GeDS-class: GeDS Class

GeDS-classR Documentation

GeDS Class


A fitted GeDS object returned by the function NGeDS or GGeDS, inheriting the methods for class "GeDS". Methods for functions coef, knots, print, predict, plot, and lines are available.



Character string indicating the type of regression performed. This can be "LM - Univ"/"LM - Biv" or #' "GLM - Univ"/"GLM - Biv", respectively corresponding to Normal univariate/bivariate GeDS (implemented by NGeDS), and to generalized (GNM-GLM) univariate/bivariate GeDS (implemented by GGeDS).


vector containing the locations of the knots of the second order GeD spline fit produced at stage A.


vector containing the locations of the knots of the third order GeD spline fit produced in stage B.


Vector containing the locations of the knots of the fourth order GeD spline fit produced in stage B.


deviance of the second order GeD spline fit, produced in stage A.


deviance of the third order GeD spline fit, produced in stage B.


deviance of the fourth order GeD spline fit, produced in stage B.


vector containing the deviances of the second order spline fits computed at each stage A's GeDS iteration.


list containing the results from running SplineReg function to fit the second order spline fit of stage A.


list containing the results from running SplineReg function used to fit the third order spline fit in stage B.


list containing the results from a SplineReg function used to fit the fourth order spline fit in stage B.


Matrix containing the knot locations estimated at each iteration of stage A.


list containing the input arguments passed on the Fitters functions.


call to the Fitters functions.


the final number of internal knots of the second order GeD spline fit produced in stage A.


number of iterations performed during stage A of the GeDS fitting procedure.


initial values for the coefficients used at each iteration of stage A in order to estimate the spline coefficients. Since the initial values are used only in the IRLS procedure, this slot is empty if the object is not created by GGeDS or GenUnivariateFitter functions.


matrix containing the fitted coefficients of the GeD spline regression component and the parametric component at each iteration of stage A.


vector containing the deviances of the second order spline fits computed at each IRLS iteration in stage A. Since the IRLS procedure is used only in GGeDS or GenUnivariateFitter, this slot is empty if the object is not created by one of these functions.


vector containing the numbers of IRLS iterations for all iterations of stage A cumulatively. Since the IRLS procedure is used only in GGeDS or GenUnivariateFitter, this slot is empty if the object is not created by one of these functions.


list of values providing information related to the stopping rule of stage A of GeDS. The sub-slots of stopinfo are phis, phis_star, oldintc and oldslp. The sub-slot phis is a vector containing the values of the ratios of deviances (or the difference of deviances if the LR stopping rule was chosen). The sub-slots phis_star, oldintc and oldslp are non-empty slots if the SR stopping rule was chosen. These respectively contain the values at each iteration of stage A of \hat{\phi}_{\kappa}, \hat{\gamma}_0 and \hat{\gamma}_1. See Dimitrova et al. (2023) for further details on these parameters.


the model formula.


call to the NGeDS or GGeDS functions.


terms object containing information on the model frame.


Dimitrova, D. S., Kaishev, V. K., Lattuada, A. and Verrall, R. J. (2023). Geometrically designed variable knot splines in generalized (non-)linear models. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 436.
DOI: \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1016/j.amc.2022.127493")}

alattuada/GeDS documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 4:47 p.m.