.
source_dir <- system.file(file.path("extdata", "VRPINS"), package = "netdist")

# Load query graphs as igraph objects
graph_1 <- read_simple_graph(file.path(source_dir, "EBV.txt"),format = "ncol")
graph_2 <- read_simple_graph(file.path(source_dir, "ECL.txt"),format = "ncol")

# Netdis using the Geometric-Poisson approximation as a way to obtain background expectations. 
netdis_one_to_one(graph_1= graph_1, graph_2= graph_2,  ref_graph = NULL)

# Providing pre-calculated subgraph counts.
props_1 <- count_graphlets_ego(graph = graph_1)
props_2 <- count_graphlets_ego(graph = graph_2)

netdis_one_to_one(graphlet_counts_1= props_1,graphlet_counts_2= props_2, ref_graph = NULL)

Using Netdis with no background expectation ($E_w=0$)

Comparing the networks via their observed ego counts without centring them, (equivalent to using expectation equal to zero). This variant focuses on detecting small discrepancies between the networks.

# Set source directory for Virus protein-protein interaction edge files stored in the netdist package.
source_dir <- system.file(file.path("extdata", "VRPINS"), package = "netdist")

# Load query graphs as igraph objects
graph_1 <- read_simple_graph(file.path(source_dir, "EBV.txt"),format = "ncol")
graph_2 <- read_simple_graph(file.path(source_dir, "ECL.txt"),format = "ncol")

#Netdis using no expectations (or equivalently, expectation equal to zero).
netdis_one_to_one(graph_1= graph_1, graph_2= graph_2,  ref_graph = 0)

# Providing pre-calculated subgraph counts.
props_1 <- count_graphlets_ego(graph = graph_1)
props_2 <- count_graphlets_ego(graph = graph_2)

netdis_one_to_one(graphlet_counts_1= props_1,graphlet_counts_2= props_2, ref_graph = 0)  


alan-turing-institute/network-comparison documentation built on June 7, 2022, 10:41 p.m.