
Defines functions rorpy

Documented in rorpy

#' @title R or Python?  Classification of webpages by code content.
#' @param url Either a character vector containing urls, or a list containing
#' \code{xml_document} objects returned by \code{xml2::read_html()}.
#' @param show_progress Boolean flag, defaults to \code{TRUE}.  Whether to show
#' progress bar when multiple urls are provided.
#' @return A tibble containing the probability that the input url contains R 
#' code (column \code{r}), Python code (column \code{py}) or another code type 
#' (column \code{other}).  If no code can be found the probability vector will 
#' be 0.  If there are problems fetching data from a url, the NAs will be returned 
#' instead of classification probabilities.
#' @description This function fetches code chunks from a vector of urls (where 
#' code is assumed to be tagged \code{<pre>}, \code{<code>} or \code{<textarea>}).   
#' The function uses a pretrained random forest classifier to calculates the 
#' probability that the code is R, Python or neither.
#' @examples 
#' # not run:
#' # rorpy("https://google.com") # no code here...
#' # rorpy("http://dplyr.tidyverse.org") # 99\% sure it's R.......  
#' # rorpy("https://keras.io") # also about 99\% sure it's python
#' @export
#' @import randomForest
#' @importFrom rvest guess_encoding
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar
#' @importFrom xml2 read_html

rorpy <- function(url, show_progress = TRUE){
  # check class of input
  url_class <- class(url)
  # return error if url_class is not character or list
  if(!any(url_class %in% c('list', 'character'))){
    stop('Input should be a character vector of urls, \
         or a list of xml_documents returned from rvest::read_html()')
  # number of urls
  n_urls   <- length(url)
  # initialise the output table
  pred_df  <- tibble(r     = numeric(n_urls), 
                     py    = numeric(n_urls), 
                     other = numeric(n_urls))
  # set a progress bar - useful if more than 1 url specified
  if(show_progress) if(n_urls > 1)  pb <- start_progress(prefix = "Checking code: ", total = n_urls)
  # loop over urls one by one
  for(i in seq_along(url)){
    # check class of url
    url_class_i <- class(url[i])
    # if the input url is a url, then go an fetch the webpage
    if(url_class_i == 'character'){
      # default prediction is NAs - this only kept if an error reading url
      pred_df[i, ] <- NA
      # try to guess the encoding of the webpage
      enc      <- guess_encoding(url[i])$encoding[1]
      # attempt to read url using guessed encoding
      x        <- try(read_html(url[i], encoding = enc), silent = T)
    } else {
      # if the input is a list
      x <- url[[i]]
    if(!(any(c("try-error", 'logical') %in% class(x)))){
      code <- get_code_text(x)
      # if there is anything left attempt to classify it
      if(nchar(code) > 0){
        # get the number of occurences of certain syntaxes
        xout           <- get_text_features(code)
        # predict probability of content being 
        pred_out       <- rev(as.numeric(predict(ft, xout, type = "prob")))
        for(k in seq_along(pred_out)) pred_df[i, k] <- pred_out[k]
      } else { 
        pred_df[i, ]  <- 0
    } else {
      pred_df[i, ]  <- NA
    if(show_progress & (n_urls > 1)){
      update_progress(bar = pb, iter = i, total = n_urls, what = url[i])
alastairrushworth/rorpy documentation built on June 14, 2020, 2:18 p.m.