Man pages for alattuada/GeDS
Geometrically Designed Spline Regression

BaFe2As2Barium-Ferrum-Arsenide Powder Diffraction Data
BivariateFittersFitter function for GeD Spline Regression for bivariate data
bl_impBase Learner Importance for GeDSboost objects
coalMiningCoal Mining Disasters data
coefCoef method for GeDS objects
coef.GeDSboost_GeDSgamCoef method for GeDSboost, GeDSgam
DeriveDerivative of GeDS objects
deviance.GeDSDeviance method for GeDS, GeDSboost, GeDSgam
EWmortalityDeath counts in England and Wales
fDefining the covariates for the spline component in a GeDS...
formula.GeDSFormula for the predictor model
GeDSboost-classGeDSboost Class
GeDS-classGeDS Class
GeDSgam-classGeDSgam Class
GGeDSGeneralized Geometrically Designed Spline regression...
IntegrateDefined integral of GeDS objects
IRLSfitIRLS Estimation
knotsKnots method for GeDS, GeDSboost, GeDSgam
lines-GeDS-methodLines method for GeDS objects.
NGeDSGeometrically Designed Spline regression estimation
NGeDSboostComponent-wise gradient boosting with NGeDS base-learners
NGeDSgamNGeDSgam: Local Scoring Algorithm with GeD Splines in...
plot-GeDS-methodPlot method for GeDS objects.
PPolyRepPiecewise Polynomial Spline Representation
predict.GeDSPredict method for GeDS objects
predict.GeDSboost_GeDSgamPredict method for GeDSboost, GeDSgam
print.GeDSPrint method for GeDS, GeDSboost, GeDSgam
SplineRegEstimation of the coefficients of a predictor model with...
UnivariateFittersFunctions used to fit GeDS objects w/univariate spline...
visualize_boostingVisualize Boosting Iterations
alattuada/GeDS documentation built on April 16, 2024, 6:23 a.m.